The Calm Before The Storm 2

Ian closed his eyes and let out a shaky breath. He was sure she had no intention of going to bed, not to sleep anyway. He was curious, though, and wanted to see what she had in mind. Her lips lightly touched his and gently nibbled on his lower lip. Her hands slowly travelled down from his chest onto his abdomen and settled on his waist.

The feel of his firm and tight chest, his muscles moving under her fingers, was tantalising. He was handsome, so handsome, she thought. His amber eyes shined with lust from behind the curtain of golden hair, and a fire ignited in her belly, and she felt her knees go weak.

His arms curled up around her waist and pulled her closer to him, feeling the warmth of her body against his, which felt scalding hot. She was burning, and so was he.

" I want you!" Ian breathed the words, leaned in and brushed his lips against hers, she deepened the kiss, capturing his lips in a passionate, hungry kiss and his tongue slipped into her mouth, tasting every corner, battling for dominance with hers.

Her hands slipped into the waistband of his trousers and pushed them down, letting them fall at his feet. Ian slowly pulled away from the kiss to look at her, his brows raised " Are you sure?" he rasped breathlessly, to which she nodded, and her lips pulled up into a mischievous smile.

Ian let out a throaty moan and hungrily kissed her lips, biting, nipping at her lips. His hands wandered all over her body, squeezing and caressing, tugged on her nightdress, pulled it over her head and threw it on the nearby chair.

Ian picked her up in his arms, climbed in bed with her in his arms and gently placed her on the bed. Her hair spread like the sun's rays over the sheet. She looked exquisite sprawled on the bed, a feast for the eyes, for his eyes. He felt blessed by the stars that such a beautiful woman landed in his lap.

His hands caressed her legs, and his lips trailed up on her leg and settled between her thighs, kissing, licking her skin. His hands settled on her hips and slowly travelled to her mounds.

Soft sighs escaped her lips, her hands weaved in his hair, tugging on it. That was a sign that he was doing it right.

A loud moan escaped her lips when he licked her wet lips, her hips trusted up, and she tugged harder on his hair. Ian hummed as he licked her and ate her. His hands kneaded and squeezed her breasts.

She had almost forgotten how much she enjoyed being pleasured by him. With beads of sweat, the knot in her belly tightened, and a wave of intense pleasure washed over her when his tongue entered her core. She tugged harder on his hair and ground her sex on his face. His gentle touches left little burning marks wherever he touched. Ian increased his pace, and she reached her peak with a loud moan and tugged on his hair hard enough to make it sting.

She was breathless, in a dazed state; she licked her parched lips " I love you!" she panted and cupped his face, pulling him up.

" I want you, Ian. Take me!" softly whispered against his lips. She arched her back, and a pleasured moan escaped her lips when he sheathed himself all the way to the hilt. It felt unbelievably good, he missed seeing her like that, dishevelled, unravelling in his arms, and he felt his cock swell even more when her hands gripped his ass and trusted her hips forward, he shuddered, and a long moan escaped her lips. Her nails dug deep into his skin, and he dug deeper with each thrust, lips parted, and each sigh that escaped her swollen lips made his engorged cock swell even more. She was deliciously delicate, and he wished he could stay like that forever, but he could feel his release approaching. He couldn't hold it any longer.

" I love you, Iris." he panted as he increased his pace and captured her lips in a deep passionate kiss.

Both moaned in the kiss when they reached their peak, and he spread his seed inside her womb. He opened his eyes to look at her and gulped " So much, I missed you so much!" he panted, lovingly pressing his lips against hers.

Iris wrapped her arms around his neck " I missed us like this!" she whispered against his lips. His lips curled up in a playful smile, closed his and deeply inhaled " Peace, at last." he said, relieved and closed his eyes. He looked serene, at peace. She had missed that, too. She had missed so many things that had faded into darkness. Seeing him coming back to her made her think of the days they yet have to share, and a happy grin broke on her lips.

" Let's have some rest," he pecked her lips. He rolled over on the bed next to her. Iris nodded and buried herself in his arms.