Gut Feeling

Days folded one onto another, passing by fast, engulfing her in the frantic pace that Ironstone was going. Maya sat on the balcony, breathing in the late evening air, revelling in the peacefulness that Ironstone had sunk after a long, busy day. She'd been waiting, like Dakran had promised for Issare to return with word from him. Maya frowned when the hazy sun hidden behind the dark clouds had fully sunk behind the hill. Issare reached Irostone before sunset. Maya leaned against the bannister, unwilling to give up hope that Issare would turn up. Her thoughts drifted to the little boy that had finally accepted her after much hard work and finally allowed her to play with him. He wasn't speaking yet. He was the right age to be able to, but she had an inkling that something might be amiss with the boy. Maya sighed when everything had sunk into darkness and still no sign of Issare. Maya gathered that something was wrong, horribly wrong.

Maya stepped inside the room, and without any other thought, picked up her cloak and stepped out of the room. Eisza was the first person that came to mind. After many days of training with her, the stalwart woman had proven to be a good, and trustworthy friend. Behind the stern, bristly nature laid a burdened woman with a scared soul. Just like her but Eisza's couldn't be seen. She hid it and she did it well. After many frowning brows and sweat, a kinship was born between two women that couldn't be any different.

Maya halted her steps in front of Eisza's chamber and knocked, trying to pull herself together. Her growing worries about Dakran were blossoming like wildflowers in spring. Her instincts were telling her that something happened to Dakran. She was sure of it.

Eisza opened the door, with a bowl in one hand, and the spoon in her mouth, a little taken aback to see her in the servant's quarters at that time of the night.

" You don't look well. Are you poorly?" Eisza frowned but that didn't stop her from eating like a troll.

Maya meekly smiled " I think something happened. Dakran has sent word each day since he left, but nothing came tonight, and there is no sign of Issare " Maya gave her the short version trying to keep the creeping anguish at bay.

" Oh," Eisza swallowed her last mouthful and frowned " Maybe he'd forgotten, fell asleep or got soaked" Eisza tried to ease her worries, listing all the things that might've stopped Dakran from sending his usual missive.

" No" Maya's expression clouded even further " I don't think so" Maya buried her face in her hand, and inhaled in an attempt to ground herself " He doesn't drink anymore, and if he'd stopped to rest Issare follows him everywhere when he is outside these walls. No. I'm sure, none of those things happened " Maya was certain that Dakran was in trouble.

Eisza nodded, and waved her inside, while she began stuffing clothes, and all sorts of blades in the bag " I'll get the horses ready. Go layer up on as many clothes as you have. We are leaving. Now." Eisza raised her head and glanced over her shoulder to look at Maya, but Maya was gone, long before she finished the first sentence.

Maya hurried back to the chamber as fast as she could. She had no clue how far Dakran had gotten, but she was determined to find him. Maya puffed her cheeks the moment she'd stepped into the chamber and looked around. Grateful that she'd made plenty of clothes for herself while she was in the sewing room. Maya pulled all that she owned and did what Dakran had done. Putting on as many layers as she could get on. She tugged on a thick fur coat that looked small enough to fit her, but she shrugged it off just as fast as she shrugged it on, when she almost crumbled to the floor under its weight. Rummaging through the drawers, Maya found the blanket that she used to wrap little Dak in and stuffed it in the bag along with everything else that she could think of to take with her. Including the tunic, that Dakran wore before he left.

After one last glance around the chamber, she pulled the door to a close, and scurried through the corridors, as fast as her feet could carry her. Most of Irostone was in deep slumber after a busy day. She'd done everything she could to keep everything in working order, in Dakran's absence. And found it to be easier than she'd thought it would be. Assigning tasks to keep those bound to Ironstone grounds occupied, has been a breeze. The skies were clearing, at a slow pace, but it was more than she could hope for. Each group that returned from scouting had brought back good news and seeds for them to start reforestation of the soil. Maya grinned, proud of her idea. When she stepped onto the grounds she found Eisza and Caell awaiting her, mounted on the horses, ready to go. Maya looked around looking for hers. There were only two horses.

" There are only two horses." Maya pointed out, still glancing around for the third one

" These are the last two, Milady " Eisza patted the saddle and reached her hand for her to take " You will be riding with me. I hope you don't mind sitting in front." Eisza grabbed her hand and pulled her up on the horse like she was made out of air. She didn't, she had spent many days wrapped in Dakrans arms, while they rode up north. Maya pursed her lips, at the thought that Dakran might have perished.

" Maras. Gate" Caell shouted long before they were even close to the gate. Eager to step outside the Ironstone walls. He wasn't the only one.

Eisza spurred the horse the moment Maras pushed the gate open, and whizzed past him without saying a word.

" Can you whistle?" Maya asked over her shoulder. Eisza nodded and whistled.

" Again" Maya urged Eisza to do it again, hopeful that little Dak hadn't strayed away too far from Ironstone.