Fatidic Day

Iris stood in front of the mirror, looking at herself. The dark red dress made her look like she'd crawled out of a blood bath. She grimaced in disgust at it. She was beginning to hate the colour. She didn't know where to go, she would have escaped, but she had no idea which portal would take her to Ellora. Her father would know or Gaelin. It's a good thing that he will be her husband. Maybe with some luck, he would reveal the portal's location. Iris nodded to her thoughts and turned around, ignoring the maids that were doing her hair.

" Your Grace! We haven't finished your hair!" one of the maids spoke with her head down.

" Leave it as it is!" Iris said in a dismissive tone and turned around to look at herself in the mirror. It looked alright, in her opinion. It was an arranged marriage, after all. She couldn't care less what she looked like. Wooing and swooning about her future husband wasn't in her books. The faster the charade ended all, the better.

" As you wish, Your Grace!" the maid curtsied and took her place next to the others.

" You look beautiful, Your Grace!" they chorused, gushing with their hands clasped, looking awed.

Iris frowned and turned to look at herself in the mirror. She couldn't see it. All she was her tired expression. The dress hung on her. It wasn't the right fit. Her curves were more petite now. She didn't fill the dress appropriately.

" The dress belonged to Queen Elmira! Your mother!" one of the older maids added.

Iris didn't reply.

She hadn't met her birth mother and the father, that was still alive. Well, he wasn't exactly what she expected.

A knock on the door interrupted her thoughts, and she turned to look at the door. One of the maids opened the door and bowed.

" Everyone is ready!" Lund offered his hand to her. His stern expression and posture didn't give her much choice other than obey. No matter how she looked, she was stuck with no way out for the time being—patience, waiting for the right moment to put her plans in motion.

" I'll escort you to the throne room!" he added with a forced smile. He seemed tense like bow stretched to its limits. Her little rebellious act didn't help her cause.

Iris nodded but didn't smile back, she hooked her arm around her father's, and they both walked along each other in the corridor leading to the throne room.

" You're making the right choice by taking Gaelin as your husband!" Lund said, looking at her from the corner of her eye.

Iris swallowed a chuckle " I didn't choose this. You did! I never agreed to take Gaelin as my husband, and yet here we are, " Iris paused, trying to gather her witts. She had to mellow down; otherwise, Lund would never give free rein around the palace.

" Gaelin is your future! You must let go of the past. N'gatarkan spawn wasn't fit to be your husband. Gaelin is! You should be thankful that he has agreed to take you as you are." Lund tried to soften the blow in his twisted way and stopped in front of an inlaid door

" As I am? I didn't ask him to marry me! I didn't ask you to bring me to Zandar! I didn't ask for any of this. Now, if you just give me the books, I'll leave, and you will never see me again! Iris said through gritted teeth, seething with anger. Her temper flared faster than she had wished. She was trembling, trying to keep her composure. An outburst wouldn't be easily overlooked. She knew that on the other side of that door, an entire court was waiting.

Lund looked at her and let out a mocking chuckle " You're my only child and the heir to the throne. Do you think that I would just let you walk away? Now stop acting like a petulant child," Lund said through gritted teeth struggling to keep his composure. His nostrils flared, and his eyes bore holes into her skull.

Iris wanted to say more, but Lund had already opened the damn door to the throne room, and they were greeted by the people who had come to attend her wedding.

No familiar faces in the crowd. She was a stranger to them, and they were to her. Gaeling was waiting in front of the throne, wearing white attire. His dark hair was combed to the side, and he wore the same tactful smile.

What are you hiding? Was the first question that popped into her head. She had begun to resent Gaelin already. Something was off about him. No one wears the same smile all the time. It was something that was deeply ingrained in high-standing people. Appearances were deceiving, and she had wondered how long Gaelin could keep up with the act of understanding and patient man.

Lund let go of her arm and passed her on to Gaelin, and leaned in " Smile!" he whispered against her cheek. It wasn't a request. It was an order.

With great effort, she had managed to muster a semblance of a smile while Lund took his place in front of the luxurious throne with the same hideous colour.

Gaelin smiled but remained quiet. His eyes studied her, but there wasn't anything in them. Not even lust. She couldn't read the man. Ian was so easy to read. His emotions transpired in everything, the way he spoke, smiled, frowned, and sighed. I miss you!

Iris let out a silent shaky sigh and cleared her throat. She was about to cry again.

" Thank you for joining us on this joyous occasion!" Lund began his speech.

" As you already know, my daughter and your beloved Princess have finally returned into our loving arms. We are here today to celebrate this occasion and the union between our house and Elfyd! They are the future King and Queen of this realm!" Lund waved at her and Gaelin with a wide smile.

Applause and cheers rang in the throne room for a while until the Lund waved them to stop.

" Let's begin!" Lund ordered, and one of the Elden Council members stepped forward, holding a chalice and a piece of bread.

" Khiah Tarn-et-Garonne and Gaelin Elfyd! Do you vow to take each other in this life and the other?" he asked and looked at both of them.

" Yes!" Gaelin asked without any shadow of a doubt in his voice.

The Elden turned to her

and pinned her with his gaze while the king gave her a pointed look and smiled.

She looked around at the people gathered. If she said anything, it wouldn't end well. If she said no, it wouldn't end well for her either way. She reasoned at the moment. She knew nothing of that realm and the people that lived in it.

" Yes!" Iris baulked with her eyes on Gaelin, who seemed relieved that she had accepted.

Lund chuckled, pleased, and stood up.

" I declare Khiah and Gaelin husband and wife!" Lund's voice boomed in the throne room, and people cheered and clapped.

" Food would be served in the dining hall after the two newlyweds have had their first dance!" Lund informed and left the throne room, and people followed.