Nagging Thought

His lips itched to ask her about her time with Sylus, but he didn't want to bring the man she once loved into their present. She was his now, and it didn't matter what she had done before he met her. He took a deep breath and returned his attention to the beautiful woman before him.

Maya fell silent, her gaze was on his face, and he felt the cold air brush his skin. He internally rolled his eyes at himself. He was still naked.

Dakran cleared his throat and sheepishly smiled at her " Best I put some clothes on!" he mumbled and picked up his clothes off the floor and slipped into his trousers and clean tunic as fast as he could.

Maya sighed in relief at his words, and he couldn't help but chuckle. Suppose Maya hadn't tasted pleasure, and she hadn't seen a man naked before him. That little thought nagged at him. He had been thoughtless towards her and assumed the wrong thing about her.

Dakran rolled the sleeves off his tunic and took Maya's hand in his" Come! Stay with me for a while! I'll be leaving again soon!" Dakran said as he pulled her towards the bed.

" Where are you going?" Maya asked in a small voice, with a pout.

Dakran climbed into bed and pulled her beside him" We are running short on supplies, and I need to get some. There will be no water or food left soon," Dakran said, hugging her to his chest and kissing her hair.

He was leaving again. As his arm wrapped around her waist, she felt his warmth envelop her, which was soothing. She had missed his tender embraces and loving words. Little Dak climbed into bed and settled at their feet. Dakran grumbled and let out a frustrated sigh. She was sure he wasn't happy little Dak slept on their bed, but he said nothing.

Dakran kissed her head and hummed " I missed this!" he said, kissing her forehead.

Maya hummed, looked up at him and caressed his beard " How long will you be gone this time?" she asked softly, resting her hand on his neck, twiddling with one finger in his beard.

Dakran pushed the hair off her shoulder, pinched her chin and leaned in " Any time away from you is far too long!" he spoke against her lips, his gaze met hers, and for a moment, he lost himself in the forest green swirling in her eyes. Gently pressing his lips against hers, Maya closed her eyes at the touch of tender lips. His kisses were soft and loving and constantly stirred her insides worse than a storm on a calm day. As Dakran nibbled at her lips, his tongue slipped inside her mouth, slowly tasting her, making her blood rush to her cheeks and bundle up in her nether regions as he tasted her lips and sucked on them with hunger. His manhood brushed against her belly, and she turned into a pile of mush. Her thoughts weren't her own anymore. She wanted to touch and feel his lips on her naked body. She wanted him only if she could find the courage to ask.

Maya moaned in the kiss. Her hands fisted his shirt and sloppily returned his kiss. She didn't know how to kiss, and the nagging thought returned. He was hard, so hard that it hurt, and he wanted to make her his. But if he was her first, he had to be good and wait. Maya sloppily deepened the kiss and ground herself against him, and he felt the urge to rip the dress off her and take her. No restraints, just make her his and do the exact countless times until he had no more strength left.

She let go of his tunic, her hands flew to his hair, and she broke the kiss, pushing his head into the crook of her neck. She was panting, heaving for breath. Her perky breast slipped out of the dress, the pink tip brushed against his skin, and it was terrific. He was so enamoured with her that every bit of her called to him.

When his lips latched on her breast, " Dakran!" she heard herself call his name, and his grip on her tightened. His manhood pressed against her belly, and she felt the need to touch it and feel it in her hand.

He sucked on her breast like a newborn, with hunger, biting and licking. His hand cupped her bottom and squeezed it, and he grunted.

Dakran let go of her breast, gulped and raised his head to look at her. She was breathless. Her face was flushed red.

" I want you, Maya" he paused momentarily and licked his lips; his hand slipped under the skirt of her dress and caressed her thigh.

Maya gulped and looked at him with questioning eyes. She wanted to tell him to take her and do as he pleased with her. Her blood rushed to her cheeks again at that thought, but she swallowed it down. She wasn't brave enough to utter those words, only her head.

Dakran fixed his gaze on her, he was waiting for her to say something, but she couldn't bring herself to speak the words that he wanted to hear.

Maya licked her lips and closed her eyes " I've ", she stammered, her breath hitched, and her lovely perky breast called to him. Dakran's slipped his finger under the waistband of her underwear, and she stopped breathing.

Dakran's lips curled up in a wide grin at her reaction. She had no idea why he was happy. She wasn't even able to put one word together.

Dakran's hand lightly brushed her thigh, bit his lip and studied her expressions. He pulled his hand under her skirt and tucked her breast back in her dress.

" I think I'll wait till our wedding night!" Dakran said, grinning mischievously, and kissed her forehead.

Maya released the breath that she was holding, a little disappointed at his decision. She frowned at him and pouted.

Dakran chuckled and pulled her into his arms, and grunted. His hand slipped into his trousers and fumbled with his manhood.

Her hands itched to touch it, and she felt her cheeks burn again at that thought. Her lewd thoughts were more sinful than the women who worked in the pleasure den.

" Let's rest, little red! I'm sure Sala will come any moment and knock on that door!" Dakran broke her thoughts, and Maya blinked at him, startled as if she had been caught red-handed.

Maya looked up at him and smiled " All right! Just for a little bit! I still have to help Falkirk clean up the kitchen!" she said in a small voice with a tinge of disappointment.

Dakran chuckled " I'm surprised that old grump even let come close to the kitchen!" Dakran amusedly said and kissed her forehead.

Maya half shrugged " He was happy to have me around!" she innocently said, snuggling closer to him.

Dakran hummed " I'm sure he is!" he frowned and took a deep breath.

She wasn't sure what he meant, but the lines on his forehead told her it wasn't good. Dakran hummed and hugged her closer to him, and her negative thoughts dissipated when she felt his warmth. She had missed him, his gentle touches and his sweet words. His heart was beating fast in his sturdy chest, and she wondered what made it beat so wildly.