Hard, But Necessary

Dakran leaned in " Ready?" he whispered in her ear, squeezing her hand in an attempt to ease her worries.

Maya nodded, but her soulful spirit hadn't dissipated in the least. Dakran puffed his cheeks as he stood up, tempted to scuff Corvin's head one more time. But balled up his hand into a fist to keep himself from doing so. His irritation with Corvin was something he would have to deal with later. The journey to the white lands was long and he would have abundant time to spill all his vexation.

As they stepped out of the dining hall into the corridor, Dakran whistled. And shortly after the pitter patter of claws hitting the stoney floor, began echoing in the corridor.

Maya lit up the instant the cub who had grown quite a lot since Maya had brought him to Ironstone, appeared from the corridor leading to the store room. He was most likely sniffing for food.

Maya lowered herself to her knees and took the cub in her arms, stroking his head, and hugging him to her chest.

Maya looked up at him, pleading, but he had to try. She already knew it was coming. He was certain that the mother was nearby. It didn't feel right to take the cub away if the mother was searching for him.

" We have to try." Dakran scrunched his eyes " If he returns. He can stay. But he needs to be with his kind, Maya." Dakran reasoned, wistful, pleading. If she would fight him over the decision. He wouldn't be able to say no to her. Those sorrowful gleaming green eyes scorched his very soul and he didn't have the strength to watch her cry. He hated seeing Maya sad, broken-hearted.

Maya blinked away the tears " All right" she acquiesced with a frazzled smile.

Dakran let out a silent breath, and wrapped his arm around her shoulder " Come" he beckoned her as he moved his feet, heading towards the main entrance, onto Irostone's main grounds.

Maras was quick to appear out of his little hole in the wall, brightly smiling.

" Milord. Milady " Maras gallantly bowed to both of them. It felt good. Maya was finally receiving the respect that she deserved.

Maya smiled, returning the bow " Maras. How are you today?" Maya politely asked catching both men by surprise.

" I'm well, Milady. I hope the ceremony was to your liking." Maras's smile stayed as he eyed the volsa in Maya's arms.

" It was more than I would have hoped for." Maya tittered, humbling and glanced up at him.

Dakran cleared his throat to keep his tongue still. It was. Stupidly enamoured, blinded by love. And he hoped he would never see the fucking light ever again.

" What brings you here?" Maras sobered him up.

" I was wondering " Dakran paused for a beat " Have you seen a full-grown volsa circling the rock?" Dakran looked at the gate, frowning, hopeful.

Maras frowned " Yes. It keeps its distance. Why do you ask?" Maras's frown deepened, noticing the disappointment on Maya's face.

" I think it's the mother. Open the gate." Dakran gave his instructions without wasting any more time and Maras scurried away to open the gate. The longer they would stretch it out the harder would be on Maya.

" It's time" Dakran beckoned once more, and Maya moved her feet, faltering and following Maras to the gate.

The moment Maya placed the volsa on the ground. The floodgates opened, and Maya began crying, and sobbing as she pushed the volsa through the gate. The cub whimpered and squealed, ears stuck on his head, giving Maya a pleading look.

" Go on, little one" Maya sobbed, gently nudging the cub to walk away. Little Dak perked its ears, sniffing the air around him, and began following the scent. The mother was still around or nearby.

" Close it," Dakran said the moment the cub was far enough out. Maras nodded and closed the gate as Maya watched the cub disappear as the gate closed before her eyes.

A howl and yelp rang in the silence that seemed to have stretched for eternity and Maya hugged herself, sniffling. Dakran sighed and closed his eyes. It had to be done. He tried to reassure himself. It was for the best.

Dakran moved his feet and pulled her into his loving arms" I'm sorry" Dakran kissed her hair, squeezing her tighter to his chest.

Maya grumbled something with her face buried in his chest, and wrapped her arms around his waist, with a heavy sigh.

" Infirmary?" Dakran asked unsure, whether she was willing to face people at that moment, but she needed to take her mind off things.

Maya nodded and released him from her embrace, and raised her head to look at him, tearful.

" I love you. It's for the best" Dakran tried to soothe her and lightly pecked her lips

Maya nodded " I know, but he has been a good companion in those days you were gone" Maya wistfully sighed, and glanced towards the infirmary.

" I'm grateful for that, but now you have me" Dakran smiled, gleefully.

" You're leaving" Maya mumbled, hooking her arm into his.

" You said you would take me with you" She added, glancing up at him, reproachful.

Dakran sighed. It wasn't a good time to speak about it. Dakran opened the door to the infirmary and stepped aside for her to enter first.

" Will speak of it, later." Dakran said as he followed her inside.

Maya nodded, and hummed " All right," she said as her eyes roamed around the room.

Caell approached, holding a bloodied rag, and by the looks of it, most of his people were on the mend since some of the beds were empty. Pleased, Dakran turned his attention to the bed that the boy was on the other day.

"Milady. Dakran" Caell greeted bowing before Maya.

" Caell. How are you today?" Maya returned the bow and smiled.

" Well, Milady." Caell inhaled " I've had worse days" He added with an awry smile.

" I see that people are on the mend. How is everyone doing?" Maya glanced up at Dakran, but the man seemed to be somewhere else.

" Yes, Milady. The beds are clearing out. The only ones that are left are more severely injured. It will take some time, but fortunately, none has died, as of yet. We couldn't be more grateful." Caell reported the situation, his eyes followed her line of sight as she glanced around the room.

" I'm glad. Happy to hear that none have passed away. Is there anything that you require?" Maya inquired further, while Dakran was fidgeting on his spot. He'd seen the boy walk around the infirmary.

" Clothes, Milady. Most of them are bloodied, and tattered. " Caell smiled, fiddling with the bloodied rag in his hand.

Dakran frowned " I'll get some of the women to begin sewing some." Dakran piped in with a scowl. He has been absent for most of the exchange.

Maya looked up at him, askance " No. I can do it." Maya set her lips in a thin line. It wasn't up for discussion. He'd taken the cub from her, so, for now, he will let it be.