Not Alone

Evidently, and unceremoniously Falrkirk was giving him the boot. Sala had gotten Falkirk's undivided attention, but she was oblivious by the looks of it or she chose not to own up to it. Considering her past experiences with men, or better said her long-departed spouse.

Feeling unwelcomed, a cumbersome third wheel, Dakran pushed and stood up from his chair, seeing that he was no longer welcomed in his kitchen, and ambled his way towards the sewing room. He couldn't stay away, like a moth to a flame. Fully aware that he will catch fire. Dakran pushed the ajar door to the sewing room, to find Maya buried between a mountain of fabric rolls, measuring, and cutting like an overly excited child playing with his favourite toy. Brimming with unadulterated happiness, glowing brighter than the sun itself.

Dakran leaned against the threshold taking in the scene unfolding before him. She was so lost in what she was doing that she did not even notice he was watching her. Dakran let out a shaky sigh and decided that would be best for both their sakes if he would just let her be. And with that thought in mind, he turned around to leave. It was for the best, he told himself, finding some comfort for his inquietude, in that little resolve.

" Dakran" Maya beamed, tugging on his tunic, and dragging him into the sewing room, to show him all her pristine playthings.

Incapable of speaking out, he followed her to the work table, where laid an almost finished dress, of her own making. That was fast, Dakran thought looking at the unusual layout of the dress and raising his eyes to look at Maya who patiently awaited for his thoughts.

" It looks good" Dakran muttered, as he shifted his gaze back onto the dress.

" Do you like it?" Maya beamed full of pride, and he could not find the strength to add any further comments.

" Yes," he mumbled as he absently traced the fabric with his fingers.

" I have a few more things to add and it will be done" Some more fabric would be ideal, he wanted to say but stayed mum. As he stared at the intricate green and golden pattern on the fabric.

Dakran cleared his throat and sucked a breath, tightly gripping his ledger, as his mind began conjuring up images of Maya wearing that dress, and his blood once again drained and pooled in his groin. He needed to leave, at once.

Maya placed her hand on his shoulder " Dakran" she softly called " Are you alright? You've been acting" Maya paused and leaned against the table " strange" she finished her thoughts, looking at him with curious eyes, a little concerned.

Dakran eyebrows furrowed and gulped" I'm fi-" he straightened his jacket, a gesture meant to help him gather his thoughts " I'm fine, Maya" He wryly chuckled, raking his fingers through his hair as his frustration returned tenfold.

" Dakran" Maya licked her lips " Have I done something that bothered you?" Maya worriedly asked, most likely because he wasn't hiding his unease very well.

Dakran chuckled " No" and placed the ledger on the table " Why would you think that? " it was an absurd thought but he could see why she would think that.

" Well, you almost ran out of the room this morning and now you seem uncomfortable around me." Maya raised her eyes to meet his, with a pout.

" It is" Dakran closed his eyes, hoping to find the right words " I'm finding it really hard to be around you" his wishy-washy reasoning made no sense, not even to him, let alone to Maya.

Maya's eyebrow quirked up, with even more questions than before " I see" she deflated and sighed.

" What can I do to make you feel more at ease?" Maya raised a pertinent question but at the same time, the answer wouldn't bring him any satisfaction, not the one he was looking for one, anyway.

" Maya," he was pleading, he did not want to come clean about his lustful thoughts, not in light of the recent events. He needed to put a clear line between him and Haren.

Maya waited patiently for him to continue his thoughts but he knew if he would speak his mind, she would run, screaming and most likely thinking that he was a dead ringer for Haren.

The dead silence that stretched between them, urging him to speak, and voice out his thoughts to clear the air, was gnawing at him, incessantly. Maya wasn't wavering, eyes locked on him, even though she was silent, her eyes were biding him to speak, and explain himself.

" I have thoughts that I shouldn't have, not after everything." Dakran's half-assed explanation did not please Maya as she remained silent. Who knew silence could be so compelling, her silence was dragging things out of him as no one had ever done before.

" Sinful thoughts" Dakran mumbled, but she heard him as her eyebrows quirked up again and took a deep breath.

" Oh," she finally said, a little surprised " Like, us naked, doing the nasty thing" Maya pushed herself off the table, with an impish grin.

Dakran narrowed his eyes " That kinda tallies it up," Not even close. If she'd only known what kind of things his mind had been able to conjure up, she would be horrified. He cleared his throat and followed Maya as she sashayed her way to the door. He knew she would run, he knew she should have kept his big mouth shut. Dakran's eyebrows furrowed when Maya pushed the door to a close and locked it.

" What do you " Maya turned around " do to me?" she asked as she returned to the table, and sat on it" When you think of me that way?" she wanted particulars on his fantasies. This would end badly. There were so many, that he'd lost count.

" Where do I even begin" Dakran wryly smiled, and it was met with the one and only impish grin. Now, he knew she was fully aware of her power over him.

Maya bit her lips and began tugging on the strings that contained her bursting bosom, slowly, unhurriedly. She was teasing, this was his punishment. Maya had offered herself to him before, but he'd always said no.

"Maya" Dakran raked both hands through his hair, it was too much for him." Yes" she replied in a tantalising voice, as she tugged on the string again, revealing more of her ample bosom.

Dakran sighed, his feet gained a will of their own and found himself standing before her, staring at the peaking mounds. Maya licked her lips, and fisted his tunic, pulling him closer. At this point, any rational thought had abandoned him, while his cock led the way, flag up, swaying in the gentle breeze of his demise.

" I want to see them, I won't touch them. I promise" his mouth spoke on its own, while his hands loomed over her generous mounds just a hair away. Lured, and trapped under her blazing gaze, Maya pulled on the string once more letting her bare breasts slip out of her dress and he was floored at the overflowing fullness before him.

Breaking the very same promise he'd made just moments ago, Dakran fell on his knees, prey to his own desires and urges, buried his face in the valley of her breasts as Maya, weaved her hands through his hair.

" I'm sorry" Dakran mumbled with his face buried in her breasts.

" Don't be" Maya tugged on his hair pulling his head back to make him look at her.

" I'm not. I want you just as much as you do. I just wish you wouldn't be so adamant" Maya playfully scowled at him, and he somehow felt better, and at the same time tormented. Now he knew, he was undeniably, fundamentally screwed to the point of no return.

"Tomorrow" Dakran gulped " Say, yes, please" Dakran sighed hugging her waist, resting his cheek on her bosom.

" Yes," Maya whispered " It's time to leave everything behind" she added with a heavy sigh and Dakran raised his head to look at her.

" I love you, Maya" Dakran rubbed his cheek on her breast, and cupped the other, placing a kiss on it. Torn between respecting his wish to wait for the wedding night to have her fill of him and her own lustful desires. Maya tugged on his ebony hair, pulling his head back, to look into the pained and tormented eyes of the man she dearly loved. He wasn't the only one that craved and yearned, parched as the golden plains of Oros, in desperate need to quench her thirst. Maya turned to the one and only that could soothe her burning desires, the man kneeling before her.

Maya leaned in to kiss his lips, but he had to pull away unsure if it was wise. But Maya tugged on his hair, pulling him back, brushing her lips against his " And I love you, Lord Vamadar" she nipped on his bottom lips and he lost himself, capturing her lips in a fervent, passionate kiss, ready to suck the life out of her.

When Dakran pulled away from the kiss, in desperate need to catch a breath, to find a very dazed, ready-to-pounce on him little red, and the satisfaction that he wasn't alone in his struggle was somewhat pacifying his urges.