
After leaving the Tsavo outpost behind, it took Dakran and Haren three more days to reach the Harnham outpost. Deep within what once was the white lands, the Ianri territory expanse laid before their eyes. The cold air bit at his cheeks, and his clothing barely provided warmth.

" Harnham!" Haren pointed at the flickering lights in the distance.

Dakran hummed " I hope puddin' is here!" he said in a pensive tone.

"We will find him! There aren't many places to hide anymore! This is the last outpost still standing. I don't think he returned into the Southlands!" Haren tried to ease his worries by looking at him over his shoulder.

" Do you think he can help?" Haren questioned, a little doubtful. Pelham was a talented healer and had helped them a great deal in their times of need.

" I hope that he can! Otherwise, we have no one else to turn to. He is the last person we know that has knowledge that we don't! Iris is gone, and so are the three traitors. Not that I would trust anything that comes out of their mouths," Dakran glumly said, albeit slightly resentful.

" So what happened that night before they left?" Haren curiously asked, trying to get more insight into that fateful night

" It turns out that the three knew. Athan, Rhya and blond that you tried to fuck, while you were drunk on Galanthian wine!" Dakran smirked when Haren's face fell at his words. He was so drunk that he didn't remember anything from that night

" Wait? I did what? Haren was baffled and clueless. He looked like a lost deer, but he recovered quickly. It wasn't like he was shocked at his abhorrent behaviour.

Dakran's laughter echoed in the silence of the darkness surrounding them. He was laughing so hard that his shoulders shook, and he struggled to breathe.

Haren rolled his eyes at him, scoffed and waved him off, turning to look ahead, grumbling under his breath, probably cursing.

" Pshh..! You talk nonsense! I never did such a thing! " Haren waved him off, reluctant to believe his words.

Dakran's laughter finally turned into a sigh, and he wiped his tears away " You did, though! I can't believe you got knocked on your ass by such a small woman!" he said in mirth. He had imagined countless times Haren getting beat into a pulp by a woman. He deserved it.

Haren smirked " You're one to talk! Remember Dahlia! She whooped your ass and the reds ass! You can laugh all you want, but the truth is that we both got beaten by women. You and I, we are from the same soup!" Haren pointed out and tipped his chin towards the barracks.

" Who goes there ?" a familiar voice rang in the air, approaching them, holding a torch.

" Nya!" Haren exclaimed " So good to see you!" Haren jumped off his horse and stopped before the dark-haired beauty with a swarthy complexion.

" Haren! Nya smirked " I can't say the same !" she glanced at Dakran, sweetly smiling at him.

Haren grinned " It must've been a good one!" Haren amusedly said, and Dakran's lips twitched at the little comment, understanding the underlying meaning.

" Why aren't you at the border?" Dakran skipped the pleasantries and questioned the brunette in a harsh tone.

" The camp got destroyed, and I brought my people home. Too many were injured, and some died! The healer there couldn't tend to all of them. Pelham is here, and as you know, he does wonders!" Nya informed, caressing the horse's neck, slowly making her way to Dakran's leg without taking her eyes off him as if he was some prized possession.

Haren approached Nya from behind and smiled " You know!" he said in a sweet voice that sounded nothing like Haren's. "Dakran is taken, but I'm still free and willing!" he ran the palm of his hand on her bottom and slapped Nya's cheek, biting his lip.

There it is! For a moment, Dakran thought Haren had lost his senses and turned into someone else.

Nya looked up at him and frowned. She took no notice of what Haren did. Perhaps the news was too shocking for her even to register what just happened" What? What do you mean? Is it that lady that you were looking for at the border? Nya shot the questions one after another. Her eyes darted between him and Haren. She seemed surprised, bothered.

Haren hummed, " Yes! My dear brother here, " Haren paused and waved at Dakran ", Has decided to take a wife!" Haren annoyingly pointed out. Across Nya's face, a flash of anger and discontent appeared, but it softened rather quickly, hiding it behind a coy smile.

