Beauty Is In The Eyes Of The Beholder 7

"I love being with you" Maya wrapped her legs around his waist " Like this" Dakran pulled back, and slammed himself into her once more, knocking the wind out of her lungs.

" Yes," Maya moaned, breathless, bowing under him, her breasts shook, pleasured.

Dakran weaved his fingers with hers " How hard do you want it?" he asked in-between kisses and thrust himself as hard as he could into her.

Maya groaned " Too hard" She huffed before she had a chance to even put together more words. Dakran thrust again, with a little restraint.

" Yes," Maya huffed, squeezing his hand, lost in pleasure.

Dakran raised his head to look at her, biting his lip " Fuck" He huffed as he began moving his hips at a steady pace.

" You beautiful creature," Dakran hummed in approval as pushed himself off the bed on his knees, and grabbed her hips.

Alight with pleasure, she let herself go under his powerful thrusts, drifting on the heady feeling that had taken over. Brimming with pleasure, cock and seed, all the prudish thoughts slipped away. Maya tightly bowed as he plundered that bush, to his heart's desire. Snuggled in her tight burrow, mad with pleasure, and lust for her. Now, that he'd had her, the fire that burned for her was blazing hotter than a blacksmith's cauldron. Her breasts shook with each thrust, and her walls gripped his cock, each time she found her release. Muddled up thoughts, alight with pleasure; everything faded into darkness when he impaled her with his cock, letting out a loud growl. Dakran slumped on top of her breathless, bone dry. There was nothing left, he could feel it. He was empty. Maya had managed to drain every single tad of his strength and seed. And it was amazing. No woman had ever been able to handle him. But the fiery little red had taken all he had to offer. Dakran grinned. Fuck. He would happily stay buried between her legs, day in and day out.

Senseless, she rode the heights of pleasure, incapable of taking in, anything other than the intoxicating quenched desire. She was finally sated; the fire had been tamed, leaving behind just spent embers.

Dakran took a deep breath and opened his eyes, only to find that his face was buried between her breasts. He languidly raised his head and took her hard peak into his mouth, sucking on it. He wanted more, but he was out. Drained, worn out. In spite of that, he still stayed latched on her breasts, licking and sucking. Maya softly moaned, and weaved her hands in his hair, squirming under him.

" I think we should have a rest and maybe some food" Dakran huffed, raising his head to look at her.

Maya gathered enough strength to raise her head " Yes" she acquiesced with a frazzled smile.

Dakran grinned, pecked her lips and barely pushed himself off her, straining, drained. Maya wasn't far behind him, and with the same heaviness, followed his suit. Maya stood before him, tousled fiery red hair, weary-looking, bare as she was and he couldn't be more proud; that was his handy work.

Dakran leaned in and kissed her forehead " You look beautiful " He crooned, picked up the towel off the floor and sauntered to where the washing bowl was.

" Let's get you cleaned up," He offered with an apologetic smile placing the bowl on the floor.

" I'll do that," Maya stammered and took the towel out of his hand, demure.

Dakran nodded " I'll get the food," he added as he strolled to the door, butt naked. Maya frowned. Was he planning to walk around Ironstone naked?

Dakran pushed a trolley filled with food wearing the widest grin, possible " Look what I've got," Dakran chirped, gleefully, glancing at his reflection in the mirror, and strolling past it.

Pleased with what he saw, he slowly began placing the food on the table while Maya cleaned herself, wincing, most likely at the pain. She won't be able to sit down for a few days. Nor will he be able to get any in that time. His mood took a nosedive, at that thought. Dakran puffed his cheeks and turned his attention onto Maya, trying to chase away the grating thoughts.

" All done ?" he asked as he closed the distance between him and her, still smiling a bit, not as heartful.

Maya frowned, noticing his sudden shift" Is everything alright ?" She worriedly asked, placing the towel back on the hook, and leaning into his chest.

" Yes," Dakran kissed her hair" You'll be in pain for a few days," He paused for a beat " I won't be able to touch you in that time" He finished with a heavy sigh, a little grouchy.

Maya giggled, and pulled away from the embrace with a puckish grin " I think we can do something about that" She licked her lips; her swollen lips quirked up in a mischievous grin. His eyebrows pulled together, wondering what she meant by that. What is the name of all holy things Maya? She was fiery, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, beautiful and all his. His sulky mood quickly picked up, at the thought of all the naughty things they would do together. And with that, the spark that he thought had dimmed, came to life once more.

Dakran cleared his throat to still his wayward thoughts " Come. Let's eat" Dakran took her hand in his, and kissed it " My little red," He grinned, leading her to the table.

The food wasn't any different from what was at their ceremony, but she was famished, She would probably eat anything at that moment. Dakran watched Maya scarf down the food like it was her last meal. He chuckled to himself. It seemed that the vigorous lovemaking had sparked quite an appetite.

" Hungry?" Dakran chuckled. Maya halted mid-bite and placed the spoon down. She forcefully gulped the mouthful under his keen eyes and gave him an apologetic smile. Spurred by the very same smile, Dakran chuckled and kissed her cheek " Don't mind me," He said as he shoved a spoonful of food into her mouth, but Maya shook her head and reached for the glass of water.

Seeing she felt ashamed by his little remark, Dakran ate the spoonful himself, feeling guilty to even have mentioned it.

" I'm tired," Maya sighed and leaned in the chair. Things had taken an interesting turn. The very same woman that not long ago shied away under his gaze, was now more than happy to walk around naked without even the slightest trace of any hindrance.

Dakran gulped, at the sight of her bursting breast, plump behind, and the heap of fiery hair that brushed it. She was a sight to behold, all his. He deeply sighed when he felt his cock rise as Maya strolled past the mirror and saw his reflection in it. The lewd thoughts quickly came to life, and his cock returned in full force. Ready to ravage that bush again.