The Spiteful Little Bundle

Whilst Dakran and Maya enjoyed marital bliss, tucked in the private quarters, away from prying eyes and keen ears. Down the corridors, Pelham shuffled his feet on the smooth stone floor to check, on the little one; as Dakran liked to call Edýia.

His ears perked up when a loud bang and clattering sound of something breaking reached his ears. Strange, he thought. He'd left Edýia with Rom, who perched himself on the bed and watched her sleep. Worried, Pelham pushed the door, but he had to duck when a lamp, approached his head at a frightening speed. When he raised his eyes he saw Rom, crouched on the floor, and the lamp at his feet. Lovers quarrel, Pelham quickly concluded.

" Leave" Edýia huffed with brevity, and Rom stood up, penitent, but didn't move from his spot.

Pelham cleared his throat " I see that you're feeling better" He tried to placate Edýia, but judging by the deep frown etched on her face, his words won't suffice to pacify the curmudgeons little bundle.

" Yes" Edýia replied a little more amenable this time but the vicious stare she was giving Rom, didn't soften.

" I need to check on you." Pelham closed the door when he heard the sound of footsteps closing in " Edýia " Pelham closed the distance " I need to check on you and the babe. You're still not out of the woods. You need bed rest." Pelham grabbed her shoulders and pushed Edyia down on the bed " You're upset, is not good for the babe. " Pelham took the glass of water off the nightstand and offered it to Edýia. But her eyes didn't shift from Rom, nor the evil eye she was giving him.

Edýia's shoulders slumped, taking her eyes off Rom to look at him " Will he be alright?" Edýia asked in a softer tone, concerned for the unborn child.

" As long as you rest," Pelham glanced at Rom who lent against the door, watching " And don't get upset. There is a good chance you will pull through." Pelham took a deep breath," I have good news. Iris has brought-

" Iris?" Edyia huffed breathlessly, surprised" Are they back?" She added, leaning against the headboard.

" They? There was only the girl. I haven't seen anyone else with her." Pelham pondered for a moment " She brought with her what you need "He pulled a vial out of his cloak, and placed it in her hand " This should help, with the babe as well, and if Ruma decides to use you the vessel." Pelham frowned " Your body should be able to contain her. Even if she decides to manifest her abilities through you," Pelham smiled, clasping her hands into his. A comforting gesture, with she needed at that moment. Since the man, she thought loved her had turned into her enemy, at the snap of her fingers.

Edýia blew out a breath " Dakran and Maya" Edýia sniffled but didn't finish her thoughts.

" They are already wed and well" Pelham tittered " You know the rest," He added and squeezed her hand when Edýia turned wistful.

" I missed my brother's wedding because of you," Edýia snapped in the blink of an eye and he had to duck again when Edýia swiped the glass off the nightstand and threw it at Rom. Still in the dark about what had led the two love birds little squabble. Pelham frowned. " What did you do before it happened ?" He curiously asked, taking no notice of Edýia's outburst.

" Ask him" Edýia venomously glared, crossing her arms, gloomy.

Pelham looked over his shoulder " Fancy telling me more?" At Pelham's question, Rom finally came to his senses, and pushed himself off the door, dismal, guilty.

Rom sighed " I was forceful" He laconically answered but it was more than enough to give a little insight into what had occurred.

" Forceful?" Edýia snapped " I begged you to stop" Edýia sobbed, balled up fists, angry looking. Scarrier than a blimmin' volsa, she was.

Rom grunted, frustrated, probably with himself than anything else " Edýia, please... " Rom closed the distance, stopping at the foot of the bed " Forgive me" He pleaded, penitent " I " Rom stammered " I have no excuse for what I did" He was able to squeeze out, downcast.

Edýia sniffled " Why?" Edýia wiped her tears away and reprised glaring. Knowing, the little bundle, that won't stop anytime soon. Forgiveness wasn't exactly in her nature.

" I thought, that" Rom inhaled deeply " Can we speak about it when it's just us" Rom finally raised his eyes to look at Edýia.

Pelham cleared his throat " For now, take the elixir, and we will take from there. I will have to regularly, check on you to make sure, that you and the growing bump are healthy." Pelham decided not to address what Rom had done, but it give him an idea or two.

" No," Edýia mumbled " I don't want to see you" she added " I don't want anything do to with you. Leave Ironstone, leave these lands. You're not welcome here any longer " Edýia sniffled, aggrieved, hugging the covers.

" You'll have to put a blade through my heart if you want to see me gone " Rom tugged on his hair, grief-stricken at Edýia's decision.

Brought to tears, Rom knelt on the bed at her feet " Please, just " Rom shakily sighed " Give some time, little moggie" Rom used for the first time, the name he'd given her, and the frown on Edýia s forehead deepen further.

" Moggie?" Edýia glared " Is that what I'm to you?" Edyia huffed, peeved. At this point, nothing he could have said or done, would go down right. He knew Edýia was headstrong, and she wouldn't let it go so easily.

" No " Rom's eyebrows pulled together " You're the mother of my unborn child, our child " Rom took a deep breath " The only woman I loved, love and will love for the rest of my days. You gave me so much, and I " Rom paused " I fucked it up," Rom owned up to his mistakes " I'm not leaving, " Rom inched closer to Edýia who hugged her knees when Rom tried to touch her.

" I love you, Edýia and the bun that is growing inside you as we speak." Rom grovelled at Edyias feet but she didn't budge, not even one little bit.

Even he was moved to his core by Rom's confession. He sounded truthful, and candid in his words. Edýia inhaled " No. I want you gone," Edýia gave her final decision to Rom, who froze for a brief moment, staring at her.

When he finally snapped out of his daze, Rom jumped off the bed, sauntered to the fireplace and unsheathed his sword.

When he returned, he flipped the blade and placed the hilt of the sword on her knees.

" If you can't find it in your heart to forgive me then, " Rom paused " Might as well end me now. I don't want to walk in this life, knowing that the woman I love doesn't want anything to do with me. Or that I will never get to see the child that you will bring into this world" Rom gulped, waiting for Edýia to pick up the blade, and push it through his chest.

" I want you to beg for your life," Edýia disgruntled and coldly remarked as she wrapped her hand around the hilt of the sword.