A Little Longer

Edýia softly whimpered and bit her lip when he added one more finger. Her nails dug deep into his arm, he was pretty sure she drew blood, but it didn't matter at that point. She will be his, and his alone. He revelled in that thought for a moment.

" I know it hurts. We can stop, if you want?" he worriedly asked and kissed her forehead. He knew this would be painful, and he would stop in a blink of an eye if she said the word.

Edýia shook her head " No.It's bearable," she panted, her grip on his arm loosened and slid to his hand. It wasn't that bad, she thought, unable to understand why Rom fussed about it.

" This was the easy part," He kissed her lips and intertwined his fingers with hers " The hard part is yet to come," He placed their joining hands next to her head.

He took off his trousers with one hand and bottoms and settled between her legs, gently caressing her thigh, and looked her in the eyes. He was still dumbstruck at how beautiful she looked. Her ringlets splayed on the pillow, her big eyes open wide, held so much curiosity and innocence in them that, for a moment, he felt guilty to take that away from her.

" Remember to breathe," he sobered up, softly pecked her lips, resting his forehead on hers.

She looked so scared as she stared into his eyes, but nodded and smiled. It was a faint one, but she had managed to do that much.

The tip of his manhood brushed against her petals, and she felt him place it at her entrance. He moved his hips a little, and she felt her walls pull, stretch, and sharp pain zinged through her nether region, and air refused to enter or escape her lungs.

" Breath, Edýia," His voice rang in her ear, cutting through everything. Pain was what she could feel. Although Rom tried to be gentle, her mind only registered the pain.

She finally released the breath that she was holding. It was painful for her. He struggled with the pain just as much as she did. He knew once they'd gone past this part, the bliss that would follow would make this worth the while.

" I'm going to push a little more," He let her know, and his hips moved again, and the pain that had numbed came back in full force, and she stopped breathing again and groaned, closed her eyes, and a tear escaped. They weren't tears of joy.

Rom kissed her eyes and her trembling lips. The pain she felt made him feel guilty to his bones, but there was no other way around it.

" One more time," He thrust himself to the hilt, and she whimpered louder this time, squeezing his hands hard enough to be painful. Tears began streaking her cheeks. She bit her lips to distract herself from the pain.

" I'm sorry," she heard him whispering in the crook of her neck. He shuddered and allowed the fantastic feeling of her warmth to envelop him. It felt so good that he almost came apart the moment he pushed himself in.

She inhaled " You lied about more. I'm not happy." she scolded in a trembling voice

Rom raised his head to look at her" Once the pain is gone, you will be," He countered with a crooked smile.

He kissed her lips, her forehead " I'm going to move now," he pressed his forehead on hers. She nodded and bit her lips. And he slowly began moving his hips. As Rom thrust back and forth, the soft whimpers escaping her lips turned into soft sighs and moans. He held her hand and never took his eye off her the entire time, kissed her lips and increased the pace. She arched her back, her legs wrapped around his waist, moans got louder, her skin covered in a thin sheen of sweat, and a pleasured expression replaced her tears and whimpers.

The pain she felt not long ago slowly faded, making room for the happy feeling that Rom spoke, and now she understood how more made her happy. Everything was new to her, every emotion, how she felt when he touched her as he dug deeper into her core. It felt good, and she liked it, no, she loved it.

Both moaned in unison, and she felt the pulse of his manhood and something warm spread inside her. Rom slumped on top of her and kissed her neck and shoulder.

" Edýia," he panted and lifted his head to look at her " I love you," he kissed her lips and laid flat on his back next to her. It was over sooner than he had wanted to. It felt amazing being with her. He felt drunk with her, and he never wanted to sober up. He wanted to stay like that a little longer.

" Rom, I think I love you, too," She panted and turned to look at him. She knew how love felt. She loved her brothers, but what she felt for Rom was intense. It felt different. A different kind of love, or at least that's what she thought.

Rom chuckled. "That's what you said when you said you kike me, and look where that got us. I wonder what will happen next," He jokingly said and turned to his side to look at her.

Rom kissed her forehead " Time to have some rest. The sun will rise soon," he shuffled closer to her and buried her in his arms.

" Will it next time, too?" she innocently asked

" No, the more we do it, the better it is," He replied, a little amused. He was sure that his reply would probably shock her or send her into a fit of laughter.

" How long do we have to wait before we can do it again?" she innocently asked.

Although it was just as painful as getting punched in the nose, as soon as the pain had finally faded, it felt good. She wanted more. She couldn't wait to explore more of this side. More, that word kept ringing in her head, and she couldn't help to amused by it.

" We don't have to wait anymore, Edýia. We can do it whenever we want," he said and looked down at her.

The glint in her eye told him she was pleased with his performance, and she looked forward to the next coupling.

" Sleep now," Rom said, tightening the grip on her and kissing the crown of her head.

" How about now?" she mumbled in his chest, making Rom chuckle and hum.

He pinched her chin." Soon, little flower. We need to rest now," he kissed her lips and let his head fall on the pillow.

Rom racked his hair with his hand, and despite that, he had taken her virtue. One of the few things that young women held valuable. He couldn't help but notice the long shadow that he had cast on her by doing that. He loved her. He knew that much. She was sweet and beautiful, and he couldn't wait to spend the rest of his days with her, but his thoughts kept drifting to the uncertain future awaiting them.