Spice Of Life

Iris slipped through the houses in the port that lay at the foot of the mountain. Many people were still in the market, and no one looked at her twice. She couldn't walk too fast. People didn't move out of her way anymore. She was just a palace maid in the market. This little disguise of hers was to her advantage, but she could easily be spotted in the crowd. She couldn't shed her clothes, and her white hair would stand out like a sore thumb amongst the many colours.

" Make way!" she heard Gaelin's voice thunder in the market when she stepped out.

' Shit!" a curse escaped her lips, and her feet moved faster than ever.

Iris ran as fast as she could toward the portal, but the guard around it took their position when she came closer.

" Stop that woman!" Gaelin's voice thundered not far behind her, and she felt her knees weaken.

The guards drew their swords and stepped forward, and she had to stop running. Iris raised her hands in surrender and slipped the stone into the sleeve of the maid's outfit. She had to hold on to that little gem at all costs. She closed her eyes and the sound of footsteps approaching her from behind and let out the breath she was holding. She had been caught. There was no telling what Lund or Gaelin would do to her for this minor transgression. The sound of the footsteps stopped. Iris didn't dare to turn around and look at Gaelin. She could only imagine the look on his face at that moment. This didn't bode well for her.

" Take her!" Gaelin barked, hands gripped tight on her arms and dragged her backwards back down the small hill.

She felt the stone slip down on her sleeve, and she jumped to her feet.

" I can walk!" Iris pulled herself out of their grip and let the stone fall back in her hand.

Gaelin glanced at the people gathered around, curious to see what was happening and nodded at the guards.

She knew Gaelin wouldn't do anything in public unless he were angry or thick as two short planks.

Gaelin waved his hand and moved his feet, walking in front. One of the guards placed a hand on her shoulder and nudged her to move.

If she would reveal to the people who she was, she didn't know how that would go. They all looked at her disapprovingly, and some seemed outraged at her.

Something hit her head, and she turned to look over her shoulder. They had no idea what she had done, and they had already jumped to punish her. She had been missing for so long that she had no love from her people. She only had her birthright, a title inherited from Lund. He supposed father. Some father you are.

As they approached the carriage, her knees turned weak, and she felt short of breath. She had caught a glimpse of Lund when he pushed the little curtains to the carriage window.

Gaelin opened the carriage door and climbed inside while the guards pushed her in, and she crashed at Lund and Gaelin's feet. The door slammed behind her, and she raised her head to look at Lund.

Lund pined with his gaze, and his expression was like he was looking at the most godawful thing he had ever seen in his entire life.

Lund ripped the cap off her head and threw it on the floor. He was shaking, bearly, containing his anger. He inhaled profoundly, fisting the carriage bench.

" Get up!" Lund hissed and grabbed her arm, and slammed her against her seat next to Gaelin.

" Insolent child!" Lund hissed again and looked ready to beat her into a pulp.

Gaelin banged on the wooden panel behind her, and the carriage moved. Gaelin looked ahead and didn't even bother to look at her.

" You!" Lund turned to Gaelin this time, " I told you to keep an eye on her! I see that bedding the fucking maid was more important to you. She is your fucking wife, is she not?!" Lund raged at Gaelin but didn't seem bothered by it.

" She is your daughter, and I'm not her chaperone, Your Grace!" Gaelin calmly replied.

Lund's gripped the bench tighter at Gaelins retort and gave him a deadly look.

" I gave her to you, remember!" Lund scoffed, slamming his fist on the bench.

" I do! I wanted to be named heir to the throne, not to get married! I liked my life the way it was! Variety is the very spice of life that gives all its flavour!" Gaelin replied in the same tranquil tone, utterly unbothered by Lund's outburst.

" If she goes, so does your chance to be next in line to the throne. You will uphold your duty and keep her in line. Spending time with the mut has turned her into a savage with no regard for royal etiquette. She has no idea how a princess should behave." Lund gave his decision, and Gaelin finally snapped out of his calmness.

Gaelin turned to her, and he looked displeased with the decree. Now things will take a turn for the worse. Gaelin's hand raked through her hair, and he took a deep breath.

" Lucky you, she is not bad looking!" Gaelin played with a strand of her hair, warily smiling.

" She is lacking, though... I was expecting my bride to be untainted. She is nothing of the sort. She has bred as well." Gaelin disdainfully said as if she wasn't even there. Haren came into her mind at Gaelin's words. I guess there is one, no matter where you go. Iris thought to herself.

Gaelin's opinion of her didn't bother her. The man had proven himself to be the worst. He was beyond anyone's imagination. And she found some comfort that she was right about him in the first place.