Walking On Glass

Sleep had become a rare entity. After several tries to fall asleep, Dakran opened his eyes, and let out a silent frustrated sigh. Burned out, stiff as a plank, even though, the little red laying next to him was forbidden, made things worse. Up until that day, he'd found solace in touching her, here and there but now, he could not, it would be too much to ask. His gaze drifted toward the small figure tucked under his arm, fiercely hugging his midriff, soundly asleep. He was fuckstrated to no end, anxiously awaiting the day, that he would shake that bush and ruffle her lovely preened feathers. Dakran closed his eyes, trying to bring his astray mind to reality. It wasn't a good moment for sinful thoughts, not right now. He repeatedly told himself, as Maya squirmed next to him, softly moaned, and every single rational went up in flames and turned into ash. Fuck, even her moans were stirring his loins. He rubbed his face with his hand and closed his eyes again, and Maya stirred again, her nightgown riding up, revealing a plump, smooth thigh, glowing under the golden light of the dying lamp.

Fuck, at this rate he would lose his sanity. Somehow, for once Haren made sense. She was fucking stunning.

" How come you're not sleeping?" a groggy voice sobered him up, and pushed herself up on her elbow, rubbing her sleepy eyes, with tousled hair, pillow face and all. Dakran peered from behind hooded eyes, fuck, even so, she looked even more endearing. Whatever Pelham had put in that awful concoction had done the trick. The swelling had gone down, and the purplish tinge seemed to have faded enough to show her lovely rosy, freckled face, once again.

" Too tired, I guess" He shamelessly fibbed, closing his eyes again as Maya grumbled, and snuggled closer to his chest.

" You should go back to sleep" Dakran urged, hoping that this way he would keep his urges, and hands to himself. It wasn't good, by all accounts this was meant to be their wedding day, but Haren had stuck one up to him. Now, he was angry again, better than walking around with a stiffy.

" I have some things to tend to. I'll try to again later," Dakran said as he pushed himself off the bed. It was a desperate attempt to put some distance between him, and Maya. Somewhat amused, he had stuck himself to her for moons on end, and now he was trying to get away.

" Can I come?" Maya asked as she followed him around the room with her eyes. Dakran stilled, panic quickly sprouted in his gut. She hadn't left that room in days. Dakran sighed, resigned that his attempt to get away had been curbed.

"I'll meet you in the kitchen," he said as he turned around to look at her. Maya climbed out of the bed, sashayed to the chest of drawers, and began pulling clothes out. Things weren't working out the way he'd planned, he need a distraction, and with Maya around him all the time, he was bound to be a walking and talking stiffy. His thoughts weren't his own any longer, all he could think was to plough through the maiden next to him, to satisfy his primal appetite.

He pulled on his tunic and grabbed the jacket " I won't be long" he kissed her cheek, and dashed out of the room faster than he'd ever walked in his life, a little relieved that they were at a safe distance from each other. It was becoming unbearable, the closeness he'd coveted for so long was now the very same thing that chased him away.

Walking through the corridor, and descending the stairs, he skived past Sala who stopped and bowed, but before she had a chance to say anything to him, he slipped into his father's study, closing the door behind him.

Dakran sighed relieved, he was safe, he thought to himself as he ran his fingers through his hair, and noticed that he was sweating, profusely. It was worse than he thought, his long-standing hard-on was nowhere near from being tamed. He hated giving himself a handy, but now he was in no position to be persnickety.

As he lowered his trousers down, freeing his throbbing erection from his oh-so-tight trousers, somewhat displeased that he had to do his dirty work, he grabbed, gliding his hand along his length, feeling relief and pleasure build faster than he'd foreseen. It was bad if he'd come this fast, he was at his breaking point, the very edge of his limit. There was no other way, he found some solace in that belief. He pulled the kerchief that he kept tucked in his pocket and cleaned any trace of his paltry iniquity, and threw the kerchief into the fire.

Dakran chuckled and threw his head back " Much better" he said to no one in particular, letting the relief replace all the tension in his body. Now, he was ready to face his little red. With renewed conviction, Dakran picked up the ledger with all the expenses, and stepped out of the study, heading towards the kitchen where he knew Maya would wait for him.

" Oh, precious" he heard Falkirk speaking to Maya in a fatherly tone, hugging the life out of her, the moment he stepped through the threshold.

Falkirk raised his eyes full of displeasure as he pulled away from the hug " It's good to see that you've made it home safe you, big lump" Falkirk said as she walked toward him and stretched his hand, his usual jaunty mood was somewhat chipped away. And he could only guess that it was because of Maya's condition.

"Glad to see you're still alive, old bag of bones" Dakran chuckled as he let off Falkirk's hand. He was a welcome distraction.

