Parting Ways

Uneasy with the thought of leaving Maya. Dakran had tossed and turned in bed unable to get a wink of sleep. But he wasn't alone in his struggle. Maya glanced out the window and looked at him as the break of dawn approached at a frightening speed. No amount of time spent with her would be enough. He was already dreading the days to come, away from her. Dakran closed his eyes when the pang in his chest, throbbed.

" Not long now," Maya mumbled with a pout. The wistfulness in her voice brought some solace. She will miss him just as much as he will.

Dakran raked his hands through his hair, miserable. He decided to go, but it was out of duty, and guilt. Haren was nothing, but trouble. Regardless, he had to know, the truth. Face Haren for the last time to ease his mind, and unburden his soul.

" I'll be back before you know it " Dakran pinched her chin to raise her lips to his.

" It's for the best. If I stay" Dakran grinned" I will lay with you or at least try, and you need to heal" Dakran salaciously grinned and bit his lip.

" It won't take that long" Maya pouted and snuggled into his chest, with a heavy sigh " I feel better. It doesn't hurt as much" She added, fiddling with his fingers and he felt tempted to roll in the sheets one last time before they parted ways.

" I know. Just " Dakran trilled his lips " Wait for me" He mindlessly blurted out. That was all he could think of at that moment. Out of all the things he wanted to say. That came out of his mouth. With everything happening so suddenly, he feared that Maya might find it overwhelming, too much to deal with. And to add to that Corvin and his loose lips had made things far worse.

Maya raised her head, quirked up brows and all" Where am I going to go?" Maya asked a little irritated and flopped back on his chest.

" I don't know. Don't run away" He felt the need to reinforce his previous statement.

Maya sighed " I chose to be here" She raised her head " Why would I run away? Why are you worried?" Maya asked as she pulled herself up to sit on the bed, watching him with an inquisitive eye.

Dakran scrunched his eyes closed " Corvin and that big mouth of his" Dakran opened his eyes, irked " I know what his words, and Haren's words, do to you. I'm not " Dakran scrubbed his face to gather his thoughts " I saw how you went all sad and worried when Corvin began spewing his nonsense. I already know how you see yourself and that is bad enough. I just don't want you to think that I will do the same. I love you, more than I can put in words." Dakran took her hands in his when she turned soulful at his words. And that look was enough to know he'd hit it on the head. If he knew one thing for certain, was that Maya didn't think she was enough for him. And that could end only with her running away or worse doing things that she didn't want just to even things out.

Maya let out a wistful sigh " I'm not going to run away. But promise me that you will come back in one piece" Maya's gaze drifted to his cock, and he couldn't help but laugh. She'd become very attached to the very same thing she'd run away from.

" I will. Now, be good and kiss me" Dakran pulled her in his arms and captured her lips in a tender kiss. Grunting and grumbling he pulled away and glared at his cock for breaking his new favourite place.

" I love you little red. Please be good to yourself and no playing while I'm away." Dakran impishly grinned as he caressed her bottom. Dakran closed his eyes when his hand reached her breast and hummed in approval. Taking in every detail, that would keep him warm on the lonely cold nights that he would have to spend under the starless sky.

" I won't. I will be waiting for you so, hurry back" Maya turned wistful again and peeled his hand off her breast to kiss the palm of his hand. She was adorable and embodied loveliness. Oh, how he loved her and everything about her.

Dakran nodded, leaning against the headboard, folding Maya into his arm for one last time before he would have to get up and leave. Stuck to him like thistle to fur, Maya wrapped her arm around his neck unwilling to let go. Unable to resist, he hugged her back as hard as he could squishing her into him. If he could, he would get under her skin and live there for the rest of his days.

Lost in his thoughts he squeezed her to his chest so hard, that Maya whimpered, bringing him back to the present.

" I'm sorry " Dakran mumbled and kissed her hair " I will miss you" he added with a heavy sigh as he pushed himself off the headboard. It was time for him to get ready and leave.

" I will walk you out " Maya offered as she reluctantly peeled her arms off him.

" No. Go back to sleep little red" Dakran crooned as sat up, and tucked her back under the covers.

" You need to rest. And I need to go before I change my mind. Remember, you begin your training today. " Dakran said with a skew smile and kissed her forehead.

Maya pushed herself to lean against the headboard watching him, putting on layer after layer of clothes. Dead on in the middle of the wet season, the cold prickled sharply. As Dakran pulled on a fur hat out of the drawers, Maya frowned, as Dakran turned around all bundled up ready to go. Maybe he was right after all. It wasn't a good time to go prancing around the North. Not after seeing Dakran donning three layers, and he didn't even put on his fur coat.

When Dakran stuffed the last pair of slacks into his bag he tied up the leather straps and picked up his fur coat. The white lands were freezing during the wet season. He needed all he could get to keep himself warm.

" Are you sure you're coming back? You emptied the drawers" Maya worriedly pointed out with a frown, craning her neck.

Dakran chuckled ' Yes little red. Nothing can keep me from coming back to you. " He strapped the bag on his back and stomped his way to the bed.

Maya's brows crinkled together, still very much worried and acquiesced with a nod. He wanted nothing more than slide under the covers into her arms but he needed to rectify a wrong. Of his own making in some ways. He was many things, but not unjust. Dakran leaned in to peck her lips.

" I love you," he said in between kisses " I leave Ironstone in your hands " Dakran tenderly kissed her lips, and slowly pulled away.

Maya mustered a smile " And I love you" Maya cradled his face and pecked his lips one last time. The shine in her eyes had changed from doleful to love and duration.

" Be careful!" Maya said with a sigh as he opened the door.

" You too little red" Dakran nodded and stepped out of the room. And the void that he'd left in the bed, in the room and in her heart the moment he stepped out, suddenly became cold, glacial. His warmth and loving words were the things she would miss the most about him. Maya sighed and flopped herself on the bed. She had a duty to her people now. Maya closed her eyes, feeling the weight of her thoughts pressing on her shoulders. In the time he would be away, she would have to prove herself worthy of the title she'd been given. Maya blew out a breath, to still her thoughts. Some rest and then when she will wake, her work will begin.