Nya opened her mouth to speak, but she clamped it shut. She had no say in the matter. He had made it clear that he wasn't interested in her, even though he had already bedded her twice. He cursed himself. This will haunt him. He was sure of it. The look on Nya's face wasn't one of acceptance.

Her lips trembled, and her hand gripped tight on the horse's mane " What about us?" she forced a smile, her jaw ticked, and her nostrils flared. Despite her attempts to keep it together, Nya had failed miserably. Anger was etched on her face, and he knew nothing good would come of it. Nothing worse than a scorned woman.

Dakran rubbed his forehead, a little exasperated. He could feel the future headaches this little slip-up would cause him " Fuck ! Nya, I told you from the very beginning that there is no us! It was a mistake! I was drunk, and you kinda happened to walk into my tent!" he said with a straight face and looked in the distance. Trying to avoid her eyes and the pained look on her face.

Nya fell silent. Her hand slipped off the horse's mane and turned to Haren.

" Fine! Then I'll take the next best thing!" she recovered quickly. Dakran narrowed her eyes at her. She was planning something.

Dakran eyes went into the distance again. A running figure caught his attention. He looked around, scouring the surrounding area. There was nothing to run from. Since Tsavo outpost, it had been quiet. Shikari had spread across all kindoms. They would have to deal with them just like they've done for the longest time.

" Is there anyone out on patrol?" Dakran suddenly asked while Nya and Haren were getting handsy with each other. She could do whatever she liked as long she left him alone. He had eyes only for his little red.

Nya turned to look at him " Yes! They will return later! Why do you ask?' her lips twitched. She wasn't that good at hiding her displeasure.

Dakran pointed at the pudgy figure in the distance. It looked familiar. He narrowed his eyes again. It couldn't be, could it? Why would he run?

"It's puddin'!" Dakran bellowed and spurred his horse, leaving Haren and Nya alone to get on with each other. Haren would look after her in his own deranged way.

It didn't take long for Dakran to catch up to Pelham. He wasn't swift, and he waddled while he ran away. That was what caught his eye.

Dakran threw his sword after Pelham, but it landed next to his feet. He missed on purpose. It was a warning, but puddin' took no notice of it and foolishly kept waddling in his attempt to run from him.

" Stop, Pelham!" Dakran shouted and spurred the horse to go faster.

Pelham looked over his shoulder and attempted to waddle faster but slumped face flat on the ground with a grunt.

Dakran pulled on the horse's reins and turned it around, stopping next to his head.

" Why are you running, Pelham?" Dakran amusedly asked as he jumped off his horse and lowered himself on his heels.

Pelham raised his head and spat the snow out of his mouth, looking at him wide-eyed, and glowered at him.

" Remember what you did last time?" puddin' said in a quivering voice, attempting to push himself off the ground.

Dakran took a deep breath " You're making it sound worse than it was!" he chuckled and pulled puddin' up to stand.

" That's because it was! You used me as a target when I told you I can't help!" puddin' heavily gulped and took a step back. He was preparing to run again.

" It did help loosen that tongue of yours, didn't it!" Dakran retorted and fisted puddin' tunic, looking at him in the eye, a little wary of his intentions. He wouldn't get far, but he was in no mood to play catch.

" I have a feeling that I will have to do the same this time too! Edýia is dying!" Dakran said in a softer tone and let go of him, patting him on the shoulder.

" I need you to come with me back to Ironstone. I know you can help!" Dakran took the reins of his horse and pulled puddin' along with him, albeit reluctantly. Puddin' eventually moved his feet.

" I gave you the answer then, but I warned you would come at a price! The stone that you forced Edýia to wear weakened her body and that is why she is fading." Pelham reminded him of his past warning, full of himself.

" You're a healer! This should be an easy one for you!" Dakran threw him a dirty look.

" It will come at a cost, and you already know that! But I'll have to see her myself before I can say for certain!" puddin' stated the obvious in a trembling voice.

Now he regretted the fact that he had forced him to spill the beans about the stone. He regretted many things he had done in his desperate search to help everyone. Now, he could only hope that he would make it time to help the very same person that he had put on a deathbed.