Arrington Kingdom

As soon as she stepped inside the tents she'd hoped that her eyes were deceiving her. Just a few mats on the ground that took the place of a bed, a small lamp hanging in the middle of the cloth tent and nothing else. The sight left a bitter taste in her mouth, and for a moment she understood were Haren's bitterness stemmed. A life lived like that often hardened people's heart.

" Come let's have a rest!" Ian tugged on her hand to one if the mats on the ground.

Azra and Athan followed, both threw a quick glance around the tent a plopped each on one of the mats.

" This.." Athan broke the silence and looked up at the lamp that burned above his head " is not a life worth living!" he bitterly said, grunted and stretched himself on the thin mat on the floor.

" No but hopefully we can change that. Fate is a cruel mistress. We all have our burden to carry and this is theirs!" Ian pushed himself off the mat to look at Athan and Azra.

Iris scrubbed her face with her hands " I hope that will come soon!" she puffed her cheeks and let out a frustrated sigh.

" Father!" Azra called and paused for a beat " I hope that you and Mother can help end their suffering!" he sullenly said and looked at his gloveless hands.

" We will do our best! In the meantime time keep those gloves on and try not to touch the creatures. We don't know what it will do to you if you absorb a soul!" Ian advised and Azra nodded and put his gloves back on.

His father was right, this was uncharted territory and himself he had no clue what would happen if he would take the soul of a creature. Things were bad enough as they were, he didn't need to add to their worries by being reckless.

" Now, have some rest !" he lowered himself down next to Iris and pulled her into his arms.


The crisp breeze that swept across the northen territories was unforgiving but a welcomed feeling when Edýia felt its bite on her cheeks. She'd only seen the camp on the border when they left for the southlands but this was all to familiar sight.A arm wrapped around her waist, a soft kiss on the temple " Let go inside.Its cold!" Rom whispered in her ear, nudging her towards the rent.

The decrepit state of the tent didn't put a dent in Rom's mood, he had slept in worse places. The fact that they had something to protect them from the elements was a privilege that not many people had.

Rhya and Tyla seemed unimpressed as the the look on their faces remained the same or they were too tired to give a rat's ass about others. He shrugged at his own thoughts and pushed Edýia to the mat.

" I'll go get the bags. We still have some food left and water!" he pushed Edýia down on the mat and kissed her forehead.

Rhya and Tyla grumbled something from their spot, and he saw no point in asking them what they said and walked out of the tent into the bitter cold.

The sea of tents spreading in front of his eyes was impressive. Sentinels placed along the border, guard post so high that he could bearly see the top. Spotters, he guessed to keep an eye on the horizon, warriors heavily armoured walked in and out of the camp, carrying blades, crossbows and spears. No one, battered an eye at their presence in the camp or asked questions. Probably because no one stayed alive long enough in this place. If Dakran's accounts were accurate then that meant that no one had time to get to know each other.

He walked inside the tent and found Edýia away with the faeries, so we're Tyla and Rhya. He shrugged, placed the bags on the ground and layed next his little bud. Edýia's body was still weak after Ruma had showed herself in front of them and he guessed each time she uses Edýia she will feel worse and eventually will fade away. Anger pumped in his veins, anger at the gods and Ruma. How cruel was she to sentence an innocent girl to death? All for what? So she could hide from her brothers? Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!

" Stop it!" Edýia's faint voice broke his thoughts and he realised that he was squeezing her hand too tight.

" I'm sorry!" he buried his face in her hair and hugged her tight " I got lost in my own thoughts!" he rumbled and kissed her cheeck.

" I thought you were sleeping?" he looked at her with a pitying gaze.

" Stop looking at me like that!" she glared, her lips set in a thin line.

" Like what?" he smiled but it wasn't his.

" Don't look at me like I'm already dead! Now, stop it and kiss me with those soft lips of yours!" she fisted his tunic, crashed her lips against his.She was fire, a fire that burned him and he'd willing would let himself charred by it. The kiss was passionate, hungry and her hand slipped between them and cupped his cock. Fuck Edýia! Rom let out throaty growl and palmed her breasts, pinched at her peak enought to make her moan in the kiss. The longing was hard to bear, her folds itched wanting him inside her. Shit! Worst time ever!

Edýia pulled away from the kiss, panting and when she opened her eyes. Hunger shined steel blue eyes, her hand wouldn't stop rubbing his cock . All he wanted was to take then and there. Fuck! They were sharing the fucking tent în the middle of a field. Definitely the worst time ever.

Her hands slipped in his trousers and he almost came apart the moment her hand wrapped around his length.

He pulled her in his arms " Not Right Now Edýia!" he whispered in her ear. The wet silky feel of his manhood, was like nothing she had ever touched.

It moved in her hand, and she wanted to try more. His chest heaved, he was breathless but she couldn't stop she wanted to see what would happen she kept playing with more.

Her name rolled off his lips in a chant, and she couldn't stop, she didn't want to stop. Seeing him lost in her arms, his hand kneaded her breast, his lips locked on her neck. A stifled moaned escaped his lips and something warm and sticky gushed on her hand, his manhood twitched and pulsed.

He lifted his head to look at her, glazed eyes, panting " Why Edýia !" he rasped breathlessly and didn't wait for her to answer and captured her lips. His tounge slipped inside her mouth and tasted each corner of her mouth.He bit and sucked her lips, until she felt out of breath .

Edýia pulled away from the kiss, red swollen lips, panting " I don't have much time. This ...! she paused for a moment " Is my last chance to make things worth while!" she grew woeful, her eyes shined with unshed tears but she quickly blinked them away and smiled, it was dry one. A sad smile.

" I'm sorry!" he said through gritted teeth, his jaw ticked and his his frown deepened.

Edya pulled her hand out of his trousers and looked at it, his seed was all over her hand. She giggled when he wiped it off with his tunic that he took off.

" We could've found a better place to do this!" he said as he slipped into a clean tunic.

Edýia looked up at him " No better time than the present!" she said with a playful smile on her lips.

Rom plopped himself next to her and pulled her in his arms.She was right. There was no better time than the present. Even with all the odds stacked against them, Edýia still saw the pozitive of their shitty situation.

" Rom!" she called and paused for a moment " Are they all this big?" she innocently asked with her head buried in his chest.

" No!" he stifled a laugh. The innocence, her curiosity and the fire that burned brightly inside her brightened up his life and put a smile on his sour face.

" Oh!" she said after a few moments of silence , raising her head to look at him " Are they small?" she asked asked again with a straight face.

He bitterly laughed " They come in different sizes, just like these!" he pointed at her breasts " Some are small, some are big, some in-between!" he replied with a crooked smile.

Edýia grabbed her breasts and squeezed them , frowned and looked up at him " Arey they big or small?" she asked her eyebrows raised " Do you like them?" she shot the next question, keenly waiting for his answer.

Rom chuckled and shook his head l, put his hand over her breast " It fits perfectly in my hand and" he leaned in " yes I love your breasts!" he wispered against her lips.

" Then you should touch them more!" she grabbed his hand and placed it back on her breast.

She was a breath of fresh air, the air he needed to be be alive and to stay alive. She had become the only reason his shitty life had turned around. His little bud was blooming into the must beautiful flower that ever graced his life and he will soon loose it. Tendrils of anger crept in his heart again, but he couldn't let her see that. She deserved better.

" I will! I promise! Maybe not while we are sharing a tent with others but when it's just us!" he finally answered after a long silence.

Rom pulled her back down on the mat and hugged her to his chest " Sleep !" he wispered and kissed the crown of her head.