"Milord" Sala interrupted " Would you like some breakfast?" Sala curtly bowed, as her gaze drifted to Maya, but refrained from saying anything in front of him.

Dakran looked at Maya, who understood the silent question in his eyes " No, I'm alright for the time being" Maya's small smile was directed at him, and for some reason, he felt guilty about his little slip off.

" Feeling better?" Maya added, amusement dancing in her eyes but the small smile remained. How did she know?

" Are you not well?" Falkirk asked as he measured him from head to toe, scrutinizing his body. " You seem fine to me " he added with a shrug, and turned his attention to Maya, hoping she would provide more insight, but she remained quiet.

" No, need to worry about me. Nothing worth your concerns." Dakran stiffly replied and cleared his throat, uneasy under Maya's probing stare.

" I wanted to speak with you about, supplies, and how much you'll need. The supply run will have to be made more often now" Dakran changed the topic, gaining Sala's and Falkirk's attention, and Maya's small smile, widened " I need you to organise the lads. There will be going into three separate groups." Dakran cleared his throat as Maya leaned against the counter, biting her lip. She was testing every scrap of his frayed will, and so much from being safe" The first group will leave tomorrow and after, the other two, a day apart. We need to cover as much ground as we can. Karrise, won't be able to help us much" Dakran gulped, feeling the tension rise within him once again under Maya's gaze. Surely, she needed to blink, but from the looks of it, she didn't.

Sala and Falrkirk nodded, humming in approval while Maya pushed herself off the counter, and poured herself a glass of water. Dakran silently sighed, feeling relieved that he wasn't any longer under her burning gaze.

" Sala, I'm sure that there is a seamstress or two that have survived. I know mother liked to have fabric on hand, could you get one of them to start working on some clothes for Maya? " Dakran shifted his attention onto Maya who frowned and approached them with small steps.

" I can sew my own clothes. I used to be the seamstress for the Hessian royal family. Just hand me the fabric." Maya pridefully said while Sala nodded " Of course, just follow me." Sala smiled and took Maya's hand.

" Skilled, beautiful, and she can cook too" Falrkirk patted him on the back as he watched Maya and Sala disappear out of his sight.

A seamstress, Dakran chuckled a little stunned and turned his attention to Falkirk.

" You're lucky that she didn't run eating the ground, after what Haren did to her." Falkirk scoffed, pissed off at his brother's gaffe.

" I know" Dakran absently said as Falkirk walked around the table, sauntering to the stove.

" You're a lucky bastard, Dakran. Women like her. You won't find them in any corner. She's kind of heart. Treasure that quality, otherwise she will turn dull" Falkirk imparted some of his wisdom.

" Speaking from past missteps, Falkirk? " Dakran pulled a chair, and took a seat at the table, perusing the ledger.

" Yes," Falkirk turned around to face him " Women are like flowers. You give them what they need, they will grow and beautifully bloom under your very eyes. You shove them in a corner and forget they exist" Falkirk paused to taste the stew " Delicious" he closed his eyes, savouring the taste " Be careful, my friend. She wouldn't have any trouble finding a better you" Falkirk chuckled, and pulled a chair for himself" She is such a sweet girl. You, lucky bastard" Falrkirk slammed the table, to gain his attention and Dakran raised his head to look at him. He knew all of that but for now, he was stuck between hammer and anvil.

" I know " Dakran sighed, exasperated at his situation " I'm trying. If it weren't for Haren's stupidity. Today would have been a day of celebration but instead, I'm spending my time with you, and a ledger. Instead " Dakran paused feeling his frustration getting the better of him at the thought that he should prepare for a wedding not walk on glass around Maya.

" Sala said she found ascha root in his room" Falkirk sucked a breath " That fool let ashmahin in his covers. You already know what that means for him. " Falkirk let out a frustrated sigh, tapping his fingers on the table " I'm surprised that you slipped through her fingers" Falrkik finished with a pointed look.

" I didn't" Dakran rested his chin on his thumb " It happened before we left for the Southlands. I think that was my luck " Dakran sighed, now he had to go find his brother. He had to choose between Haren and Maya.

" Corvin? Any word from him?" Dakran realised that if there was anyone else capable of handling Haren, was Corvin.

" They are making headway but slowly. Too many injured." Falkirk stood up and returned to his pots and pans.

Taking Maya into the northern perilous lands would have to wait. It was too risky, he couldn't afford another stupid mistake that would cost them their lives. Haren had been warned.

" I've never seen her so happy" Sala beamed as she entered the kitchen, eyes shining with motherly joy.

" Where is Maya?" Whatever Sala said went over his head and stood up " In the sewing room, making clothes" Sala placated him with a gentle pat on his arm.

" You should join her" Fakirk encouraged but mostly to get him out of the kitchen. He only had eyes for Sala but for some reason, she took no notice of his infatuation with her.