The Horse

Iris opened her eyes to the cruel present. The warmth radiating from Ian brought some comfort that there was one thing that still hadn't changed. He was still there despite all the challenges they had faced. Ian was still by her side. He had proven himself a worthy partner, a good, loving husband. He was there when she needed him the most, and he had shown her countless times that his love for her was greater than anything else.

" You're awake?" his voice rumbled, squeezing her waist.

Iris hummed " We should get ready! I think they are back!" the clattering sound of metal clashing against each other echoed through the camp.

His breath hissed, and he pushed himself off the mat to look at her. He looked tired. The darkness under his eye clearly showed that he was at breaking point. She was sure that she didn't look any better, but she dared not to ask him. There was no point. He would say that she looked beautiful and that he loved her.

Ian pressed his forehead against hers and kissed her lips " You look beautiful! I love you!" he coyly smiled and sucked on her lip.

Iris giggled " You're hopeless!" she amusedly said when he rubbed his rigid member against her thigh.

He buried his face in her neck " We haven't done it in the North!" he whispered in her ear, licked her earlobe, and nudged her.

" I'll be quick!" he tried to cajole her. He was never quick. He liked to have his sweet time whenever he could and worship her body like the most sacred thing.

" I promise!" he raised his head to look at her with a bright smile, and she felt compelled to nod.

Ian quickly pushed himself up and reached his hand to take it. They walked out of the tent, looked around and skidded through the camp and made their through the darkness at a safe distance from the camp.

The cold bite of the northern weather wasn't easy to ignore. Her hair stood on end. She shuddered while Ian seemed to be just fine.

" I'll warm you up!" he pulled her into his arms, cupped her face and captured her lips in a ravenous kiss.

He lowered himself to the ground on his back and pulled his trousers with one hand, still glued to her lips. Then he moved on to her trousers and pulled them down taking just one leg out.

He pulled away from the kiss " Ride me like you rode that horse!" the was a hint of envy in his voice " Every time I looked at you, I wished that would've me instead of the horse!" he admitted and placed her in his lap. Her folds brushed against his hardened cock, and she swallowed a moan. The cold feeling was muted by the sudden heat that flushed her body. It wasn't just him that burned with desire. It was her too. They were both insatiable. She wrapped her hand around his length, sliding down his length to the hilt. A moan escaped her lips, and Ian muffled a groan and pushed himself up, gripping her waist, and sucking on her lips.

" Fuck me, Iris!" he panted, undid her jacket and latched to one of her breasts, sucking and biting as her hips slowly picked up speed.

Muffled moans and groans quickly filled the air around them. Iris's trusted, and Ian met her half away, thrusting upwards, sheathing himself deep into her convulsing walls. It was amazing, she loved having him inside, and each time they gave themselves to each other was better than the last. Her moistened lips were as delicious as always, her walls clamped around his length, and he couldn't hold it any longer and spread his seed inside her. He wasn't sated, but it was all he could get. The bite of the cold made its presence known as the high of their short lovemaking began fading away.

" I love you!" he kissed her breast and pushed it back in the jacket.

' I know!" she smirked and kissed his forehead " I love you too!" she pulled away and unmounted him. She tugged on the leg of her trousers and slipped back into them. He did the same and pushed himself off the ground offering his hand for her to take.

" I told you I'll be quick! I always keep my promises!" he amusedly said as their made their way back into the camp.

Iris giggled " I'm glad that you do! Otherwise, we would have turned into a block of ice!" she smiled, and squeezed his hand.

" I'm happy, Ian!" her smile fell, and her gaze on him softened.

He brought their joining hands up and kissed her hand " That's the first time you've said that since we left the hut!" he halted his steps right outside their tent and looked at her with a piercing gaze.

" You already know my answer!" he brushed a strand of hair off her face and kissed the tip of his nose.

Iris pursed her lips and nodded. He did not need to tell her how he felt about her. His actions spoke volumes, alas, sometimes reckless and unmoving in his convictions. He has stood by her side and showed her that he would be there until their time together comes to an end.

" Good, you're back!" Athan's voice echoed from inside the tent, and he pushed the flap aside.

" Where did you go? " he paused for a moment and measured them from head to toe " Don't answer that! he added when Iris opened her mouth to speak " We are leaving!" he curtly informed and stepped outside with their bags, followed by Azra who just nodded at them and followed Athan to the horses.

Iris cupped her face with her hands and laughed. A tinge of pink appeared on her cheeks. She looked up at him. Her laughter rang through the camp like bells. Ian kissed her forehead and pulled her into his arms.

" I love your laughter! Never stop!" he murmured against her forehead, and she wrapped her arms around his waist. Her laughter slowly subsided, replaced by a sigh of contentment.

Iris pulled away to look at him. Despite the joyous shine on her face, the glow in her eyes told a different story.

" It will be alright!" he lovingly caressed her cheek and pecked her lips.

" Ian, let's go!" Dakran's voice boomed throughout the camp.

" We should.." he glanced over his shoulder " Get going!" his voice wavered, the wrinkle in his forehead deepened.

Iris nodded and took the hand that he was offering, following him to her horse.

" I love you, Ian!" she hugged him tightly, letting out a heavy sigh.

" I love you too, my sweet little angel!" he rubbed her back. One more day and they would have to face the creatures, and the worst was yet to come.