Drowning The Pain

After leaving the dining Hall, Haren roamed around the corridors sliding from one corridor to another. Eventually, he got bored and returned to the Dining Hall. He looked around the grandiose room, and his eyes settled on the two carafes of Galanthian wine. He grinned like an idiot, picked up the two carafes, and slumped on the luxurious padded sofa in the room. He poured himself a glass of wine he gulped it down like it was nothing.

He nodded to himself and poured himself some more wine, and before he knew it, one of the carafes was empty.

" Galanthian wine, my ass." He scoffed, poured himself another glass, and downed it like water. Haren, still crossed at his brother, Iris, and everyone else for pushing him into a wall. He still couldn't believe that Dakran had fallen for the woman of his dreams. Akin to dangling the prey in front of a hungry beast. Drinking was an excellent solution to drown his sorrows and unresolved anger.

He poured another glass and lifted it from the table, but the field of his vision went all fuzzy and weird. His head spun, and before he knew it, he sunk into darkness.

Tyla walked the corridors leading to the kitchen. She halted her steps and did a double take when she saw Haren sunk deep in the sofa, one knee bent, and his arms spread wide, resting on either side of the sofa. She couldn't distinguish more details in the dim light, but his eyes had a strange shine. She approached the sofa with light steps and stopped a few paces away.

She bent over to look at him better " Can I help you with anything?" his voice rang low, and Tyla's breath hitched, and she stood straight.

" I was wondering if you are alright? You don't look alright ." she sat next to him and closely studied his expressions.

He sounded different than usual. He was wearing a grin, showing his teeth. He looked a little more relaxed than his usual gloom-and-doom demeanor.

Haren hummed, the grin plastered on his face, staying, " Is that so," He pushed himself up and entered her breathing space. Now she could see him. There was a white light in his pupils, replacing the brown, and he looked different. She couldn't quite put her finger on it.

" Maybe you could help me to feel better then," he drawled and slowly traced her jaw with his finger and pinched her chin.

" What do you say? I happily try to make you feel better if the need arises," Haren's grin widened further, and he took a lock of her hair and sniffed it.

" I like the way you smell. And.." he paused for a moment and shuffled closer, taking her hand in his and placing it on the bulge in his pants " My little friend agrees with me." He seductively said. Tyla flinched and pulled her hand to her lap. Something was wrong with the man. She looked around the dimly lit room, and her eyes fell on the carafes on the table.

She lightly gasped," You drank all that wine," she turned her attention back to him, narrowing her eyes at him.

This night wasn't going to end well. Galanthian wine played with one's mind. It could do many things for different people. Some went on a murderous spree, others had hallucinations and visions, and the list went on and on. She wondered which one applied to Haren. She hoped that he wouldn't go on a murderous rampage. His stiffness was gone, he looked relaxed, and he seemed to be on a hunt. The wine increased his lust, she concluded.

Tyla cleared her throat and said, " I best be going then and leave you to it." She took a step before she felt her back sink into the sofa. Everything happened so fast that she didn't have time to realize what was happening.

Haren spread her leg and settled between them, placing his hands on either side of her head on the sofa. He grinned, and his gaze moved from her eyes to her lips and settled on her breasts.

" I know you want me to fuck you," His eyes returned to her face. His voice dripped with lust " I can see it in your eyes," The light in his eyes danced for a moment, and the grin fell " Tell me, Tyla," her name rolled off his lips like sweet nectar" Have you ever been fucked?" He lowered his head " By a man like me?" He whispered the last part. Now, she was scared, he was definitely on a hunt, and he didn't seem to relent. Tyla threw a glance around and spotted something that shined in the moonlight. She had no intention of bedding him, or anyone else, for that matter.

" Mm?" he hummed, and she shook her head. She wasn't interested in making small talk, not that that was what he had in mind.

" Have you ever been fucked by anyone?" He asked, and she nodded. His hand traced her jaw, sliding down her neck, and palmed her breast, letting out a pleased moan.

" Good! When I'm done with you, at least you'll know the difference between a good fuck and a bad one. And I'm a good fuck." He kept using the word with such ease as if it was hello. Now, she had an idea what kind of man Haren was.

He slid down his trousers, and his manhood sprang up, standing mighty tall. Now she was worried. He bunched the dress to her waist, ripped her underwear off like it was nothing, and he stared at her sex for a few moments.

The grin returned, and he threw his head back, loudly chuckling. Tyla sprung from her spot and grabbed the shiny thing she saw earlier, and when his head bobbed back, she whacked him as hard as she could and ran out of Hall as fast as her feet could carry her.

She closed the door to her chamber and locked it, sliding down on it and gasping for air.

" Shit, that was close," she pushed herself off the floor and slumped onto the bed, face down, and screamed.

She thought to check on him, to make sure she hadn't landed a lethal blow, but she slumped on the bed, not wanting to go through that again.