Wedding Day 4

Dakran heavily sighed " Come," he said, tugging on her hand, making their way back to the private quarters.

" Not long now," Dakran said mostly to himself as they walked in the corridor, leading to the private chambers.

" We don't have to do this, you know." Dakran suddenly remarked and sighed again, running a hand through his ebony hair. Concern was the word of the day, for him. Maya, Edýia, and midst of all that, a wedding. Dakran closed his eyes, in an attempt to ground himself and chase away the intrusive thoughts that ruined what was meant to be a joyful day.

" What do you mean?" Maya worriedly asked as they stepped through the door.

Dakran closed the door behind him and halted his steps, turning to Maya and running the back of his hand onto her cheek, placing it under her chin. Her green eyes gleamed in the faint light of the fire, eyebrows furrowed, pale. The rosy-coloured cheeks that he loved so much to see on her they vanished without a trace, and he could only think of one reason. Haren had taken that from, a piece of her innocence, and he was rushing her to get wed. It was all too soon.

Dakran sighed," It's too soon Maya. Are you sure that you're ready for this?" Dakran's voice turned solemn almost a whisper.

" Not after what happened with Haren." Dakran looked up at the ceiling a little exasperated.

" I am...I want to..." Maya flustered feeling a little uneasy at the mention of Haren's name. The constant intrusive thoughts, made him waver back and forth over his own decision to wed Maya. He had an inkling what happened with Haren, was the reason Maya had gone silent.

" They are two different things, Maya." Dakran sighed, and let his hand drop to the side, with the same solemn look on his face.

" Why are you asking me this?" Maya meekly asked a little out of breath.

" Because you've been pale, and a little quiet since we stepped into the dining hall. Is there something on your mind? What is bothering you?" Dakran shoved his hands in his pockets, walked to the bed, and leaned against the bedpost.

Maya pulled on the string of the cloak and let it fall on the ground, looking, a tad angry " Well, first off, I'm half naked" she tugged on the flimsy nightgown" And second, I'm freezing" Maya blurted out, walking to the bed, and slipped under the covers pulling them to her eyes. Dakran blinked a little surprised at her reaction, and the reason behind her taciturn behaviour. Out of all of the things, that had gone through his mind, that was the last thing on his mind. He was turning into a worry wart, slowly, but surely.

As Maya huddled under the covers Dakran chuckled wholeheartedly, pushed himself off the bedpost, and walked to her side of the bed.

" Do you want me to warm you up?" Dakran asked, amusement dancing in his eyes, and relief.

Maya nodded, and shuffled to make room for him to get under the cover " Why didn't you say anything?" Dakran asked amused at the misunderstanding as he folded Maya into his arm, tucking her under his chin, and rubbed her back.

Maya squeezed a shrug in his tight embrace " You would've brought me to the room" Maya drawled " And I wanted to be there with you. It is our wedding. " Maya added in a firmer tone as Dakran's warmth enveloped her, thawing her bones, and her blood finally flowed again.

Dakran hummed " Yes that's true. I don't want you to get ill today, out of all days." Dakran leaned back as Maya looked up at him " I have plans for you...well for us" Dakran leaned in, and kissed her lips. The comforting warmth of his body quickly turned into unbearable heat at the touch of his lips, the coarseness in his voice, and the tenderness in his touch.

Blood rushed to her cheeks, if a moment ago they were icy cold, in an instant, it was boiling as the heat continued to rise threatening to turn her into a puddle of nothing as his lips brushed against hers with tenderness and want.

Maya's breath hitched when Dakran ran the flat of his hand on her thigh hitching up her nightgown, and to make matters worse he captured her lips into a passionate kiss, moaning as he pressed his hard member onto her belly.

Caught in throes of passion Maya's hands weaved in his hair, tugging, returning his kiss, matching his passion, grinding herself onto him; as her hardened peaks poked through the thin night dress, and rubbed on his chest in a frantic rhythm. Everything stood still when she pulled away from the kiss, red swollen lips, panting, blushing the brightest red he'd ever seen on her " I love you Dakran" Maya said as she crashed her lips into his, tugging on his hair as Dakran's hand slipped between her legs, caressing her inner thighs up to her awaiting lips.

They moaned in the kiss when Dakran cupped her and slipped one finger in her core as she thrust her hips into his hand demanding more. Ready to surrender to the pleasure, she tugged harder on his hair and deepened the kiss.

Dakran slowly broke the kiss as he fondled her folds, thrusting his finger into her tight entrance while his lips trailed kisses on her cheek to her neck, leaving a burning trail behind them " You're wet, for me" Dakran smiled against her skin as Maya arched her back pushing her breasts into his chest " I can't wait to have you all to myself " Dakran's hot breath brushed her neck succking on her ear lobe, nipping while Maya sighed and moaned clinging to him as her life depended on it. Dakran thrusted his finger as deep as he could garnering him a gasp and a loud moan from Maya as she crashed into his chest groaning, squeezing his hand with her thighs, stilled, riding the high of her release.

Dakran reluctantly pulled his hand out and brought it to his mouth, sucking on his finger as Maya slowly reeled back to reality, looking up at him. Dakran kissed her lips, slipping his tongue into her mouth giving a taste of herself, moaning in the kiss.

" Feeling better?" Dakran asked with a widening grin, bitting on his lip

Maya furiously blushed, covered her cheeks with her hands, and nodded.

Dakran chuckled at her reaction. " Oh, little red" he sighed " If this makes you blush then the rest should make you burst into flames," Dakran said in mirth as Maya raised her innocent eyes to look at him, a little confused.

" What do you mean?" Maya asked, her curious eyes following his hand when he rearranged his erection, eagerly awaiting release.

" You will love it. It's nothing bad, don't be afraid." Dakran rushed to ease her worries. Maya frowned as he pulled his hand out of his trousers, resting it on his stomach.