You Shouldn't Judge

Maya released the breath that she was holding at Dakran's confession. Her heart still galloped in her chest, but the cold sweat that trickled down her back made her realise that she had fallen for Dakran. At that moment, she realised that what she felt for him differed from what she felt for Sylus. Rooted deep in her heart, her love for him had bloomed without realising it was happening.

Maya raised her hand and brushed his lips with the tip of her finger. Her touch was light, delicate, and gentle like she was. His sweet little red was looking at him wide-eyed with adoration, and he could bearly contain his happiness. All the angst and tribulations he had gone through up until then assuaged into a heartwarming feeling that radiated throughout his body.

Maya gulped, her eyes sparkling in the dim firelight " I love you, Dakran!" those long-awaited words rolled off her lips like sweet nectar, and he lost himself in the moment. Dakran wrapped his hands at the back of her head and captured her lips, pouring all the passion and love into that one kiss. Maya clung to his tunic, trying to keep up with the kiss when she finally pulled away from the kiss, breathless glazed eyed a little


" I love you, little red!" Dakran cupped her face and kissed the tip of her nose.

He'd forgotten what he wanted to say; he only wanted to bury himself between her legs and never let go. He was a little taken aback by how much he desired her as he slowly slipped under the skirt of her dress. Maya's breath hitched when he brushed her inner thigh with the back of his fingers, and Maya closed her eyes and stiffened, trapping his between her legs.

" Look into my eyes, little red!" Dakran crooned, and she opened her beautiful green eyes; her lips quivered when he gently pried her legs open and brushed her undergarments with his fingers. She was soaking, and he bit his lip to hold back a moan. Delicate temptation lay between her legs, and he wanted nothing more than to taste that.

Under his touch, her body ignited with ardent want for him, craving more. Still unable to voice her thoughts, as lightly and gently fondled her folds, and she felt that she would combust at any moment as his finger slipped past the underwear.

Dakran slid his finger between her folds, caressing them gently, and Maya blushed even harder. His imagination went wild, and he already pictured himself deep inside her. Her grip on his tunic tightened, but her gaze never shied away. Dakran let out a guttural moan when his finger entered her, and she softly sighed. She was so beautifully dainty, her soft red lips, her fiery red hair. Everything about her made his blood boil, and his groin burst into flames.

She was tight and snugged around his finger, and now he was more sure than ever that Maya hadn't shared the bed with Sylus. Soft sighs escaped her rosy lips, and she shuddered when he pushed his finger deep and crashed into his chest and moaned. Maya was still a maiden, and he had to contain a grin and hold on to the last remaining shred of will to take. Her there at the table.

Dakran brought his hand to his lips and licked his finger, and hummed. The best thing he'd ever tasted, and he couldn't wait to taste more of her. Maya sighed and raised her head to look at him, letting go of his tunic and slowly sliding her hand to his waist.

Dakran placed his hand on top of hers " That's a dangerous move, little red!" he crooned, looking into her eyes, with a salacious grin.

Maya gulped and looked at him with questioning eyes " I just want to pleasure you as you did." she blushed, but her gaze didn't shy away; her beautiful green eyes swirled with lust, wantonly.

Dakran hummed " You're not ready for it!" he brought the same hand to his lips and kissed the tip of her fingers, letting out a choked sigh.

Maya grew worried quickly, and she lowered her gaze and settled on the bulge in his trousers. The tip of her ears turned red as she fixed her gaze on his more than eager cock.

Dakran swallowed a chuckle and pinched her chin, making her look at him.

" There will be plenty of time for that once we are married!" he crooned and kissed her lips.

Maya gulped and nodded " I know it hurts!" she shyly said and closed her eyes, ashamed of her words.

Dakran chuckled " It does, but it's worth the wait! My reward will exceed the pain that I'm feeling right now!" he kissed her lips and sighed, fiddling with a strand of her hair as his mood seemed to have shifted all of a sudden.

His smile fell and turned severe " I don't like to have secrets from my bride-to-be. So, here it goes " Dakran closed his eyes and took a deep breath in " When you got hurt, the wounds inflicted on you were quite severe and " Dakran paused and released the breath that he was holding ", the most severe wound was on here" Dakran placed his hand on her belly " You won't be able to bring children into this world, little red!" Dakran sullenly said and hugged her to his chest, not allowing her to react to the news.

Maya closed her eyes and let out a heavy breath " What?" she asked, shell-shocked, as he tightly folded her into his arms and kissed her hair.

" I'm sorry little red!" Dakran kissed the crown of her head and hugged her even tighter to his chest.

Maya sobered up after a few moments of silence and pulled away from his embrace " What about you?" she worriedly asked and grew woeful as she pulled away from his embrace. Surely Dakran wanted children. She did too.

" I'm sure you want children of your own." Maya sullenly said and placed her hands on her tummy, her brows furrowed and peered at him from behind her lashes.

Dakran took a deep breath and smiled " Oh, little red! I do, but I would rather be without than lose you!" he lovingly kissed her forehead, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

" You shouldn't worry about it! Children or no children, I still want to spend the rest of my life with you. It makes no difference to me." Dakran confessed, smiling, seemingly unbothered.

Most men wouldn't even look at a woman who couldn't bear children. They wanted eirs to carry their names forth. But Dakran seemed to have taken it in stride. How didn't it bother him? Did he love her so much that it didn't matter that she couldn't bare his children?

" I love you, little red! Always remember that!" Dakran brushed her cheek with his thumb, looking into her eyes.

" Children are a pain in the ass anyway!" Dakran amusedly said and pecked her lips.

Maya giggled and looked at him with wondrous eyes. He couldn't possibly tell what she was thinking.

" What are you thinking, little red?" he voiced his thoughts, and she sobered up, blinked at him a few times, trying to gather her thoughts.

Maya cleared her throat " I'm surprised that you're not bothered by the fact I won't be able to give an heir. Most men wouldn't even look at me twice if they knew." Maya candidly replied and brushed the back of his hand quizzically.

Dakran chuckled " Most men are dim-witted, Maya! You shouldn't judge me by those standards!" Dakran amusedly said and picked her up from the table, walking to the bed with her in tow.