Wedding Day 5

A soft knock on the door broke their intimate moment. Dakran propped himself on his elbows as his gaze traveled down to the protruding bulge in his trousers.

" Come in," Dakran rasped as he pulled on the covers to hide his erection sensing that Sala would be the one, on the other side of the door.

As the door creaked open, Sala walked in and one of the other women, carrying all that was required for their preparation as requested by him; wedding attires bath waters, and other odds, and sods that they needed.

Sala placed the attires on the dressing table and turned to the bed as Dakran pulled himself up to sit on the bed bunching the covers into his lap, in an attempt to cover his erection.

" Milord" Sala bowed " I believe that you should get ready in the other chamber while I help Maya get dressed. According to old religion Maya should bathe before you consume your marriage." Sala added as her gaze drifted to Maya who just like him hugged the covers, and Dakran rolled his eyes at the mention of the old religion.

On Sala's expression flashed a tinge of anger at Dakran's reaction but held her tongue. Very unlike her, and silence settled in between the two as they held each other's gaze on a futile matter, as a fierce battle of wills ensued, but eventually, Dakran caved in and sighed " Fine. Old religion it is then" he huffed, and shuffled to sit on the edge of the bed most likely to avoid looking at Sala " Take the bath water into my old chamber, and everything else. I'll be there shortly. " Dakran gave his instructions as the other women began taking the bath water, and his things out of the room.

" I'll be waiting outside," Sala prompted herself turning on her heels and leaving the room pulling the door behind her.

Dakran let out a heavy sigh and pushed himself off the bed tucking in his standing erection and looking around the room for a robe, or anything to cover himself since it didn't seem to relent. His excitement was getting the best of him and hoped that once Maya was out of sight, would go back to sleep.

As he walked around the room feeling Maya's gaze on him, most likely pondering on his last words. He quickly ended up regretting that, they ever left his mouth. Dakran picked up the robe hooked on the standing mirror, shrugged it on, and returned to bed with Maya's eyes still on him.

" You look worried," Dakran remarked as he sat on the edge of the bed.

"I am, but just a little " Maya stammered, and mustered a smile as her gaze drifted back to his groin.

" What about?" Dakran feigned ignorance.

" The pain.." Maya paused clasping her hands in her lap " I know it hurts" Maya said in a quiet voice, looking down at her clasped hands.

" A little at first, but not much" Dakran tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, and let his finger trace her jaw pinching her chin to raise her head, leaning in and placing a gentle kiss on her lips.

" I love you, little red. Don't think about it too much. Open your mind, and your legs will follow" Dakran grinned amusedly while Maya frowned, scrunching her eyes closed.

" I better go and get ready otherwise I'll be late" Dakran planted another quick kiss on her pout and straightened up to leave while Maya sat on the bed, hugging the covers closer to her.

As Dakran slipped out of the room, was quickly replaced by Sala who as she said waited outside, to help her get ready.

As she began spreading the corset, dress, a little shawl, and a sash on the bed, Maya raised her head at the beautiful ivory dress encrusted with little colorless gems that would've sparkled if there would've been enough light. The cobalt blue shawl and the sash paired with the dress, embroidered with silver thread glowing against the fading firelight, looked beautiful. No matter how many times she'd seen it, it still caught all of her attention.

" Come, dear" Sala beckoned in her motherly tone. A tone that is only used with her, and no one else. It felt nice to have something this close to a mother in her life.

Maya nodded and pushed herself off the bed, walking around at the foot of the bed to admire the beautiful wedding dress. It was different from all the other dresses she had seen before, the smooth, shiny fabric covered with gemmed lace, no fluffy underskirt, figure-hugging. Dakran's mother had good taste. She'd seen and worn the dress before, but Sala never let her see herself in the mirror, it was only for the fitting. Sala said it was bad omen.

" Wash your face and bits. It's time to get ready" Sala urged Maya in a soft tone as she fumbled at the dressing table.

" Alright " Maya reluctantly peeled her gaze away from the dress and walked to the washing bowl while Sala kept herself occupied, getting everything ready.

When she was done washing herself Sala, appeared next to her with a towel, and a smile worth a hundred suns.

" There hasn't been a wedding in Ironstone since Dakran's parents wed," Sala said a little wistful as the smile lightly faded off her lips.

" Oh," Maya said as she wiped herself dry.

" And that was an arranged marriage, but they eventually grew to love each other very much. Dakran's mother was the King's sister. " Sala informed as she pulled hair pins out of a silver box. Maya fell silent, upon hearing about Dakran's parents and their marriage. It was done according to the old religion, and worry quickly unfurled at that thought. Dakran's mother was the King's sister. She was nothing more than just a simple seamstress, with no ties to nobles, and elites, born, and raised with the common folk.