Cast a Shaddow

She stood flat on her feet, lowered herself on the bed, and pulled him along with her.

" I don't know how to do this," her voice was soft, shy. Uncertainty and joy were stamped on her face. He knew little about how to make love to a woman. He knew what and where it went, but that was pretty much it.

" Edýia. We should wait until we are married," he said pleadingly, placing his hand on her shoulder and peering into her steel-blue eyes.

Edýia shook her head " No, We will be leaving, and this is my last chance. I don't know what they will do, but if they decide to go back north, they will force me to go with them. This way, I won't have to go. I can stay, and I will be free." she reasoned, hopeful. She grew worried and maybe a little scared. She truly wanted to stay at his side. He felt happy for a moment

" This no way to do things. I don't want you to give yourself to me just because you see me as a way to be free," he countered, a little annoyed.

It was clear to him that she was using him to escape her brothers and not because she fell for him. He was her way out of a life of isolation. That was not what he had in mind when he'd proposed to her that night.

" No, it's not like that, Rom. I'm afraid they will stop at nothing, and I won't see you again. If we go back home, there will be no way for you to come close to me again." she worriedly explained, fisting the bed sheets with her hand.

She wasn't entirely wrong. This might be his last chance to make sure that Edýia would remain by his side. Although the way this would come to be wasn't exactly what he had in mind, but it was a good alternative.

Rom took a deep breath in and nodded " It will hurt, that much I know for sure," He warned again, his brows knitted together. He looked conflicted, not convinced if they should do this or not.

Edýia shook her head " I will be alright," she eased his worries, but it didn't work.

Despite the tension in the air, Edýia pushed the dress off her shoulder, but he stopped her before she went any further. " Let me," he said, and she lowered her hand in her lap in looked him in the eyes.

Edýia eyes stayed on his face as he pushed the yellow dress off her shoulder, letting the strap rest in the bend of her elbow. His skin felt hot and sticky, and the temperature in the room suddenly went from pleasant to extremely hot as he moved onto her other shoulder. A very familiar feeling he was well acquainted with by now. Each time she came close to him, his body seemed to reach a boiling point in seconds.

Rom leaned in and pressed his lips on hers gently, his hands resting on her waist. He was tender and caring; he nibbled on her lips for a little while. The kiss slowly deepened, pushing her onto the bed, and loomed over her while he continued pecking and nibbling at her lips.

The kiss lasted for a good while, she didn't know what would happen next, but excitement slowly bloomed in her heart as his hands touched her here and there on top of her clothes.

His lips slowly traced her jaw, neck, and shoulder and stopped in the valley between her breasts, peeking from under the dress. She felt a light tug on the dress, lips caressing her breast. His hand palmed her breast. A soft sigh escaped her lips when his mouth latched onto one of her breasts.

Her hands weaved through his hair, she bent her knees, and he pushed the dress further down as his lips traced her flat stomach, which dipped, his hands on her waist and lightly squeezed her there.

She whimpered when he bit her skin and licked the spot—tugged on the dress again, pushing it past her waist and revealing her underclothes. She was wearing something that would hardly cover anything, but it didn't matter what she was wearing. She was a vision. He lacked words to describe her, and his mind could not think of anything else at that moment. Eager to reveal more of her, he slipped the dress past her thighs and knees, only to show a slim petite figure. A mouth-watering sight, he was still unable to find his words, and he was sure that if anyone asked him his name, he wouldn't know the answer.

Rom inhaled deeply when she pulled herself up, felt the tip of her breast brush his lips. Edýia tugged on his tunic, pulling it over his head, letting it fall on the floor. Curious eyes and fingers roamed over his body as she traced his face, neck, and muscles. Her eyes widened when her gaze fell on his groin. She looked up at him a little fearful, but she stayed silent even though her lips trembled and she heavily gulped.

Rom's hand settled on her neck. There was a warmth in his eyes that she had never seen before " I'll try and be gentle," His voice was soft and warm. She smiled and nodded.

Fear and excitement were all she felt at that moment. She had a vague idea of what would happen, but to hear it from someone else and live it yourself were two different things.

He pushed her back on the bed and settled between her legs, capturing her lips and slowly deepening the kiss. This time it was different; he wasn't as gentle. He tugged on her underclothes and slid them down past her thighs and knees. His hand travelled up her leg and settled between her legs, his fingers slipped between her legs and rubbed her petals, and for the first time, she felt something bloom in her belly. It was a strange feeling. She didn't know what it was, but it felt good, and she liked it.

A gasp escaped her lips as his finger slipped inside her, and she tried to cross her legs but couldn't, so she gripped tight on his arm. The feel of her moistened petals, warmth and snug burrow made him want to take her right then and there. But he knew he couldn't do that. He had promised to be gentle. Succumbing to his urges was out of the question. This was too sudden, he didn't feel ready to do this with her, and he knew if he rushed things, this would quickly turn into an ugly memory