Leaving The Past Behind

Rom picked up Edýia in his arms, buried her face in the crook of his neck hugged her tight, and kissed her temple.

" Wake up, Edýia, " He whispered in her ear, caressing her ringlets.

Dakran stepped closer, looking guilty " I'm sorry little one. I haven't been a good brother lately. Please, forgive me," His tone was soft, penitent. Dakran's eyebrows wrinkled together. He reached his hand to touch her, but Rom glared, and he retreated. They had made many mistakes with her. Women in the North, especially the young ones, didn't have much choice; it was their way of life. If they were lucky and married a good man, things got better, but that often wasn't the case. Most men in the North were like Haren, brutal and controlling. There were a few chosen ones who didn't bow to their harsh traditions.

Edýia languidly opened her eyes, ran her hand through Rom's hair, and Rom raised his head to look at her.

She was smiling. Her smile was bright as the sun " How are you feeling?" He asked, grabbing her shoulders and studying her with a penetrative gaze.

" I'm alright. It feels different this time. I was aware of what I was doing." Edýia mumbled and stood up with Rom.

" This is very exciting." Athan chimed in, and clasped his hands together, awed " You said you are the Guardian of the Seven Seas," He parrotted, looking like he had seen the most amazing thing in his life.

" This realm never had a Guardian. This is...." he paused and placed his palms over his face. The man was genuinely excited " Amazing. I can't wait to find out more," He cackled.

" We need to go," Dakran barked, a little annoyed that they had already wasted precious time.

" You can get all giddy and squeal while riding the horse," He continued, picked up Maya, put her in the saddle, and mounted behind her.

Maya looked over her shoulder " I can ride my horse," She looked at Dakran, pleading.

" No! You stay with me. If something happens, It will be easier for me to keep you safe," He explained; his gaze softened, and his voice was calm when he spoke to her.

Maya opened her mouth to speak " I'll kiss you if you say one more word about this," He threatened, his brows raised and a dashing smile curled up on his lips.

Maya clamped her mouth and looked ahead while the others mounted their horses. Athan walked forward to open the gate while they strode through the castle gates, with Iris and Ian at the back of the formation.

Iris took one last look at the castle and hoped that it would still be there when they returned, but there was a foreboding feeling that stirred inside her telling her otherwise. Something was coming—something lurking in the darkness waiting for the right moment to strike.

She turned to look ahead " You can feel it too, don't you?" Ian stated he knew that she could feel that something was off.

Iris nodded " Something has been bothering me," She paused for a moment and frowned " The monsters, the creatures, they are not mindless. They must have someone or something that is leading them. Dakran said that the attacks are organized, and they know battle tactics. So there must be someone or something behind it." She reasoned and glanced one more time over her shoulders a the castle that was slowly fading in the distance.

" True. I see your point. But it has to be someone powerful enough to do that. The only one powerful enough that we know of is Seth, who is rotting in the Hollow, or so I hope. " He looked at her worried expression and wished he could hug her.

" Mother," Azra called and slid between Iris and him

" Yes, Azra. Is everything alright?" She smiled and turned to look at him. He looked in a good mood, unlike his usual gloomy disposition.

" I can finally hug you without hurting you," He excitedly said and waved a pair of gloves in the air.

Ian closed his eyes and clamped his mouth shut. He wanted to get along with Azra, despite what he was, and he wanted to grant Iris's wish to be a family.

Iris's smile widened " How do you know for sure?" She curiously asked, and her eye darted to Ian, who didn't look pleased with the idea but kept silent. He was trying to make things work between them.

Azra pointed a Dakran, who rode ahead on his horse " Dakran touched me this morning, and he used the gloves. He thinks that only if I touch the skin I can steal your soul." He was so excited that he could bearly contain himself. The grin on his face stayed and his eyes sparkled in the dim light of the morning.

" Then I'm looking forward to a hug, sweet child of mine." She lovingly said and stared at him for a few moments.

Ian gave Azra a disapproving look, but it quickly faded when his eyes shifted to Iris, and he saw that smile and the joy twinkling in her eyes. He didn't have the heart anymore to take that away. They've lost too much already.

Ian took a deep breath " So, no hug for me then," He causally commented and looked ahead, feigning to be upset.