The Calm Before The Storm 1

Ian took a whiff of her scent " We never danced together, and if I remember right, you have a beautiful voice!" he lovingly said as he rested his chin on her shoulder and looked at her through the mirror. Iris was a sight to behold. Her shimmering white hair, the intensity and fierceness in her emerald eyes, boldness, and beauty encased in a curvy body. He struggled to keep his hands to himself. He had promised himself to look further than that. She was more than just a pretty face. He knew that, but his cock had other ideas.

Iris smiled " Yes, we never danced. There is always a first, and it's never too late!" she turned around to face him and placed her hand on his shoulder, and clasped his other hand.

" I'll sing. You lead the way!" she cleared her throat. Her eyes gleamed with excitement at the prospect of sharing another first, and he was more than chuffed to share it with her.

Ian nodded with a smile and moved his feet, slowly swaying as she hummed a familiar tune. Iris's voice was low at first, but it gradually increased. Her crystalline voice reverberated in the chamber, and he was sure it could be heard throughout the castle. His hair stood on end. He could stop grinning like an idiot while he listened to her sing. His feet just moved on their own. It was effortless and felt natural. He couldn't understand what she was singing, but it sounded like only angels could sing.

Her voice slowly faded as she approached the end of the song, and to his disappointment, she stopped, and so did he.

He looked at her with dazed eyes, trying to find to right words to describe what he felt at that moment, but no words were good enough. At this point, words wouldn't suffice. He needed to show her that he genuinely appreciated her as his partner, and he hoped that she would see him as her equal.

" You have the voice of an angel!" he praised, leaned in, and kissed her forehead.

Iris smiled " And you are an excellent dancer!" she praised him. The smile stayed, her eyes twinkled, and for a moment, he felt her gaze bore into his soul.

The smile on his lips fell " My mother taught me. She was a wonderful woman," he softly sighed " A loving mother!" he said as he stared at her. His eye sparkled with admiration for the woman that gave him life. His mother, the way he remembered her, was kind, sweet, patient and loved him to bits. She used to call him a miracle child.

Ian heaved a heavy sigh, mustered a stiff smile, and kissed the back of her hand " Thank you for the dance!" he bowed, and his eyes wandered around the room for a bit and settled on the patio. He tugged on her hand and pulled her towards it.

" Our last night here!" she sullenly said as she stepped through the patio doors, halting after a few paces, looking in the distance as if she was trying to memorise it.

" Yes, we will be back before you know it!" he tried to ease her worries, hugging her from behind. Ian had no clue what they would face in the near future, but he hoped that things would work out for the best. Hope, he had hope and Iris. He didn't need anything else.

" I'm not that sure that there will be something to return to!' she grew woeful as she stared into the distance. The smile on her lips fell, and she softly sighed, her gaze lowered for a moment.

" We will rebuild if there isn't. As long as we still breathe, we can always begin anew!" Ian tightened his grip on her, and he felt her hand squeeze his, letting him know that she had the same thoughts.

Iris nodded " We should get some rest!" she turned around in his arm to face him.

Ian smiled and bumped his forehead onto hers " We don't know what tomorrow will bring!" he kissed the back of her hand and led her back into the room.

He turned to look at the twinkling night sky one more time. Everything was quiet, eerily almost. Ian pushed the door to close and turned on his heels to her, who sat in front of the mirror and removed the pins from her hair.

" Let me!" Ian approached her, halting his steps behind and taking a pin out.

Iris nodded and smiled and lowered her hand, allowed him to take the pins out, and unbraid her hair, letting it fall on her shoulders.

Ian ran his fingers through it, gently combing it. " I used to help my mother with her hair when I was little. She had the most beautiful, thick golden hair." he suddenly broke the silence. He grew a little uneasy. A glint of sadness flashed in his eyes, lips set in a thin line.

Iris placed her hand on his, " You must miss her!" she turned around to look at him. Her gaze was soft. He found it comforting, soothing the sore spot in his heart.

Ian nodded and took a deep breath " I do." and walked to the chest of drawers and pulled a night dress for her" I still wonder what happened to them. I'm afraid that I'm responsible for their death!" he absently said, bunching up her hair and resting it on her shoulder. Guilt quickly settled on his face, and the glint of sadness she had seen earlier returned as fast as it faded.

Iris frowned " Even if you did. It was something that you", she cupped his face and kissed his lips " you couldn't help. Let me ease your burden. Share it with me." she hugged him tightly, rested her head on his chest and inhaled a sharp breath, rubbed his back with a gentle touch.

Ian nodded " I missed this, us being like this." his voice rumbled in his chest, his grip tightened, and a sigh of relief escaped his lips.

Iris hummed, " I missed it the most. I thought I lost you. That the gentle and caring man that I once fell for was lost." she pulled from the embrace, keenly looking into his eyes. He smiled, his eyes crinkled and determination settled in his eyes.

" I promised you that I'll be by your side no matter what, and I have every intention to keep my word" he rested his hands on her shoulders " You won't rid yourself of me so easily!" he amusedly said kissed her forehead.

Iris softly giggled " I'm counting on it." she smiled and cupped his face " I love you!" looking into his eyes. His gaze on her was gentle, loving. Hope and happiness bloomed in her chest, and she felt it tighten at the thought of what could've happened if Ettrick hadn't taken the sword.

" You know that you mean everything to me. Now that the sword is finally gone," Ian released a sigh of relief, " I finally feel the darkness that surrounded me slowly fade, and my thoughts are clear again. Now, let's get you into bed." he untied the laces her dress, letting it fall on the floor. The air in his lungs stilled when his eyes fell on her generous curves. He felt his cock throb but cleared his throat and cleared his sinful thoughts. His fingers itched so badly to touch her. It was almost unbearable.

He reached for the night dress and slipped it on her so that he could keep his hands busy. Otherwise, he was sure if he had looked at her naked body any longer, his hands would refuse to listen to the voice of reason. The light fabric hugged her curves, and he felt his pulse rise, and the room suddenly turned unbearably warm.

Iris's eyes flashed with something that he was all too familiar with, hunger, desire, and longing. On her lips, a cheeky grin quickly settled, and she stayed quiet. At this point, he didn't need any words from her. Her expressions spoke volumes.

She tugged on his tunic and pulled it off, letting it fall on the floor. Her eyes shined in the moonlit room, like the stars in the night sky. She brushed the locks on his forehead, and her fingers slowly traced his features, letting her hand rest on his neck.