Uncertain Future

Maya's company during their dinner had been a welcomed break from their usual sitting around, bound to the bed routine. Rom had perched himself on a chair, gazing at the fire, troubled.

After slipping into her nightgown, Edýia slowly sashayed to where Rom was and perched herself in his lap.

" What is on your mind?" Edýia asked, leaning into his chest. Rom seemed deeply troubled by something.

Rom took a deep breath and rested his hand on her thigh. His gaze didn't shift from the fire, and he stared at it as if it would provide him insight into whatever bothered him.

" I'm worried " he finally looked up at her. Blue eyes met steel eyes, and for a moment, time, stood still as they drank each other " I don't want to think about it right now. You're well, and I have you all to myself!" he smiled, and pinched her chin while Edýia weaved her hand through his tousled red hair.

" You worry too much!" Edýia ruffled his hair " I'm here in spite of everything." she leaned in and kissed his nose in an attempt to soothe his worries.

Rom plucked her hand out of his hair, bringing it to his lips and kissing the back of it. His lips lingered longer than usual as he peered at her from behind his lashes. A spark of lust flashed in his eyes, but it was quickly replaced by love and adoration.

" I love you, Edýia, and I don't want to lose you. So yes, I worry because, without you, I would go back to being the sham of a man that I was when I laid my eyes on you!" Rom said as he placed their joining hands in her lap.

Edýia smiled " That's not true, and you know it" she paused for a moment, her sweet and tender gaze shifted to something a little more mischievous " But I know how you can show your gratitude." she bit her lip to hide her grin.

Rom hummed as his hand gently caressed her thigh, kissing the back of her hand again " What do you have in mind, my lady?" He asked, smiling against the back of her hand.

Edýia cleared her throat, he cheeks tainted with a light shade of pink " It has been a while, and I was wondering if we could...you know?" Edýia flustered and blushed, unable to voice out her thoughts.

Rom cleared his throat, trying to hide the widening smile, and rubbed his upper lip with his hand in an attempt to control amusement. Edýia was adorable, but she had just recovered. She needed more time to gather her strength.

" Edýia," Rom paused momentarily, preparing to give the deadly blow, "You know I wouldn't refuse such an enticing offer, but you need to save your strength." Rom reasoned, but his rigid member poking at her bottom said otherwise.

Edýia frowned " I'm feeling much better, and so are you. There is no harm in trying." she said in a cheerful tone wiggling in his lap, and Rom grunted, giving her a disapproving look.

" You're trying my patience," Rom warned, sulking, gripping her thigh to still her squirming.

Edýia stood up in front of him, the glow of the fire falling onto her curves made for a very appealing invitation. She was every bit alluring. Her soft mounds peeked out of the thin, revealing nightgown. Stiff peaks poked through the light fabric. She was a mouth-watering sight, and his cock agreed with his eyes. Edýia tugged on his hand, pulling him to stand before her, locking eyes with him. She had fallen silent, waiting for him to fight back, but he wasn't sure he had the strength to do so.

Rom placed his fingers under her chin, tilting her head back " Edýia," he weakly called and kissed her lips with the lightest touch he could muster " Promise me that you will stop me if it gets too much," he whispered against her lips, as Edýia gripped on his tunic bringing him closer to her, pressing her lips against his. Reason lost against her soft demanding kiss as they poured all their desires and want into that one kiss. Their hands caressed each other as if exploring for the first time. Edýia softly moaned into the kiss as her hand settled on his throbbing manhood.

Rom broke the kiss to give them a moment to catch their breath, with his eyes on hers. He swallowed hard, searching for any sign of Edya feeling unwell. Cheeks coloured pink, lips swollen from the kiss, panting.

Rom cupped her face and captured her lips again in a passionate and desperate kiss. His hands cradled the back of her head, fingers caught in her beautiful golden ringlets, while Edýia caressed his ever-growing manhood.

His hand slowly travelled down, caressing the neckline to her shoulders, gently pushing her night off it, revealing the swell of her breast.

Edýia fumbled with his trousers for a bit, all fingers and thumbs, but she eventually unbuttoned them, giving some much-needed space to his cock.

Rom pulled away from the kiss. His lips traced her cheek and jaw and settled on her neck as her hands gripped his arms, trying to steady herself. Rom pulled back when her knees weakened, and she nearly collapsed to the floor.

