Shaddow Lords 2

In the camp at the valley entrance, Ian tried to fall asleep, but he couldn't. He worried about iris, and the thought that fucker was doing something to her made his stomach twist and knot.

He was restlessly fighting the urge to walk inside the valley and find her. He needed to know she was safe. He pushed himself off the ground, the fire was spent, and the darkness loomed over them and grew even darker. He looked at the sky. A flash of light crested the sky, lighting up the dark clouds that didn't reach them. Some more flashes of light followed, and he looked at the others that appeared to be asleep.

He couldn't see a damn thing. He suddenly remembered the Hollow. It looked eerily familiar. He wondered if that's what Ettrick meant when he said he could have both.

" I knew it!" Dakran's voice rang behind him, making him scrunch his eyes and clench his jaw. " I knew you were worried!" Dakran plopped himself next to him, his hands resting on his knees.

Ian didn't reply.

" You fooled me !" Dakran continued speaking. He threw a glance at the sky " The clouds are moving south faster!" he mumbled and heaved out a heavy sigh.

" Right now, we can only wait. I'm sure she will return before sunrise. What worries me, what that fucker wants with her," Ian finally replied. He sounded worried, scared even. He buried his face in the palm of his hands, raking through his hair, trying to ease his qualm.

Dakran patted him on the shoulder " I'm sure she will step out of that valley any moment now!" he tried to ease his worries, but Ian gave him a deadly look, and he had to swallow the words on the tip of his tongue.

Silence settled in as both stared at the obsidian stones marking the entrance. Ian heaved a heavy sigh. He couldn't bare the wait any longer and pushed himself off the ground, padding towards the entrance.

Dakran's heavy footsteps behind him let him know that he was following. "If you think you're going alone, you're sorely mistaken!" his voice held a little amusement in it. He wasn't sure what was so entertaining, but he brushed it off. It didn't matter. Where are you, Iris? He asked himself, but there was no reply, and he realised that he hadn't voiced his thoughts.

Ian patted the obsidian rock gingerly at first. His fingers glided seamlessly over the smooth obsidian rock. The man came out of nowhere earlier, so there must be a hidden entrance in the valley behind the stones. If what he said about the creatures living in the valley was true, they wouldn't move around the valley freely. Shadow Lords or not, no one was dim enough to choose being chased around by some nasty creatures. He'd never seen a wētā before, but he wasn't curious either.

He felt something sharp prick his finger. The wall slid under the palm of his hand, and a soft breeze brushed his skin. He scoffed. Of course, it was blood that opened the damn thing. Torches hung on the walls of the narrow corridor. The stone, despite its shine and polished surface, didn't reflect the light. It disappeared, providing enough light to see a few paces before them.

" Should we let the others know?" Dakran asked behind him. His voice echoed through the narrow corridor.

" Stay here! I'll return with Iris" he paused and glanced one last time at Dakran " hopefully alive!" he finished his thoughts with a crooked smile.

Dakran opened his mouth to speak, but he walked away. They had wasted enough already. He had an inkling that she was safe, but he needed to see it himself. Iris, if anything, she was reckless. She would sacrifice herself for the safety of others. He huffed at that thought. They were more alike than he had hoped. He'd do anything for her. He would follow her to Eagis if he could be with her.

As soon as he stepped out of the narrow trail, he found himself in a large room with obsidian floors, ceiling, walls, and large pillars marking the way to an inlaid door. He didn't stop to admire the scenery; he had no interest in it. He pushed the heavy door open only to step into a larger room that looked just like the one before. They moved inside the ridges that surrounded the valley. Smart, he thought. Cutting through the obsidian rock wasn't an easy feat. Special tools were required or magic. Otherwise, the stone would shatter. He halted his step in front of another inlaid door, and he could hear voices coming from behind it. He pushed the door open and walked inside the room. Iris was leaning against a pillar, and the man who went to the camp was standing in front of her looking rather cross.

Ian threw a glance around the room. This one was different. The walls were marbled with an array of different colours, and even in the dim light, the brightly coloured walls took one's eye.

" Ian!" Iris called and rushed to his side and hugged him " How did you get in here?' he asked with her head buried in his neck.

" I found the door!" he plainly answered and kissed her temple " I'm happy to see that he didn't harm you", he rumbled, and his grip on her tightened.

" King consort! Welcome to our humble abode !" Saho greeted and bowed to Ian, to which Ian smirked " An invitation would have been nice!" he peeled Iris off him and made his way to where Saho was.

Ian shoved his hands in his pockets, looked at Saho and then at the others in the room.

" What do you want?" his expression hardened, and so did his voice. The glint in his eye turned dangerous really fast.

" The liberty to die!" he curtly replied and turned to the other Lords in the room. Their expressions varied, and he concluded that it was just him to pursue that goal.

Iris's footsteps echoed behind him " He wants Edýia to sacrifice her to this rock. He says she is the Guardian of the Seven Havens, and her sacrifice will release them from their bond with the Valley!" Iris explained and gave the man a pointed look.

" No! We will go around the valley if this is the cost of crossing the Valley! We must bid you farewell!" Ian grabbed Iris's hand and turned to leave.

Saho appeared in front of them and pulled out an obsidian sword, and pointed at Ian's chest. " Someone's blood will be spilt. Choose whether it's yours or the girl's?" he scorned. His jaw ticked, and he pushed the blade closer to his chest. The blade tip nicked his jacket easily at mere contact with the fabric.

" What good will that do?" Ian questioned. Saho pushed the tip further and felt the blade tip on his skin.

" Saho!" a man called from behind " You're being unreasonable! You have no business with them. The Queen already told you. If you want the girl go get her yourself!" the man said as he approached them, grabbing the blade out of Saho's hand.

" Go!" he ordered, and Ian tugged on her hand and walked past Saho and the other man.

Iris looked over his shoulder, and Saho hadn't moved from his spot. She hoped that he wouldn't go after Edýia. She was positive that he was wrong. Why would a Guardian hide behind pretences?