Another Promise Made

Inside the chamber assigned to them by Sala, Iris and Ian stood on the edge of the bed, holding each other's hand.

" This is it then!" she woefully said and turned to look at Ian.

Ian hummed and placed one leg on the bed " We don't know what's on the other side, so it's best to expect the worst !" he sighed and let himself fall on the bed.

Iris followed, turned on her side and curled up into a ball. Ian kissed her forehead and pulled her into his arms " We can always bargain with Ruma. Maybe she can send us to the same place after we die!" he jokingly said, and Iris giggled.

" Not a bad idea!" she drily smiled and took a deep breath.

" Will see tomorrow when we get there! Let's worry about it tomorrow! Now let's have a bath. The water will get cold soon, and this place is nothing like the castle!" he pushed himself off the bed and offered his hand to Iris.

Ian pulled her into his arms and kissed her nose " After dinner, we can make love as if it would be our last time!" his lips curled up in a dashing smile, caressing her features.

Iris giggled " There is no hope for you!" she amusedly said and kissed his lips.

Ian sighed " Sleep then!" he shrugged, but he didn't seem pleased with the option he offered.

Iris smiled " You don't seem happy with the latter!" she placed the tip of her tongue on her upper lip, trying to contain a giggle.

" We might die tomorrow, and I will not have any regrets!" he decisively said with his head held high.

Iris's smile fell, and he regretted saying those words.

" I'm sorry!" Ian bumped his forehead into hers and rained kisses on her face.

Iris pushed him away " No, it's alright! I know it, you know it. There is no point walking on hot coals!" she reasoned and kissed his lips.

" Let's wash and get ready for supper!" she imitated Sala's accent and walked into the bathing room.

" You're getting better!" Ian casually commented, following her to the bathing chamber.

" At what?" she asked over her shoulder with an eyebrow raised.

" Telling jokes!" Ian slipped out of his clothes.

" Wait !" Iris pressed her hand against his chest and glared.

" You think I'm bad at telling jokes?" she tilted her head, raised her eyebrows, and pursed her lips.

Ian nervously chuckled and rubbed the back of his head " A little, maybe a lot!" he truthfully replied and raised his hands in surrender.

Iris scoffed and waved him off " If that's what you think, then I'm sure the pillow will enjoy your company tonight! How is that for a good joke?" she smirked, turned around and slipped out of her clothes.

Ian scrubbed his face with the palm of his hand and regretted having said a word about it. He hadn't seen Iris in the light in almost a fortnight, but by all gods, she was ravishing to look at. Her plump mounds, that round ass. He bit his lips and swallowed a moan. And the place he loved the most lay between her legs, his piece of heaven. His hands itched, and his cock stood to attention on command. Now what?

" I was just teasing! You make excellent jokes!" he grovelled, drinking in every bit of her body, and Iris scoffed and waved him off as she lowered herself into the warm water, letting out a moan.

" You can't do this to me!" he moved closer to the tub, his erection dangling in front of her

" You seem to have a problem! " She flicked his cock ' Best you take care of it !" she scrunched her nose and leaned into the tub.

Ian let out an exasperated cry and glared at his hard cock. His own body betrayed him around her, never listening to him. No matter how much he tried to brush his lustful thoughts, it never worked. He threw his head back and let out a frustrated grunt, and slipped into the tub with her.

Sheepishly looking at her, she seemed to take no notice and kept splashing water on herself, which trickled down on her plump breasts. Oh, fuck! His hands itched to touch, and his cock twitched and throbbed painfully. To his dismay, Iris's lips curled in a wicked smiled, palmed her breasts and played with her peaks, bit her lips and let out a long, pleasured moan.

" Fuck Iris! Let me touch them!" he pouted and reached for her breasts. Iris swatted his hand away and wiggled her finger at him. The wicked grin returned. And her hand moved further down between her legs, and she threw her head back and moaned even louder. This is fucking torture! His blood boiled, his skin was on fire, heaving his hands began to tremble while she continued pleasuring herself in front of him.

He stayed there looking at her, unmoving. The tortured expression etched on his face gave her a feeling of satisfaction that she had never experienced before. It was gratifying to see him at her mercy. His little comment didn't bother her that much, she already knew her jokes weren't the funniest, but she had never tried. Nonetheless, it was an excellent excuse to exert her power over him.

Ian grunted, his jaw ticked, and buried his face in the palm of his hands, and a muffled groan rang in the room. When he raised his head, he chuckled in disbelief " Right!" he paused for a moment and moved closer to her " Were you at least thinking of me?" he asked with a slanted smile.

Iris opened her eyes, pursed her lips and nodded, brought her hand to his mouth and put her fingers on his lips. His tongue snaked out of his mouth, and he licked her fingers, closing his eyes, relishing her taste.

He hummed, took her fingers into his mouth and sucked on them. His tongue wrapped around her fingers, the tongue that pleasured her countless times. The bundle in her belly twisted and curled, and her core itched for him to plunder and ravish her with his cock. Ian grabbed her wrist, sucked a bit more on her fingers and pulled them out of his mouth with a pop. Hungry eyes racked her face and stopped at her heaving chest. All she thought about was his tongue licking her folds, biting her nub, and sucking on it. She was just as lustful as he was. Her gaze lowered and settled on his cock that poked out of the water, and she lavisciously licked her lips. A lifetime wasn't enough to worship her, let alone one night.

" I want to fuck you with my tongue!" his low voice rang in the room, and she lifted her eyes to him with a breathtaking smile.

