The Brightest Star

With everything sorted, Dakran glanced one last time over his shoulder to the boy who played with his string balls on the bed. He didn't seem to enjoy anyone's company, not just his or Maya's. Maya looked up at him and nodded.

" What would you like to do now, my lovely wife?" Dakran grinned, hopeful that her answer would be more tossing in the sheets.

" I would like to start on the clothes that Caell has asked for" Maya answered with a frown, and he couldn't believe they had to return to everyday life so soon.

Dakran nodded " Before we do all that. We must do one last thing for my peace of mind" Dakran opened the infirmary door and stood aside letting Maya go first.

Maya's brows furrowed, worried " What is it?" Maya curiously asked but she already knew that Dakran wouldn't let in on it. Especially if it was a surprise.

Dakran grinned, and halted his steps " Worried?" He opened the main door and stood aside again to let her pass first.

" No. A little" Maya admitted turning to him.

" There is no need to be worried. I just hope you will like it. That is all" Dakran took her hand in his and walked into the corridor leading to his study. Maybe there was something related to the ledgers, Maya thought to herself.

With that thought in mind, Maya felt a little more at ease. Dakran expression wasn't betraying anything. So she had to go with her second sight, which had betrayed her more than once or twice in the past. Dakran pushed the door open and graciously waved her in. Now, she was worried. Dakran was a good man but fanciful gestures didn't suit him.

Maya warily smiled. Always on her toes. Doubt and fear still resided within her and he was all out of ideas, on how to gain her full trust and make her feel at ease in her new role.

Dakran sauntered to the table that lay at one end of the large study. Luxurious upholstered sofas, armchairs, and a large fire brightly burned at the other end of the room. Sophisticated taste, Maya concluded as soon as her eyes fell on the intricate carvings on the inglenook mantle.

" My great, great grandfather's study. " Dakran broke her thoughts, as walked to where she was, jolting her from her deep thoughts.

" He made all of this with his very hands when he decided to make Irostone his home," Dakran added as he stood before her with a golden medallion in his hand.

" This is the family insignia." Dakran flipped the medallion in his hand to show her the crest." It's a miner's crest. Hammer, chisel and Irostone sits in the middle." Dakran described the crest, as he brushed over it with his fingers" This is the item that will complete your status as the Lady of Ironstone and my wife" Dakran sighed, sliding the golden chain over her head " The last woman to wear this was the very first Lady of Ironstone. My great, great grandmother. " Dakran sullenly smiled, running his hands on the chain to the medallion that rested on her bosom.

" Wherever you will go on these lands. Everyone will bow before you" Dakran peeled his eyes off her breasts to lock eyes with her.

Maya mustered a smile " I don't want people to be afraid of me." Maya picked up the medallion " I want them to respect me and love me for who I am, not out of fear." she closed her eye, fisting the medallion. Her words reaffirmed his belief that she was a kind, sweet, gentle soul. She was the brightest star in the darkest night, paving the path with her light.

Dakran inwardly chuckled, cradling her face, brown eyes locked with gleeful green eyes " I love you so much, Maya. I do not hold knowledge of such words to say how much. It is your choice if you use it or not. But it is yours, just as much my heart is, and this rock that I call home. " Dakran pressed his lips on her forehead " I know that everything is " Dakran sighed and folded her into his arms, tucking her head under his chin.

" Overwhelming " Maya grumbled from under his chin, wrapping her arms around his waist.

" Yes," Dakran breathed out the words " It will take time to adjust to all of this, so be kind to yourself, my sweet wife." Dakran emphatically said, pulling away from the hug to look at her.

Maya nodded and swallowed her tears away. She was putting on a brave face, for him trying not to appear terrified of what will happen while he was away.

" Sala and Falkirk will help you. They've been in charge of things while I was away. So, if anything troubles you, don't be afraid to ask for help. " Dakran added a little more cheerily " I will miss you." Dakran turned woeful. With so many people under one roof, her self-assurance was waning. If before she thought, it would be a breeze. Now, not so much. It was curious, how easily Dakran could read her or she was just that predictable that he could see right through her.

Maya smiled and cradled his face " I will miss you too, my dear husband. But don't worry about me. I will overcome all obstacles, and keep our home just as you left it" The gentleness and sweetness in her voice were featherlight, soothing.

Dakran inhaled, a little more at ease. He'd done everything he could think of to reassure Maya that she was his all and everything to him. She was his one, and only.

" I need to have a word with Falkirk and then with Sala while you play with the string and needle" Dakran chuckled taking her hand in his, and tugging on it. Feeling a little relieved that Maya didn't appear to be frightened by the increasing load he'd just dropped in her lap.

Reaching the kitchen, Dakran halted his steps " I will see you later" He leaned in and kissed her cheek.

Maya nodded and caught his chin as he pulled away " Kiss me" she whispered against his lips, brushing her lips on his, lustfully. A dangerous move on her part. He'd been good, so far, like he'd promised he would.

Dakran grunted and pressed his lips on hers " Careful my wife. You might not make it to the sewing room " Dakran grinned with a perilous glint in his eyes " The study is just " Dakran whispered " Over there" he impishly grinned as he pulled away.

Maya's breath hitched and blushed. Oh, he had one or two things in mind to do with her in that study.

Flustered, Maya tittered " I best be going, then" She grinned as she turned on her heels, sashaying towards the sewing room.

Amused, Dakran chuckled, leaning against the kitchen door, watching her sway those beautiful hips. He bit his lips as the memories of their wedding night began flashing before his eyes. Yes. A night worth remembering, full of marvellous moments, blissful. The clatter in the kitchen broke his thoughts and brought him back to the present.