The Brother

Rom leaned against the sturdy headboard staring at the fire in the hearth. Next to him, Edýia, deep in her sleep. She hadn't moved since he had brought her into the room. The effects of Ruma using her as a vessel were evident. Her eyes dulled, losing their shine, and her skin paled, looking dead than alive. Ruma drained every drop of strength out of Edýia, and she knew what she was doing to her. He knew when she would eventually woke, her body would hurt as hell, but again, he was powerless. He banged his head against the headboard and gritted his teeth. His fists balled up, nails digging into the palm of his hand.

" Take me! Use me!" he shouted, letting his anger out. He couldn't bare to see her suffering. He would gladly take her place.

He deeply inhaled " Please!" his voice broke, and he couldn't hold back his tears anymore " Please!" he begged no one in particular. His plea fell on deaf ears. There was no one to hear him, no one but him.

He let out a heartbreaking scream, huffing. His anger and pain swirled inside him, ravaging his soul and mind. His pain-stricken heart couldn't take anymore—the thought of losing Edýia, his little bud. The only woman he truly ever loved, he has given himself to her body and soul, wholly, completely. His innocent bud would be no more. He wouldn't see her smiles, her beautiful eyes twinkling with curiosity and wonder. He caressed her beautiful ringlets as they curled up around his trembling finger, and he felt sanity slip through his fingers as her life slowly faded before his eyes.

He curled up next to her, took her in his arms, buried his face in her beautiful ringlets, and sobbed like a child in its mother's arms. While he chanted the exact words, ' take me' over again.

" How is she?' Dakran's voice rang in his ear, and he had to force himself to swallow his sobs, tears, and pain. Rom sniffled, and he already knew that Rom was losing his mind over what was happening to Edýia. He had his doubts about Rom at first, but he proved that his love for Edýia wasn't a fleeting whim. He had devoted himself to her and had stood by her side, good and evil. He welcomed both head-on.

Rom raised his head, wiped his tears with his sleeve, and cleared his throat. Red swollen eyes greeted him the moment he opened them, and tear-streaked face. He looked distraught.

" She is sleeping! Hasn't moved since we got here!" he answered in a broken voice, holding back his tears.

Dakran nodded " She will be fine! Edýia is strong! She will pull through!" he tried to give him some hope, but he knew the cruel truth. Her already weakened body wouldn't be able to withstand much more.

Rom pressed the arch of his palms on his sore eyes to soothe the discomfort, but it didn't do any good.

" I'm going to get Maya! Supper will be served soon!" Join us! You are no good to her if you're dead!" Dakran said with a slanted smile, trying to lighten up his mood. Rom gave him a pointed look. He wasn't in the mood for jokes.

" I'll have Sala bring some food to the room, then! Make sure you eat!" Dakran patted him on the shoulder, gave Edýia a pitying look opened his mouth to speak but decided to keep quiet

Rom didn't reply. He stood there, brooding, hugging his knees, and glaring at the space in front of him. The man was angry, hurting! Edýia was fading faster than he had expected, and there was nothing they could do. Ruma was a goddess. Against her, neither of them stood a chance. He had to think of something.

Dakran glanced over his shoulder one more time and walked out of the chamber, leaving them alone. Rom returned to the bed and hugged Edýia again, burying her in his arms. It wasn't much, but it was all he could do. That was within his power.

Rom buried his face in her soft ringlets, his arm tightly wrapped around her waist, his legs wrapped around hers like she often did when they shared a bed. Overcome by exhaustion, he fell asleep.

Edýia opened her eyes and sat up in a swift move leaving Rom behind on the bed. Who jumped when he felt Edýia awake and sat up on the bed with her.

" You're awake!" Rom beamed, smiling.

Edýia didn't reply.

She stood there stiff like a stone and didn't react to anything. She didn't turn or move. Her chest wasn't moving. Was she dead already?

Her head stiffly turned to him, unblinking eyes pale as death itself. It was a pretty terrifying sight, and he wasn't faint of heart. He had seen and done pretty horrible things. Things he had wished to erase, but what was done was done! There was no turning back, no matter how much he regretted it.

She stared at him, dull-eyed, still not blinking, and he was sure whatever possessed her wasn't human.

" Blink, you moron!" he barked at whatever had taken her body, and Edýia blinked.

" Reveal yourself!" he demanded, not taking his eyes off Edýia.

" Helm!" Edýia spoke in a distorted voice and blinked once.

" You're the brother! What do you want?" Rom scoffed " How are you even here?" he asked, fed up with gods turning up at every corner.

" I felt Ruma in this body, and I followed!" he replied in the same distorted voice and looked at Edýia hands.

" Human! An Eilkish.." he paused " Huh! "

" Are you here to finish what your sister started!" he was incredibly calm despite being faced with another all-powerful entity.

" No!" Helm replied, still staring at Edýia's hands.

" I'm only using her voice!" Helm put Edýia's hands down.

" Doesn't look like it!" Rom got off the bed and walked to the foot of the bed.

" I have some control! I had to.." Helm paused " She is fading!" he sullenly said

" You're a genius! Tell me something I don't know!" Rom mocked

Helm didn't reply. Her expression was blank and dull-eyed, and her pale skin was still the same.

" Help her! " Rom paused " Help us! I'm losing my mind here!" his voice broke, starkly contrasting his earlier calmness. Desperate, he clung to the hope that Helm might take mercy on her and help.

"I can't! That's her purpose! Chiala is Ruma' s vessel ! This is not the first time she sneaks into this realm to help her beloved creation! Even though AllFather forbade us to interfere! She has broken the Sacred Law again! That's why I'm here! Allfather has asked Ruma to be brought before him. To pass his judgment! Coward !'" His emotions transpired for the first time since he showed himself.

" I'll take anything! Give something! There has to be something I can do !? Please!" he fell on his knees and clasped his hand in front of him, pleading to save the life of the woman he loved.

Helm didn't reply.

Edyia collapsed on the bed, unmoving just like before.

Rom buried his face in the sheets" Fuuuuuck!" he screamed with all his might until he ran out of breath. He raised his head, heaving, his eyes fell on Edyia, and the urge to break something took over him. Blinded by rage, he punched the bedpost as hard as he could. The bedpost cracked, and so did the bones in his hand. He curled into a ball on the ground, groaning in pain, hugging his trembling hand to his chest, muffling cries of pain as much as he could.

Sala walked in with a tray of food and froze when she saw him crouched on the ground, trembling, hugging his arm.

" I get help!" that was all the woman managed to muster before she scrambled out of the room.