Point Of Contention

The old man nodded, ready to spill" The Ianri lands, Harnham and Tsavo free of any liege, no levy, no ties to you or the crown." The man stated his price, cocksure. He'd gathered from his tone, head held high that he wasn't going to haggle. The old man had already made up his mind.

Dakran burst into a fit of laughter, beyond amused with the insanity that lay behind that demand. Haren was his brother but that was a hefty price to pay for his life. That was half of the land under the Ironstone seat. Nonetheless, now he knew the reason behind the whole travesty.

Corvin jumped off his horse, concerned that he might succumb to the ol' cucks' demands. Just like him, he drew his sword, ready to sever the old man's head off. Dakran raised his hand, fed up with the fighting. It was one or the other.

" No" Dakran's answer was short, and to the point to both the old man, and to stop Corvin from doing something foolish. He was willing to work a truce between Ironstone and Inari.

The old man sighed, smug " I guess I will have to wait until the child is of age. And then we will take everything, not just what I have asked for. It seems like a fair barter. " The old man raised his hand, tipped his chin, and Corvin fell on the ground very much like a rock.

His instincts kicked in and pointed the sword at the old man's neck " Don't even try, old man" Dakran hissed between greeted teeth " If I fall, I will take you with me" Dakran heeded, pressing the tip of the blade on the old man's neck, just enough to draw blood in an attempt to stave off whoever had put Corvin down with a poisoned dart.

The old man chuckled, mocking him, and raised his hand to his " Don't " Dakran kicked the cane that the old man was leaning on, and the old man wobbled on his feet.

" Father " Nya called, running out of the hut to where they were, seemingly worried for the old man.

" No child. My time has come. You know what you need to do. Set our people free" The old man spoke as he was about to kick the bucket. He was old, but he looked like he could still push on. And he had no intention to wage another war, by staining his hands with the old man's blood.

Dakran lowered his blade " Enough blood has been spilt. Enough with this nonsense. I will take Haren, and be on my way. You can send a herald, or you can come to speak of what you want. I can return the Inari land to you. I can do this, right now. But Tsavo and Harnham never belonged to Inari." Dakran fervently tried to get his point across while the old man, and Nya, kind of contemptuously smirked at him. He was being swindled by an old man and an abhorrent little girl. His disdain for her grew with each passing moment. He wasn't hateful by nature, but she was getting to him.

" No. We have been in servitude to the Vamadars for generations. It is not enough." The old man picked up his cane and slammed it to the ground, unmovable.

" What servitude?" Dakran scoffed " Your levy is in herbs, poultices and ointments." Dakran huffed irked at the absurdity behind the old man's words.

" Which we gather throughout the short season. We are thralls to you, and the crown. Just so we can live on our lands. If we stop, what will happen then?" The old man trembled, furious, extremely aggrieved with the arrangement that had been in place for generations, long before he came along.

Dakran sighed, resigned " Old man" Dakran chuckled in disbelief " What do you want? Trade? Fine. You will be defrayed for all that you'll provide to Whitsun. The land will remain under the Ironstone seat. Pleased?" The point of contention will remain under his control. If the old man wouldn't agree with either of his offers, he was willing to wipe them off completely. Only because, he'd had the audacity to go after Maya, no less.

" Both" The old man broke his thoughts " Inari lands, and defray for all that which we will provide to Whitsun." The old man raised his hand for him to take, and close the deal.

Dakran snorted " No. It is one or the other. Which takes us back right where we started. You see old man. I would have agreed to both, but your beloved daughter has sicced Haren on Maya. Now, I'm not petty by nature, but she is my wife and the only person I hold most dear in this wretched place. " Dakran was spilling all the bitterness he'd gathered since he'd returned from the Southlands, irked to no end.

Nya grinned, sheepish, and looked at the wrinkly old man, trying to appear innocent, but she was far from it. The old man frowned, it seemed that he didn't know everything after all.

" You will have to forgive Nya. She can be " The old man gave her a pointed look " Rash, at times" The old man added, glancing at Corvin slouched on the ground, smacking his lips in his deep slumber.

" No. It's one or the other. One more word and it will be nothing" Dakran took a step forward, looking down on both, father and daughter. Both were despicable in his eyes for their deeds.

The old man closed his eyes, exhaling and touched his hand before he even had a chance to recoil. And with one brush of his hand, the old man sent him into the same dreamland that Corvin was floating in, hitting the ground with a loud thud. His fading consciousness succumbed to the scenery that slowly swallowed him whole.