Seed Of Hope

The book revealed itself at the touch of Iris's blood. It was a good omen, in his opinion, but just one drop didn't suffice. They needed more. Ian knew that Iris wouldn't give it to Nobos, so he had no choice but to retrieve it himself. The chaos it unleashed each time he stepped into the living world was far worse than the last. It was a risk, and he wondered what would happen if he continued to defy the rules of the Darkness and bend them to his will.

" What now?" Nobos asked as he walked back inside the room, admiring the view of the Hollow. It had taken longer this time to settle. He hadn't told Nobos that he had shifted to his human form when encountering Iris in the realm of the living.

Ian took a deep breath and pushed himself off the throne " There is not much to do. The book holds the answers, but we will need Iris's blood. She won't give it to you. I will write a missive, and I will explain what is happening, but you have to learn to be more tactful when choosing your words. She doesn't seem to like the direct approach." Ian ambled towards the table and pulled a piece of clean parchment, and began writing down his message.

" I will do as I'm told, but as you know, I can't stay long in the realm of the living. It would be best if you send Guyhirn to deliver the missive." Nobos suggested as he plopped himself on the chair next to him, peeking at what he was writing.

Ian moved to the end of the table, trying to give Nobos a deprecating look, but he knew that Nobos wouldn't get the message.

" This for her eyes only. I would appreciate it if you wouldn't poke your nose into my affairs. " Ian warned with his words rather than looks this time, hoping that Nobos would heed his words.

" That is quite a long letter. What you must say could be conveyed in a few short sentences ." Nobos pointed out, amused, but he stopped peeking.

" You have a penchant for disobedience, Nobos. This is the last I warn you. Next, I might make your stay in the pit permanent." Ian gripped tightly on his quill, trying to contain his irritation. His own feelings disconcerted him. He could feel a range of emotions, but on the other hand, he missed the emotionless prick that couldn't be shaken by anything.

Nobos scoffed and waved him off " The only reason I'm helping you is that I'm curious about where all this shambooble leads to. Also, on a different note, I thought you might want to know that Huriath won the tournament, and he will be coming for your head sooner than you might think." Nobos said with a hint of mockery in his voice. That was his warning. He was losing his grip on the Lords and the Hollow. Suppose that was his punishment for meddling in the realm of the living.

Ian folded the parchment and looked up at Nobos " Let him come," he said without a trace of fear in his tone. And he was sure that if he had eyes, his fierceness and defiance would have been enough of a warning to put off the entire realm.

" You said you wouldn't put up a fight." Nobos reiterated his promise, but now things have changed. Suppose there was the slightest chance to return to Iris. Why would he let that go and surrender to the Lords?

" I know what I said, Nobos, but I'm the Hollow Guardian after all, and it is my choice whether I will make good on my words. It will be of my choosing when and where." Ian stood up and sauntered to his favorite place, the cliff that overlooked the Hollow.

" As you wish, but this little adventure of yours is endangering the Hollow, and the Lords won't stand idle while you tear it apart. They will protect it at all costs, and you know it!" Nobos leaned against the entrance and followed his line of sight.

" Your floundering is wreaking havoc, and this is the last time I will warn you about it," Nobos said in a severe tone before taking his leave, as usual, leaving behind nothing but a cloud of smoke.

Ian sighed " Guyhirn!" He briskly called, and the soul collector stepped out of the shadows awaiting his orders.

Ian extended his hand to his side, knowing that Guyhirn was standing just a few paces behind him. He could feel his presence, even when he was out of sight.

" I need you to deliver this to Iris. She must be somewhere in the northern lands along the Eastern border. I'm sure you'll have no trouble finding her." Ian didn't bother to look at Guyhirn. He didn't see the point.

" Yes, master," Guyhirn replied and vanished from the Hollow.

Waiting for a reply, if there would be one, from Iris. His little disappearing act wouldn't have boded well with Iris. Their brief reunion hadn't been as fruitful as he had hoped, but it couldn't be helped. It was her or the Hollow, and he was still very much tied to them. When the time comes, he will have no trouble choosing between Iris and the Hollow, but until that faithful day, playing along was the only option he had in store.

Guyhirn returned faster than he had predicted " I has been done, master. She was asleep." Guriath informed and took his leave without adding or waiting for his reply.

At least one of his underlings could carry out his orders without a hitch.