Burying The Hatchet

Rom slipped out of his grubby clothes, to wash himself under the greedy, watchful eyes of his little moggie.

He was fully aware of Edýia's gaze on him, even though she putting all the effort into feigning that she wasn't. Rom inwardly chuckled when from Edýia's lips escaped a low hum. It has been a while since he'd bedded her. It was taking its toll. Not just on him but on her as well, by the looks of it.

But he had no choice, Edýia would have to ask for it. If he did, she will say, no. It was a hard learnt lesson. Rom sighed, he'd lost count of how many times he'd drooled over Edýia, whenever she'd change before him, teasing him.

Edýia cleared her throat, gaining his full attention and turned to face her, in all of his nakedness.

" Are you alright?" Rom asked a hint of levity playing in his tone. Edyia's pink tinge was enough of a telltale that, she wasn't but nonetheless. It was his turn to wave his bits before her.

Edýia flustered and reprised folding the clothes from the basket. The familiar heat coursing through her body had increasingly become unbearable each time Rom took his clothes off before her. All lean, smooth muscle, dancing under his skin, each time he moved. And his cock, Edýia puffed her cheeks and angrily, folded the last tunic, mostly at herself. Yearning for him, for his touch, longing for his tender kisses. Even her dreams had become filled with him, and things that she wanted him to do.

Edýia grunted, let out an exasperated cry and turned to look at him, only to find Rom standing behind her, still very much wearing his birth suit.

Edýia flustered and took a step back and fell onto the bed, facing his cock. Edýia gulped and opened her mouth to speak but quickly gave up and closed her eyes, waving the white flag.

"Fine" Edýia huffed and opened her eyes " You win" The irritation in her tone was mostly towards herself rather than him.

" What did I win?" Rom playfully said, amusement laced his tone and leaned in to kiss her lips.

Edýia pouted " I want you to..." Edýia drawled leaving unspoken words between them. He needed to hear it off her lips what she wanted him to do. Go back to how things were between them when she would voice out her desires, fearless, unhinged.

Edýia sighed " You know..." she waved her hands in the air, still unable to say what was that he won and she wanted.

Rom placed his finger under her chin to raise her head, innocent steel eyes met lustful blue, and the urge to rip her dress off and bury himself between her legs grew to the point that his hands were shaking.

" Tell me..." Rom crooned " I want to hear it off your beautiful lips" Rom brushed his lips on hers, eyes on her waiting for the words to come out. He'd been waiting for this moment for far too long.

Edýia licked her lips " To bed me" she mumbled. The spark in her eyes blazed.

Rom hummed, rubbing his nose on hers " I need more " He tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear, satisfied " What do you want me to do to you" Rom nipped on her bottom lip, sucking on it. Pure desire flowed through him.There was no doubt of that but he needed to pace himself. Pouncing on her was out of the question.

" Make love to me.." Edýia pursed her lips, to gather the strength to speak " Like you used to.." she grabbed his wrist " Before..." she finished her thoughts, still fearful of him. He knew that look, he'd seen it on her face that cursed day.

Rom closed his eyes, trying to gather his thoughts and say the right thing to her " I'm sorry. That will never happen again, my love" Rom lowered himself to his knees " I won't " he whispered cradling her face with his hands. He couldn't put in words how repentant he was and he knew that he would have to prove himself to her.

Edýia placed her hand over his " Just love me, Rom" Edýia pressed her forehead on his " As I am" she shyly said and lowered her hands into her lap.

Rom pulled away, a little taken aback at her words " I don't want you to change, Edýia. You're the most infuriating and the most wonderful woman I have ever met. I love you just the way you are. A spirited little bundle, filled with wonderful joy, and you brought me so much happiness with your wondrous innocence." Rom lovingly pressed his lips on hers, tenderly pecking at her lips.

" I'm sorry, I took all of that away" Rom finished his thoughts, and sighed. He was bare inside and out. He'd never said those things to her and it dawned on him that maybe he should,

seeing the mellow, surprise on her face.

Unexpectedly, Edýia let go of all of her restraints and lunged at him, both crashing on the floor, with her sprawled on top of him.

It took him a moment to gather himself but he didn't dare to question it and captured her lips, pouring all that he had for her into the kiss, loving adoration, lust. Edýia moaned in the kiss when he tugged on the ribbons that held the dress together and peeled it off her.

When Edýia pulled away to catch her breath wearing a dazzling smile, full red lips, sparkling with excitement he almost lost it. Rom bit his lip to steel himself and smiled " I missed you, Edýia " Rom furrowed his brows, brushing her cheek with the back of his hand. His words sounded sincere, and the same was reflected in his eyes.

Edýia leaned into his hand " I hope that it won't happen again" She sucked a breath and dove in, capturing his lips without giving him a chance to counter.

" Now make love to me" Edýia mumbled biting on his lip, and rolling off him, pulling him on top of her.

That was all he needed to hear, he was already naked, so all he had to do was rid her of the cumbersome dress. Rom tugged on the dress to peel it off at the front, revealing her breasts. Rom hummed in approval as her swollen breasts appeared in his view. Admiring the enticing woman under him, his eyes followed his hands as the little bump appeared from under the dress. Rom stifled a smile and stopped to look at her. Rom placed his hand over her belly and frowned, it bearly fit in his hand.

" You are beautiful, " Rom lowered himself and kissed the bump, a little out of breath.

Edýia giggled, squirming under him, tickled by the hairs on his beard.

" I'll shave it off, later" Rom smiled against her skin and tugged on the dress, pulling it over her knees and discarding it on the floor.

Edýia wanted to say something clever but Rom buried his face between her legs making her gasp at the feel of his mouth on her lips. All straining tension that had between them, slowly faded as she let all her anger go, surrendering to the intense pleasure. Every brush of tongue was heightened to a level she'd never felt before. Right then and there, she realised how much she missed him, being with him. All along, something was missing, there was a hole and he fitted perfectly in that hole. Entangled in his hair, fingers tugged and scrapped. Her godly body bowed under with each stroke of his tongue. Sprawled on the floor, her moans filled the air. He'd missed hearing her soft pleasured purrs. Rom raised his eyes when Edýia let out a gasp, and a loud moan escaped her delicious lips, but that didn't stop him from eating her.