Idiocy At Its Finest

It was to be expected that Corvin would do something idiotic, the moment he'd set foot in Irostone. But that was not even in his wildest dreams. What was about that place that turned people utterly daft the moment they set foot in it?

Dakran sighed " Haren is with Nya. And as a punishment for what you did. You're coming with me to the white lands." Dakran gave his verdict irked to no end, but grinning. Satisfied to have found a suitable punishment for Corvin's slip-up. With the corner of his eye, caught Maya raising her head, surprised, and displeased with his decision. He'd promised he would take her, but it was too dangerous. He had no choice, but to leave Maya behind.

Corvin straightened himself in his chair, sheepish " But, I've just returned" He retorted, mumbling, sulking.

" I'm well aware. And I don't care." Dakran chuckled " I just made a rhyme. Also after that, you'll be taking your sorry behind to the Southlands, and apologise to Iris. I'm sure, that there is more to it. That mouth of yours is, filthier than a troth." Dakran scrubbed his face, trying to ground himself. He owed Iris a life debt, and so much more.

" What? No. You can't send me away. Not again" Corvin attempted to fight Dakran's decision.

" Is that so? Watch me." Dakran calmly nursed his brew, glancing at Corvin with a quirked brow" One more word from you " Dakran cautioned, lips set in a thin line to stop himself from saying something he will regret later.

" Get Jutt and Remmy to prepare things. We are leaving the day after tomorrow. " Dakran gave his instructions, taking a deep cleansing breath. One was bad, and two were impossible.

" What were you thinking?" Dakran asked, unable to let it go, scandalised by Corvin's deed.

" Pom pom" Corvin grumbled under his breath " It's hard on the battlefield. No, pom pom" He shrugged again with a sheepish grin. Dakran sighed, relieved that Corvin had enough common sense to burnish his words this time around.

" Are you even penitent for what you did? You don't look like you are." Dakran's spirit had brightened up and stifled a smile when Corvin lightheartedly chuckled.

" No. I'm not. She is " Corvin whistled, and grinned " Prissy but " Corvin trilled his lips and his infatuation was becoming more evident each time he spoke of Iris. He seemed to have caught the illness.

" So you like her? She has a husband. " Dakran retorted " And a son" Dakran added trying to get Corvin to gauge what he was getting himself into. It was a messy affair, chasing after a woman with a husband and a son.

Corvin wiggled his finger in front of Dakran " Had" He popped his tongue " Something happened " Corvin paused " I'm not sure. She wasn't very willing to share. Prissy. Her husband turned into a servant of the darkness and her son. " Corvin paused, pinching his fingers together, blowing on them " She was sure he has left the living realm. So, my friend. She is free as a bird" Corvin patted Dakran on his shoulder, who listened a little dumbstruck.

Now the pieces were falling into place. He just wondered, why she hadn't shared that with him.

Dakran hummed after a brief moment of silence " You do understand that she isn't like Aiyre, Fyre, or " Dakran frowned, trying to recall all the women Corvin had taken to bed "What was her name again?" Dakran sighed, defeated. The list was far too long.

"It doesn't matter" Dakran concluded after a beat " She will cut it off if you cross her. That woman won't shed a tear over and she will put you in the ground without a second thought" Dakran cautioned with a smirk.

Corvin hummed deep in thought " I know" he mumbled eventually and sighed " I haven't thought of it that far" He raised his head to look at Dakran, frowning. Dakran sighed, and opened his mouth wanting to say more, but clamped his mouth shut when Maya shuffled in her seat.

" What is Haren doing in the white lands?" Corvin moved on to something else. Seeing that Dakran had mellowed a little.

" He's done something that he shouldn't have. He is forbidden to enter Ironstone and Whitsun." Dakran sighed " I'm not sure he was himself when he tried to force himself on Maya. Nya might've had something to do with it. I'm not sure." Dakran's spirit had taken a plunge as he spoke about what had happened.

Corvin frowned " Haren and I are kindred spirits but he would never force a woman to bed." Corvin jumped to defend Haren. They were tied to the hip after all. It made sense but Corvin was no better than Haren.

Dakran's peal of laughter echoed in the great hall gaining everyone's attention " You just told me that you bedded a drunk woman." Dakran retorted, still amused with Corvin.

" She wanted it" Corvin snapped which gained him another scuff on the head from Dakran.

" Fool" Dakran sighed and rolled his eyes, frustrated.

" Enough of this" Dakran waved his hand at Corvin, fed up with all the nonsense that came out of his mouth.

He didn't even had a chance to speak with his sister. Everything came tumbling down.

" How are feeling Edýia?" Dakran turned his attention to his sister.

Edýia smiled " Much better. I'm sorry to have missed the ceremony" Edýia frowned, glancing at Rom.

" We are truly sorry" Rom mumbled under his breath, guilty.

" I haven't had a chance to speak with Pelham. How is the babe?" Dakran pressed further, wanting to know more.

" He is not certain yet. He will be able to tell us farther along" Edýia smiled, lively as ever.

" I see that Pelham has made good on his word and made the potion. You look like your old self once more" Dakran smiled, pleased with how things had worked for Edýia.

" Yes. I feel much better. Stronger. I'm ready to do more around Ironstone." Edýia frowned " I'm going to the infirmary after this. We need all the help that we can get." Edýia finished her thoughts with a sigh and ate the last mouthful on the plate.

Dakran hummed " We will join you shortly. But we have some things to set straight first" Dakran drank his last sip of the brew and turned his attention to Maya.

She'd been quiet as a mouse. Corvin was a loud mouth, a filthy one, most certainly his words had sent her mind spiraling. Doubt and fear had deep roots in Maya's mind.

" Are you alright?" Dakran squeezed her hand and finally, Maya raised her head to look at him, soulful.

Maya nodded with a semblance of a smile and returned to playing with the cup in front of her. Dakran closed his eyes and scuffed Corvin's head irked with the loud mouth.

" What?" Corvin returned to the plain of the living and rubbed his head.

Dakran grinned " Just because" Dakran shrugged and kissed Maya's hair.