Looking For Trouble

In the tent that belonged to the Kaishin of the Inari tribe. Dakran and Maya sat on the mat next to each other. Maya hugged her knees while Dakran was rummaging through his bag, looking for something.

" Take this!" she shoved a dagger into her hands " North is not a kind place to women!" he wrapped her hand around the blade " This will help you if you ever get in trouble! It was my first dagger. My father gifted to me when I started training!" he shared some insights in his childhood, he was worried for her safety.

Dakran kissed her temple and took a deep breath " Promise me you'll be safe!" he whispered against her temple. Maya turned to look at him " I'll be alright!" she paused for a moment and shifted in her spot to face him, placing the dagger on the mat " Rom has made sure that I can defend myself if I would ever get attacked!" she took his hand in hers and gave him a small smile.

Dakran nodded and closed his eyes " The men here aren't like the southerners. They will take what they want! I'll do my best to protect you, but if something happens to me..." he paused and kissed her lips, he cupped her face and deepened the kiss. Maya was a beautiful woman, and he did not doubt that she had already caught the eye of men around the camp. A war zone, a lawless land where no one was held accountable for such things, and nobody gave two fucks about a woman unless she spread her legs wide enough.

He felt the dagger's tip brush the skin, pulled away from the kiss, and looked down. He hadn't even noticed or heard when she pulled the blade out of the sheath. The blade cut through the fabric, grazing his lower belly, and Maya smiled.

" I told you, I can defend myself if need be!" she pulled the blade away and threw it in the air. The edge flipped, stabbing the ground next to his foot. Fuck! His little red was not as weak as he'd pegged her to be. Blood rushed to his groin, and he felt his cock harden.

The smile stayed " What are you thinking?" she asked, her eyebrows wrinkled. She was keenly waiting for his answer.

He grunted " I'm hard!" he mumbled and pressed on the bulge in his trousers.

Maya giggled and blushed " I'm sorry!" she murmured, covering her face with her hands.

Dakran chuckled " It's fine! Don't worry about me!" he smiled and winked at her.

Maya blushed again and cleared her throat " Maybe we should get some rest!" she pulled the dagger out of the ground and placed it under the mat.

" You rest!" he pushed her onto the mat and kissed her forehead " I need to find the dumbass!" he stood up and arranged his bits. Dakran gave her a dashing smile and walked out of the tent.

Her giggle followed him outside, and as soon as he left her, his feet itched to go back to her. He had glued himself to her for almost two moons. Her presence in his life had soothed his scared soul and wretched life.

As soon as he walked into the tent, Dakran was greeted by Haren lying flat on the ground. The stench of alcohol and gods knew what else filled the tattered tent. He looked like he hadn't been sober for days on end.

" Haren! Wake the fuck up!" Dakran kicked his leg.

Haren groaned and grumbled and lifted his head, spitting dirt out of his mouth.

" Oh..! he slurred, his head wobbling, hitting the ground " All mighty Dakran has!" the fucker hiccuped, lifting his head again. "Come to save us !" he garbled and rolled on his back.

" What the fuck are you doing?" Dakran asked, pissed as the Seven Hells.

Grabbed Haren by his tunic and pulled him upright " Wake the fuck up. We are leaving, and you're coming with us! I'll tie you to the horse and drag your pitiful ass to Gaerwen if I have to!" he roared enough for the entire camp to hear him.

He pushed Haren to the ground, picked up the bucket of water at the tent's entrance and threw it on Haren. " This should speed things up!" he left the tent in a storm.

Caell showed up out of nowhere in front of him " You are taking him with you, right?" he asked, a little miffed that Haren wasn't pulling his weight around the camp.

Dakran clenched his fists " Yes!" he curtly replied and stopped outside his tent.

"Nya will be back soon!" he glanced at the tent " She....will not be pleased that you brought company!" he mumbled with a weary expression.

Dakran's expression hardened " Nya knows...I never promised her anything! he paused for a moment and glanced at the tent " I owe her nothing!" he turned to enter the tent.

Caell was in charge of the camp. He knew who did what, and he also knew who did who. Nya was the Kaishin of the Inari people. They've spent a few nights in each other's arms while he swam in the fumes of the wine he drank every night. It was a mistake, and he'd made it clear to Nya when she kept coming back for more.

His mood turned when he entered the tent, and instead of Maya lying on the mat, his eyes fell on the black-haired woman.

Nya turned on her back " I heard that you returned, and I came to greet you!" she fluttered her black lashes at him and smiled coquettishly.

Dakran's lips twitched " Where is Maya?" he barked and looked around the tent for her as if there was anywhere for her to hide. There wasn't.

" Who?" the smile fell, and she wrinkled her button nose at him.

" Fuck!" he racked his hands through his hair, turned on his heels, and walked out of the tent. Leaving Nya in the tent alone just as he found her.

Caell was inconspicuously standing a few paces away. Listening to the exchange between him and Nya. " Don't you have a camp to look after?" Dakran barked behind, making Caell jump out of his clothes.

" Where's Maya?" he didn't give him a chance to answer the first question.

Caell pointed in a general direction and scampered off without giving Dakran a chance to lay one on him.

Caell had pointed to the outskirts of the camp. It was a dangerous place to be, and they were mostly left unprotected when they returned from their patrol. The time between the change of garrison was short, but it was enough for anything to happen. He strode through the camp as fast as he could, passing tent after tent, approaching the outlining sentinels around the camp.

Maya's figure appeared in the distance holding something in her arms. Dakran quickened his steps and halted a few paces away from her.

" What are you doing out here, Maya? This is no place for you to be ?" he scolded while she carressed whatever she was holding in her arms.

" I couldn't sleep, and I went for a walk!" she casually replied, stroking the fury in her arms.

" I found a pup!" she beamed and pushed the furball closer to him.

Dakran tilted his head to have a look at the ball of fur. The brown-blackish fur, the rounded ears and the enormous paws told that it wasn't even close to a pup.

Dakran let out an exasperated sigh and covered his face with his hands " It's not a pup, Maya! It's a volsa cub, and its mother will eat you if we don't give it back!" he spoke from behind his hands, scrubbing his face " We have to take it back!" he reached to take the cub out of her hands, but she took a step back.

" He is hurt!" she glared and wrapped the cub in her cloak.

" The pack moved to a different hunting grounds, and he was left behind because he wouldn't be able to keep up! The mother returns for the cubs once she finds food!" he explained and reached again for the cub, but she took another step back. " You have to let it go!" the plea in his voice was evident. His voice softened, and so did his expression.

" Fine! But can I just take care of his paw first? I think that there is something in it!" she gave the cub a pitying look and looked at him with pleading eyes.

Dakran's shoulders slumped, and he nodded " Fine! Now come! We will be leaving soon! He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pushed her back into the campgrounds.