Warming up

Pelham closed his eyes, trying to find a way to pacify Edýia. Hell hath no fury like a scorned woman, he thought. And with that Pelham stood up as Edýia pushed the tip of the blade into Rom's chest, drawing blood. She was beyond angry if she'd taken things so far.

" Edýia " Pelham stood up " There has been enough bloodshed" Pelham gulped when Edýia threw him a murderous glance. Wearily smiling, Pelham raised his hand in surrender " Take a moment to think and clear your head" Pelham made another attempt to mollify Edýia.

I understand that his behaviour was uncouth but he seems to be" Pelham paused and slowly pulled the sword out of Edýia's hand "Repenent" Pelham finished his thoughts and threw the blade a few paces away. The oaf was stupid enough to put a blade into her hand. Pelham internally rolled his eyes.

" Now, why don't you both sit down and just talk about it? Maybe if you speak to each other you might get some results" Pelham added, as Edýia flopped herself on the bed, grouchy, glaring at Rom.

Rom pushed himself off the floor and nodded, grateful that he was still alive. The oaf had no clue how to deal with women, despite having a sister.

" I need you to take the elixir. And I'll let you two be. Hopefully talk, and not stab each other." Pelham pushed the vial to Edýia's nose and for a split moment, the glaring ceased, mostly because her eyes were closed.

Edýia snatched the vial out of his hand and swilled the whole thing in one go. And as expected reprised her vicious glaring, directed mostly at Rom. Pelham sighed, it was hard enough given the times that they lived in. Add, to that, this little mess they got themselves into.

" I'll let you be. I'll return in due time to check on you" Pelham said his parting words as he sat up, making way for the door.

Once Pelham was out of the room, Edýia grabbed the first thing she found and threw it at Rom who skived, and the jug scuffed his hair.

" Leave," Edýia said with brevity, returning to lunging things at him. It seemed that whatever Pelham had said went over her head.

" Edýia" Rom said resigned, trying his best to propitiate the little moggie.

" I profusely apologise for what I have done. I misunderstood and I let my anger and thoughts get the best of me" Rom added, docile, atoning for his error in judgment. Seeking forgiveness from Edyia was very much like digging through dirt with bare hands. But nonetheless, he had to grin and bare it.

His words had done nothing to Edýia's grouchy spirit. Oh, how he missed the spirited, peart girl.

" Please forgive me" Rom inched closer, fortunately for him Edyia had run out of things to throw but she was still glaring, sulky, with her hands crossed over her chest.

" Why?" She mumbled loud enough for him to hear her. It seems that she had decided to take Pelham's council.

" I thought that's what you wanted" Rom's gaze strayed to the door, " Dakran said-"

" And you thought the worst?" Edyia cut him off before he had a chance to finish his thoughts.

Rom raised his eyes " Yes" He plainly answered " But you never told me what that was" Rom shrugged, despondent" So I thought that must be it" He sullenly said and buried his face in his hands.

" No" Edýia's brevity was grating his nerves. He wasn't used to it

" I love you" Rom scrubbed his face " I do. More than you think" Rom raised his head, exasperated with himself and his ongoing, wavering mood.

" You're wrong. Whatever you thought. It was wrong. It shouldn't matter anyway. Should it? If you truly love me. You could" Edyia sighed, at the ends of her witts " Such a mess" Edýia looked up, blowing a breath.

" I'm " Rom flustered " I just want to go back to how things were, Edýia " He inched closer, placing his hands on her feet.

" Please" Rom mustered a weary smile and hugged her legs. Now that she was in his grip, trapped in his arms, he never wanted to let go of her.

" I need to rest" Edyia huffed, a little more amenable. Pouring water over troubled water had worked wonders.

" Can I stay with you? Don't chase me away" Rom raised his head and inched closer and hugged her knees, resting his head in her lap.

Edyia closed her eyes and placed her hand over her belly. She had no idea, if the bundle would survive, but if it did, then she would need Rom by her side. She had been raised by Dakran and Haren. She didn't want the same life for their love child.

With that thought in mind " Yes, but you must behave" She cautioned and lowered herself to the bed, getting ready to sleep.

Treading on thin ice, Rom clamped his mouth to keep whatever he thought to himself and crawled his way up, and plopped himself next to her.

" Can I touch it?" Rom asked, slipping his hand under hers, and looking for her tummy.

Edyia hummed, placing her hand over his and smiled, knowing he wouldn't see it. He wasn't forgiven, far from it. She thought to herself. But his warm embrace brought back the memories of so many tender moments that they shared.

Rom placed a kiss on her cheek and hugged her tighter to his chest. Trying to make peace with himself. She was right. It didn't matter. Edýia would become his wife, and the mother of his offspring if the gods would allow it. There was no more room to ponder, on nonsensical and worthless matters. There were more grave matters at hand.

" I love you" Rom whispered with a heavy sigh but there was no answer from Edýia. She'd fallen asleep.