Iris slid in his lap, stopped a breath away from him and licked his lips " I want to suck you and lick you until you forget your name!" she whispered against his lips and captured his lips in a ravenous kiss. Both moaned in the kiss, hands touched everywhere on each other, hair, breasts, chest, thighs, ass. It didn't matter anymore who felt what. The frenzy had taken them over. Hunger for each other, desire burned and muffled moans echoed in the room as they let their passions run free like wild horses. There was no more holding back, no point anymore. He pushed himself up with her in his arms and padded across the floor to the bed. Still entangled in the kiss, he lowered himself onto the bed with her on top of him. He unwillingly pulled away from the kiss and gulped, " Turn around! Put your pussy on my face!" he heaved out of breath, biting his lips. She obliged unwavering, turned around and graced him with her round buttocks, her juicy enticing folds gleaming in the faint light of the fire. He let out a grunt and gave her a long lick front to back, moaned and squeezed her bottom.

" By all gods, Iris !" Ian spoke against her lips," I would happily live my life stuck in between your legs!" his hot breath brushed her folds and plunged his tongue inside her.

His tip gleamed, calling her to suck and lick it while he pleasured her with his tongue. Pleasure washed over her, one wave after another, as he dug his tongue deep into her. She wrapped her hand around his pulsating length, almost falling on his cock when he picked up its pace tongue fucking her. She stilled and took him into her mouth, her delicate tongue wrapped around his length. A deliciously pleasurable feeling shot into his groin. He squeezed her plump buttocks to keep himself from spreading his seed in her mouth. He wasn't done. He wanted more of her. Iris's mouth glided on his length, licking his tip. Her smooth, soft lips felt haven. A muffled moan escaped her mouth. Her delicious juices trickled in his mouth, and he licked and hungrily ate every drop.

" Iris!" he moaned, spurting his seed inside her mouth, and she hungrily sucked him, milking every drop of his seed until he felt there was nothing left for her to take.

Iris's leg flew over his. She straddled him and slipped his cock inside her. She wasn't done, nor was he. It was never enough. The same fire burned inside both of them. Their hunger for each other was insatiable. She lowered herself, glazed eyes, still riding the high, kissed his lips and slowly moved her hips. His hands went to her hips, guiding her, thrusting his hips and his cock hardened again, swelling inside her, caressing tight walls.

Ian didn't shy away from showing how much he loved her. His amber eyes held a lustre of adoration towards her, his golden hair and his soft full lips; Ian was a handsome man, his tight muscles convulsing under his skin, bobs of sweat trickled on his lean muscled body. She drank every bit of him just like he did with her. Ian moaned and called her name, calling upon the gods lost in pleasure as their bodies glided against each other; he panted a curse and spread his seed inside her. She buried her face in his neck, gasping.

Ian lovingly caressed her hair, licked his parched lips, and gulped " My sweet wife ." he panted and flipped her on the bed " I'm not done! " he latched himself onto her breast and thrust inside her. She arched her back and gripped the sheets. His thrust was so deep that she felt his cock press against her womb. He let go of her breast with a pop and pulled himself up, gripped her hips, glided in and out of her with smooth movements

' I love you! he panted, thrusting so hard that knocked the breath put her lungs. Her delicious breasts shook and bobbed up and down as he drilled her with his cock. Mad with desire, he let himself free of all restraint. She moaned, arching her back and gripping tight on the sheets. Her walls gripped his cock. She let out a long moan. His cock pulsed, spreading his seed inside her, dripping on the bed. He let go of her hips and lowered himself, kissed her mounds and rested his head on them.

Both were completely drained of strength, their chests heaved, and the only thing was moving. Silence filled the chamber that not long ago echoed with cries of pleasure. She lay unmoving with her eyes closed, sweat gleamed in the warm light of the fire, and her chest evenly moved up and down.

' I love you, Ian!" she broke the silence, and he raised his head to look at her. Her eyes were still closed " Remember that no matter what happens to us. I will find you!" a tear streaked her cheek. She quickly wiped it with her hand and opened her eyes. Sadness and despair shined in them, and there was nothing he could do about it. It was her fate, and he would happily follow her into the depths of the Hollow if need be.

He took her hand in his and kissed the back of it " And I'll find you, my Queen! Even if I have to cross the seven heavens and seven hells. I'll find you, my sweet wife!" she wistfully smiled at his declaration and finally pushed herself off the bed.

She cupped his face, brushing his cheeks with her thumbs, and a spark of light appeared in her eyes " Promise me!" her voice broke, and she swallowed a sob. Her lips trembled, and she bit them to stop. This wasn't the time to drown in sorrow.

Ian placed his hand on top of hers, closed his eyes, and kissed each palm. When he opened them, a fierce gleam flashed in them ' Even if I have to tear this whole fucking universe to shreds, I'll find you!" He rained kisses on her face and hugged her naked body as hard as he could.

" You're mine! No fucker, can have you except me!" he mumbled in the crook of her neck and squeezed her so tight that she could barely breathe.

" Thank you!" she kissed his shoulder and bit his earlobe, making him hiss at the sting of her bite.

" And you're mine!" she amusedly said and peeled him off her. He reluctantly let go of her and watched her climb off the bed as she strode into the bathing chamber to clean herself.

He hoped that whatever they would have to face in Ellora wouldn't be as bad as he thought, but he doubted that. The fucking creatures were no joke. Four of them struggled to take one down. He hoped that the gods hadn't forgotten. There was only that much Ruma was capable of doing without killing Edýia.

"Let us have some food! I'm starving!' her voice rang in the room as she stepped out of the bathing chamber and rummaged in the wardrobe, but it was empty. The only thing she found was a night dress.

" We need to get our bags!" Ian pushed himself off the bed and walked in and out of the bathing chamber with his clothes in his hands.

" I'll go and see if I can find someone in this rock to help me!" he said as he slipped into his trousers.

Iris plopped herself on the bed and hugged a pillow as he walked out of the room with the tunic in his hand.