The Realm Is Burning.......

They both walked hand in hand through the dimly lit rooms. Ian fell quiet as he led the way, and he seemed to be mulling over something. Her lips itched to ask, but she was afraid to hear his answer. She hoped that he wasn't considering Saho's offer. He wasn't cruel. He was better than that.

Ian halted his steps at passage entry and looked at her " Do you think she is not who she says she is?" Ian broke the silence, and Iris grew worried.

" I don't think so. We can't know for sure!" Iris paused for a moment and licked her lips " Maybe we can ask her to reveal herself!" Iris suggested with a shrug and a slanted smile.

Ian chuckled " I missed you!" he leaned in and kissed her lips " We never made love inside a black rock! We should try it. It might be fun!" he spoke against her lips, cupped her face and caressed her cheek with his thumb.

Iris fisted his jacket and kissed him with hunger. Her hand went for his ass, squeezed it and pulled him closer to her. His hand slid into her trousers, caressing her folds, and they both moaned in the kiss. He pushed her against the wall without breaking the kiss. His fingers caressed her lips, rubbing her nub. He pulled away, took his hand out and brought it to his mouth, licking her juices off his fingers as if it was the most delicious thing he'd ever tasted. His eyes shined with lust, a blazing fire, insatiable a look that she was too familiar with, like a predator on the prowl eyeing its next meal. Her breath hitched a little when his lips curled up in a out of this world smile, showing his pearly teeth. He rarely did that, but it was never a good sign.

" Turn around, hands against the wall!" he said in a low, commanding tone. Her instincts told her not to obey, but the offer was too inciting.

Iris looked at him, a little stunned, but she recovered quickly, bit her lips, and a mischievous smile graced her delicious lips, a glint of excitement shined in her eyes. She was willing to try. She pushed her trousers down; the smile stayed. He was screaming inside, out of pure joy. His daring little angel rarely shied away from trying new things.

Iris turned around and bent over, pushing her bottom up and wiggled it in front of him. Hunger stirred in his loins. Her moist folds shined the dim light, and he wanted to lick and eat her to his heart's content, but there wasn't enough time.

His hand gripped her hair, and the tip of his cock brushed her lips. The fact that someone could come at any moment increased her arousal even further. Her thoughts broke when he sheathed himself to the hilt, and she came apart with a choked-up moan.

Ian almost lost it. He was excited to his core. This was something new, something they hadn't done before. Fucking under a rock, he was more than thrilled. He pulled himself together, tugged on her hair, grabbed her hip with the other hand, and began thrusting his cock. Their bodies slapped against each other. Her round plum bottom shook, and he needed to spank her ass, but this wasn't the time. She was a vision from behind and front. Gods, he loved every bit of her, and worshipping her luscious body was one way to show how much he loved her.

It felt riveting! The pleasure was so intense that everything faded. The only thing that she could feel was the pleasure that ravaged her body. His name rolled off her lips between moans. She wasn't capable of saying anything else. She couldn't think of anything else other than him. Her body hummed harmoniously under his touch. His cock was hitting her sweet spot, and her limbs trembled under intense pleasure, but she stilled herself against the wall.

She felt his chest brush her back and another tug on her hair " Touch yourself, "Ian seductively whispered in her ear, and she felt compelled to obey and took one hand off the wall and cupped her breast.

" Not the breast, my Queen! I want you to slide your fingers between your folds and pleasure yourself!" his hot breath brushed her cheek, tugged on her hair, turned her head, and captured her lips in a ravenous kiss.

He took her hand and placed it between her folds, guiding her fingers, rubbing her nub, and she felt her knees go weak and short of breath.

He kept his hand on hers, guiding her fingers," Don't stop !" his voice rumbled in his chest, pulling away and pushing his cock deeper. Her knees shook and trembled, and she almost crumpled to the floor.

Waves of pleasure washed over her one after another. She lost sense of her surroundings, all she registered was his cock rubbing her walls, and it felt amazing while she rubbed her folds and nub. It was an overwhelming feeling. It felt so deliciously good that she needed to scream it to the world. Ian was a fantastic lover, but this was different. The danger made it so much more thrilling and exciting. Touching herself while he pleasured her with his cock was better than she imagined. She was addicted to him. They were addicted to each other.

She liked the danger. The thought of being caught was exalting, and she couldn't get enough.

One loud moan escaped her lips, and she fell to the floor, but Ian didn't stop. He flipped her on her back, threw her legs over his shoulder, grabbed her hips, and sheathed himself again. She had reached her peak, but he wasn't done. He wanted more. His cock raged inside her. He almost came a few times but held back. His desire for her was unquenchable. It was hard to resist his urges with her. All he wanted was to feel her warmth tighten around his length. The feeling was so addictive. More often than not, he found himself thinking about how good it felt being inside her.

With one last powerful thrust and a loud grunt escaping from his lips, he came apart, spreading his seed inside her. Her walls convulsed and wrapped around his cock, milking him dry.

Ian threw his head back." Fuck, this was amazing!" he panted and nudged her with his cock.

Iris whimpered and licked her parched lips " Yes, it was!" she panted, wiping the sweat off her forehead.

" But we need to go !" she reminded him, and he lowered himself to his knees and took her legs off his shoulders, encircling his waist with them.

Ian grabbed her hand and pulled her up to face him. Wrapping his arm around her waist, he captured her lips in a deep kiss filled with hunger and began moving again. Iris pulled away from the kiss and gave him a questioning look.

" I can't help myself with you!" he paused and puffed his cheeks " I mean, can you blame me for wanting you?" he questioned, a little defensively.

Iris smiled " No, my love ! I'm happy that you want me, but maybe we should stop. We should leave this place!" she gave him a quick peck on the lips and rested her head on his forehead.

Ian hummed helped her up, and a soft whimper escaped his lips when he felt her warmth leave him.

They quickly got dressed. Ian gave her a quick peck on the cheek and stepped into the passage. A clap echoed in the chamber behind them, and both froze. They looked at each other surprised at first, but their lips pulled in a naughty smile.

" That was quite a show!" Saho's voice echoed in the chamber, and he stepped out of the shadows wearing a bashful grin.

Ian chuckled " If I'd known that someone was watching. I would've kept going!" he teased, smirking, and turned around to leave.

" I'm coming for the girl. Don't stand in my way!" he warned and disappeared again like he was never there.

Iris frowned " Now what?" she questioned, a little worried, and Ian smiled and let go of her hand, placing it on her shoulder.

" He should be worried. Edýia can handle herself, or at least I hope so! Come !" he tilted his head and gently nudged her to move her feet.