What Lies Behind

Dakram cleared his throat unable to keep his ever-growing giddiness at bay, any longer. Elated, that things between him, and Maya had returned to what it was, before, everything turned into a disastrous mess of family entanglement. Tinged red, shyly smiling, doe-eyed, full of adoration, his little red sat beside him, while he caressed her plump thigh over the dress. One more day, he told himself, and he would get to see her in all of her glorious nakedness. If she would only know what only the mere thought of her bare, did to him. Perhaps she would understand, how much he wanted her.

" What did you want to show me?" Maya sobered him up, placing her hand over his, making him aware that it, had travelled further up than he'd realised.

Dakran sucked a breath, eyes locked on the beauty beside him," Come," he said with a bright smile, clasping her hand, and stood up. Falkirk returned to stirring in his pots, which had been neglected for a while now. Sala hadn't shown up in the kitchen. Usually, she was in and out, always busying herself with this and that, restless.

Falkirk turned around " Where to?" he curiously asked, leaning against the counter, as Maya followed, and stood up herself.

"Will it take long?" Maya's eyes briefly strayed to Falkirk, as he tugged on her hand, to follow him. Finally at ease with how things had turned out. Treading carefully in the past few days had drained every tad of strength out of him.

" Infirmary" Dakran briefly turned to Falkirk " Will see. Why do you ask?" Dakran turned to her, gracing her with a bodacious smile. He seemed to have something on his mind, and he was reluctant to share what it was. But then again, it didn't matter what it was, she would have followed him, into the seven hells, as long he would stay beside her.

" I still have to finish sewing some things. In the meantime, you should have a rest" Maya answered after a brief moment where she had lost herself in her own thoughts, returning the smile. Falkirk dragged his feet, and followed them, looking around. Most likely, looking for Sala.

" I'll try to make it short. Yes, I need to get some sleep" Dakran sighed " Today hasn't turned out as I expected." the smile on his lips briefly fell, but it was back on his lips when he turned to her " But I'm glad that we had a chance to speak of some things, that I knew would become an issue later. It has been on my mind for some time, but I didn't want to frighten you." Dakran pushed the infirmary door open, and stood aside, to allow her to go first.

As she stepped over the threshold, what she was greeted with was beyond dreadful. People lay on beds, covered in bloody dressings, some with missing limbs, gashes so deep that she could easily fit her hand in it. Groans, and wails, filled the room, while those who could tend to the wounded, jumped from one bed to another whenever someone cried in pain. Some were on the mend, looking somewhat better than others, but the sight was pretty startling. Maya glanced up at Dakran, woeful, as Dakran scoured the room with his eyes, heartbroken at the sight. No wonder he needed to drink so he could sleep. An everyday life filled with this would give anyone nightmares. One senior healer approached, wiping his bloody hands on a cloth, with a dejected countenance, and halted before them.

" Dakran," He stretched his blood-stained hand for Dakran to take. With a heavy sigh, Dakran peeled his eyes off the room and shook his hand " Kovi. How is it looking?" Dakran let go of his hand while Caell slowly sauntered to where they were, grim as Kovi.

" We are getting there," Kovi sighed and glanced over his shoulder when Caell patted him on it.

" Dakran. I see you are in better spirits" Caell shook Dakran's hand and nodded to her.

" Yes. Corvin is making way. He shouldn't be far off now." Dakran grumbled, a little absentminded, as his eyes kept fleeting around the room, searching for something.

" Last we heard from him, he was leaving Dreissen. Too many were injured, so, it might take him longer than expected" Kovi added as he followed Dakran's line of sight.

" I'm guessing that you're here to check on the boy you brought with you from the Southland" Caell reckoned while Maya frowned, and looked up at him. Many questions lay behind those bright curious green eyes, but she remained silent and waited.

" Yes. He was poorly when I found him. I was wondering if he'd survived." Dakran kept his expectations to a realistic level since the boy was hanging by a thread.

" Yes," Kovi turned on his heels " He is still frail, but he wakes up to eat and drink. " He informed, as he walked around the beds in the infirmary, all the way to the farthest end, while they followed.

" Will he survive?" Dakran worriedly asked as they approached the little boy's bed with his eyes on the little boy.

Kovi sat on the chair next to the bed, checking for any signs of fever, while Maya let go of his hand to sit on the edge of the bed, next to the boy. She glanced up at him, with a small smile, hopeful. She never voiced out her thoughts on having children, but then again she couldn't have any. She had made her peace with it, and Dakran seemed to have thought of that.

Now that he was clean, the little boy with muddy hair, and dusky skin was nothing like he'd imagined he would be. He had no clue, whether his parents were dead, but now, he decided that would be his son if Maya were to agree.

At the sight of the little boy, shrouded in the bedclothes, peacefully fast asleep, with his unkept golden brown locks, motherly love bloomed in her heart, when she understood what Dakran meant earlier.

" Does he speak?" Dakran broke the silence gaining Maya's attention.

" No. He hasn't spoken a word. We offered food, water, and everything we offered was wolfed down in a heartbeat" Caell leaned against a wall with a curious expression.

" What are you going to do with him?" Caell added with his eyes on the boy.

" I haven't decided yet. There are other children. The one's in the outposts" Dakran paused a beat "Not many left. The first thing we will do is make a cloister for those who have no family left. I'm guessing, there aren't many left." Dakran pensively said, frowning " Will figure the rest as we go. It is time to rebuild. Soon the season will change once more. Until then, rest, heal." Dakran said with a little more conviction this time.

" What if they return?" Kovi worriedly asked as he stood up from the chair when one of the wounded wailed in pain.

" There is a woman with Corvin. I'm not entirely sure, but I think is the same that came here to end all of this" Dakran cleared his throat and shoved his hands in his pockets.

" The Mythrian Queen" Caell hummed and pushed himself off the wall.

"I'm hoping she will bring good news." Dakran stretched his hand to Maya, and nodded " It's time to go back." He added as Maya reluctantly took his hand, with her eyes on the boy.

" Could you please let us know when he will wake again" Maya looked at Kovi who nodded " If he stays awake long enough. I will" Kovi replied with a candid smile " I hear that you will be our Lady, soon" Kovi crooned, his spirits shifted from solemn, to a brighter disposition. And for some reason that didn't sit well with him.

Maya bowed before Kovi and Caell " Yes. Tomorrow, Dakran and I " Maya paused to look at him, seeking approval to reveal their plans, well his plans" I have nothing to hide from my people, Maya" Dakran replied to the question lingering in her eyes.

" Very well. We will wed" Maya finished her thoughts as he tucked her under his arm, given the fact that Caell and Kovi were a little too happy around her.

" Wonderful news, Dakran. A celebration to brighten up our spirits." Kovi lit up like the sky at sunrise, but for no reason. He was about to put a cloud over his sunny disposition.

" No, none of that," Dakran curtly said, as he turned around with Maya in tow while they followed.

" You're welcome to join us for the union, but otherwise, will be just another day in the culvert" Dakran smirked " For you" He bit his lips, and looked down at his beautiful little red, delighted, and keen.

" I see" Kovi hummed " So, only you get to celebrate, then" Kovi added as they halted their steps in front of the door.

Dakran patted his shoulder " See. You get it now. I should think so. I'm the one getting wed, after all." Dakran chuckled "Now, stop fretting. I think Fadir needs you. " Dakran opened the door and nodded at the two men who deflated and sighed.