" We should stop" Rom took her hand in his and kissed them both, and his suggestion was met with a playful scowl from Edyia.

" No...don't stop." she weakly pleaded " I'm fine, Rom." she pulled her hands out his and clasped his face, looking into his eyes, lowering herself on the fur rug in front of the fire and pulling him along with her.

" Are you sure?" Rom asked, trying to ensure she was well enough while on her lips settled a shy smile, and her eyes shined with burning desire and hunger. Under her demanding gaze, it felt like a predator and prey, only that he was the prey and at her mercy.

" I'll feel better if you'd just make love to me and stop worrying," Edýia said with a tinge of amusement in her voice as she pushed the nightgown off her other shoulder, bunching it around her waist, revealing soft mounds and skin without taking her eyes off him- a challenge.

Roma racked his hand through his hair, a little exasperated, trying to control his urge to pounce on her, and gently tugged at it, a little exasperated at her unbound stubbornness to get what she wanted. But that was Edýia. She always got what she wanted.

Rom reluctantly nodded " Alright." he resigned and pulled his tunic over his head, revealing his well-toned muscles as her eyes hungrily drank him in, biting her lips and sucking a breath.

" You're looking at me as if you're about to eat me." Rom amusedly remarked with a boyish smile.

" Maybe I will," Edyia smirked and lunged at him, capturing his lips in a passionate kiss, basking in her warmth, soft skin, and lips. Every bit of her called to him; Edyia had fearlessly given herself to him, and he couldn't be more grateful for her. Rom flipped her on her back without breaking the kiss and settled between her legs, guiding his cock on her folds while she met him halfway, thrusting her hips and arching her back. It has been so long since he had her, or at least it felt like an eternity since then. Rom's hand caressed her leg thigh and settled between her legs, and with great pleasure, he found her soaking wet and ready for him as he cupped her, slipping one finger inside, and Edyia moaned, arching her back, thrusting her hips into his hand, asking for more.

" Rom," Edýia weakly rasped " Just take me," she pleaded, breaking the kiss and opening her glazed eyes, panting. Eager for more, and he couldn't deny he was the same despite the gnawing, worrying thoughts.

" Your wish is my command" Rom tried to lighten up the mood, but it didn't go down well since Edýia rolled her eyes at him as she slipped out of her nightgown. Rom removed his trousers freeing his eager erection, and before he knew it, he found himself flat on his back with Edýia astride him, and he suddenly felt nervous and excited. This would be the first time she rode him. It could go either way. Rom grabbed her hips while guiding the tip of his erection at her entrance and slowly eased her onto him, reveling in her wetness as Edýia groaned and threw her head back, pushing her delicious mounds ready for him. She was tight and dripping wet.

Edyia stilled for a moment, radiant, glowing in the warm light of the fire, and she never looked more beautiful. Edýia slowly began moving her hips as she softly moaned. Her hands went to his chest for support, eyes closed, looking lost in the pleasure as her rhythm turned a little frantic.

Rom's grip on her hips tightened, bringing her to a more steady pace" Slowly, Edýia," Rom croaked, panting, and pushed himself up when she wouldn't slow down, folding her into his arms.

It was desire and pain, desperately trying to make up for lost time and the time they might not spend together. As his arms around her tightened, Edýia's arms curled around his neck as she kept moving her hips in the same frantic rhythm. He was still here with her, but the thought of losing him was too much to bear. Edyia wanted to spend as much with Rom as before anything else happened to her. Making the most of the little time they had left.

Rom buried his face in her hair as Edýia let out a loud moan as slowed her frantic pace. Rom loosened his grip on her as his lips trailed kisses on her shoulder. As Edýia's pace remained steady, pleasured sighs rolled off her lips as she took him in—a two-edged blade, madly in love with each other but with no future ahead. Rom grunted and hugged Edyia to his chest as he reached his peak, filling her with his seed. Slick with sweat and breathless, Edýia placed her head on his shoulder and fell quiet, riding on the heights of pleasure.

Rom raised his head to look at her, but she was facing the fire, and he couldn't see her face.

Rom stood up with her in tow and padded across the floor to the bed, plopped himself with Edýia astride on the bed, and pulled the covers on top of each other.

The only thing that could be heard in the silence surrounding them was the crackling of the fire and their steady breathing. He didn't dare to speak, just in case she had fallen asleep. She could use all the rest she could get.