The Guardian of the Seven Seas

Unbeknownst to Dakran, glued to a pillar not far away and out of sight, stood Maya. She watched the entire exchange between Dakran and Azra. The man was kind. His imposing stature was just that, imposing. He was kind to Azra despite everyone fearing him or staying away from him just because he was odd.

She heaved a heavy sigh and closed her eyes, and a tear fell on her cheek " Sylus, I miss you," She whispered, placing her hand over her heart. She could hear the sound of her heart breaking all over again. Dakran reminded her of Sylus, in a way.

While Maya was pulling herself together, Ian woke up Iris and helped her put on the armour he had insisted she should wear. It was lightweight. It weighed almost nothing. But, she reassured him that a sword couldn't go through the allaenite armour.

Edýia woke up on her own. She was used to getting up early. Her brothers had a routine and instilled it in her since she was young enough. Rom was gone, and the feeling of loss crept into her heart. She wished he would be there so she could revel in his warmth a little more.

Tyla woke up, got dressed as fast as she could and dashed out of the room straight to the castle grounds, worried that the blow she had landed on Haren not long ago hadn't caused the man to give his last breath.

Rhya woke up, grumbled and cursed several times. She got dressed and cursed a few more times. She didn't want to go to fight with anyone, let alone a witch or some nasty creature.

Soon, Ian had everyone gathered in the yard, ready to go. Iris stood in front of everyone donning her armour, looking a bit uncomfortable as she kept pulling at the breastplates of the armour and grimaced.

" We will be heading towards the northern border. Dakran will lead the way since he has more knowledge of the layout. We do have a map if that helps ease your worries. What I would like to know" She paused for a moment and pinned the two brothers with her gaze, " Will you be joining us?" She asked the two brothers.

Haren was still rubbing to soothe the sore spot on his head, and Dakran looked downcast. " I'll be coming with you," Dakran answered for himself and raised his head, glanced at Maya and turned his attention to Iris.

Haren scoffed " All of this for a woman." He pulled faces " I will be coming with you, but once we reach the northern border. Edýia and I will make our way to Gaerwen. I've had enough of the south lands." He waved dismissively, and Edýia took a step forward. She looked at Dakran and then turned her attention onto Haren, who scowled, " You will be going to Gaerwen alone. I'm staying. " She decisively said. There was no trace of doubt in her voice or her expression.

" You'll do as you're told," Haren barked and reached her in a few quick strides, towering over her. He shadowed her petite figure, which looked infinitesimal compared to Haren.

Edýia ripped the necklace around her neck and threw it on the paved ground. She looked fierce and determined " I don't think so," The next minute, she burst into flames in front of everyone. She was pure flame. Her eyes were white, and her entire body was a white breathing and walking flame. The only visible thing was an expressionless face.

Haren rolled his eyes " You can't hurt me. Cut the crap. You are coming home," He pointed at himself "With me, " Edýia raised her arm, and a spear of light appeared in her hand. She raised the spear and swung it in the air, leaving a streak of light behind it, and slashed Haren's cheek, a thin hairline cut deep enough to make it bleed.

" You've been warned," She said in a voice that echoed on the castle grounds as if it was an empty room.

Haren touched his cheek, wiped the drop of blood that trickled from the wound, grimaced in displeasure and closed the distance between him and Edýia as he drew his sword and went to attack, gripping the hilt with both his hands, raising it above his head ready to land a deadly blow.

Dakran pulled his sword and caught Haren's sword above Edýia's head, who disappeared in a flash of light and appeared behind Haren.

" Shit," Dakran cursed as Edýia lifted her spear one more time and swung it across Haren's back. The movement was so precise that the spear only cut through his tunic and didn't touch his skin.

" I will not bow to anyone. You should bow to me. For I am the Guardian of the Seven Seas." Edýia voice boomed once more and revealed who she truly was.

Dakran lowered his sword and pulled Haren's sword out of his hand with a scowl plastered on his face " You had to be asinine, didn't you? You just can't help yourself. Fuck Haren!" Dakran lost his temper. He looked displeased and angry with Haren's actions.

Dakran heaved a heavy sigh threw the swords on the ground, and took a step closer to Edýia. He didn't know how to fix this. This had never happened before. She never went this far. She only used to burst into flames. The stone she was wearing helped keep her under control. He knew this day would come, and this was the worst moment.

Dakran took another step, and Edýia greeted him with the spear's tip at his throat. " One more step, and it will be your last," Edýia warned, expressionless.

Rom blankly blinked at Edýia. Shit, she was not like the others. He forced himself out of the trance picked up the necklace off the ground, and moved around, staying out of her visual field. At the same time, everyone looked terrible at the sight of Edýia burning with incandescent white fire.

Rom slithered among those around who seemed to be entranced by Edýia and glued the pendant on the back of her neck. The flames spent in a flash, and Edýia crumpled to the ground, but Rom caught her before she touched the ground.

Everyone released the breath they were holding and rushed to Edýia and Rom.

" You and I will part ways as of this moment," Dakran suddenly broke the silence, pining Haren under a hard stare.

" Gladly," Haren huffed and climbed on the horse that was next to him.

He turned the horse around and trotted towards the gate but had to unmount to open the gate since none of them bothered to help him.