Things Are Looking Up

Upon entering Edýia's chamber, Dakran was greeted with a sight he thought the gods wouldn't bless him again.

Edýia lent against the headboard, with little Dak in her lap, while Maya sat at her feet. Rom was tidying up, and it was the most he had seen him do since Edýia had fallen ill.

Edýia smiled, and her expression brightened, but she said nothing.

" Good to see you back on your feet, little one!" Dakran lovingly said and sat on the edge of the bed.

Edýia nodded and smiled at him, but she didn't say anything. He gave Maya a questioning look, and Maya shuffled on the bed and sat beside him.

" Edýia can't speak many words, not yet!" Maya plainly explained and took Edýia's hands in hers.

" It best that saves her strength!" Rom approached the bed and took a deep breath. He seemed to have more to say but closed his mouth.

" It's alright!" Edýia weakly rasped and smiled.

Dakran frowned and gave Rom a questioning look.

" The potion Pelham had made for her worked, but she needs to regain her strength," Rom said, walking around the bed and picking up a plate from the bed stand.

" She hasn't eaten in a very long time!" Rom pushed some more food to Edýia's lips, but she grimaced.

" Edýia, you have to eat! " Dakran pleaded and ruffled her hair.

The door cracked open, and Pelham walked in " Ah! Wonderful!" puddin' exclaimed, clasping his hands.

" You're awake! I had no doubts that would work!" he climbed on the bed and looked at Edýia, studying her face, then moved on to her hands and checked her wrists.

' She is still weak, but she will survive! Now if she is to recover fully. I will need to make more potions for her to take! I'm guessing she will return sooner or later, and Edýia is in no condition to contain Ruma!" Pelham said and stood up from the bed.

" Young miss!" Pelham bowed " If you need any assistance, I will be in the chamber next to yours!" he informed Edýia and bowed again.

" Thank you!" Edýia weakly rasped again and smiled.

Pelham smiled " My pleasure, young miss!" he politely said and turned around to leave.

" Make sure she gets proper food!" Pelham barked over his shoulder and left the room.

Dakran grimaced in annoyance as soon as the door shut behind Pelham and turned his attention back to Edýia.

" Your heard puddin'!" Dakran amusedly said, and Edýia let out a small giggle.

Maya and Rom frowned and gave each other questioning looks.

Dakran took a small breath and looked at Maya " I have to go!" Dakran huffed and turned to look at Edýia " I have to get some supplies, but I'll be back as fast as I can!" Dakran took Edýia's hands in his and smiled.

Edýia nodded and returned his smile.

" Haren will return in a few days. Hopefully, by then, Edýia will feel better, and you can both journey to Shaddow Valley." Dakran looked at Rom, who frowned at his words, his expression hardened.

" I know, but it's best to go with someone who knows the lay of the land!" Dakran paused. "If he wants to join you, I'll leave word with Sala." Dakran stood up from the bed and kissed Edýia's head.

" Eat your food, little one!" Dakran said and took Maya's hand in his.

Rom nodded, and his eyes went to Edýia, who worriedly stared at him. Maya looked at little Dak, who sat in Edýia's lap and showed no signs of wanting to leave.

"He can stay with us for a moment!" Rom said and sat on the bed next to Edýia, patting the volsa on the head.

Maya nodded " I will come later to take him!" Maya smiled and stood up from the bed.

"Get well soon!" Dakran said his last words and tugged on Maya's hand to follow him.

" I'll help you pack!" Maya sullenly said, squeezing his hand, and he couldn't be happier to spend some more time alone with Maya.

Dakran hummed and swallowed a grin " You don't have to, little red!" Dakran lovingly said, kissing the back of her hand.

Maya flustered for a moment " I want to! You'll soon be my husband, and I must do these things for you!" Dakran chuckled and peered at her from behind his lashes as the walked along slide each other through the corridor leading back to their chamber.

Maya frowned and pouted " Why are you laughing?" she shyly mumbled with her head down.

Dakran pushed the large inlaid door open, didn't reply to her question and pushed the door to a close. Had he changed his mind?

Dakran halted his steps and turned to her. There was a frown on his forehead, and he seemed to be mulling over something. Now, Maya was apprehensive. He wasn't speaking and just stared at her with beautiful brown eyes. Dakran took a deep breath and opened his mouth to speak but closed it again.

She felt her cheeks burn under his gaze, and her lips lightly trembled. What was happening? Why was he being silent all of a sudden?

Dakran took a deep breath " There's something you should know!" Dakran sullenly said, and she felt her knees go weak.

She didn't dare to ask, so she was afraid to ask. Suppose Dakran had changed his mind and didn't want to wed her anymore. She felt the ground slip from under her feet at that thought. The air in her lungs stilled, and her mind went blank. No! Why?

" When..." Dakran locked his lips and cleared his throat " When" Dakran struggled to voice out his thoughts and closed his eyes.

Dakran let out an exasperated sigh and dragged her to the table. He picked her up like she weighed nothing and put her on the table. Thank the gods! She could bearly stand on her feet.

Dakran cupped her face and looked into her eyes " I Love you, little red!" he crooned and captured her lips and felt the weight of the entire mountain lift off her shoulder. She could finally breathe again.

" You frightened me! I thought that you had changed your mind!" Maya shyly said, looking into his eyes. She was so beautiful he couldn't find the strength to leave her side.

Dakran pressed his forehead on hers " Don't ever think that!" he tenderly kissed her lips, and his thumb brushed her cheeks.

Dakran reluctantly let pulled away from the kiss " I would never do that!' he kissed her forehead and took her hands into his, and pressed them on his chest, right over his heart.

" This belongs to you in this life and the next! I belong to you, and you belong to me!" he pinched her chin and pecked her lips.

" You'll be my wife come hell or high water!" he amusedly said and took a deep breath in preparing for what was to come next.