Burying The Hattchet 2

Lapping at her juices, athirst, Rom only stopped when he had, had his fill. Edýia sighed, satisfied and opened her eyes, to look at him, dazed, floating on pleasure. Kissing each thigh, and her swollen belly, Rom crawled his way up to her breasts. He stopped in the valley of her breast, eyeing the two swollen mounds. Cupping each with his hands, he took her peak into his mouth, licking and sucking at it, as if it was the most delicious thing he'd tasted. With his mouth latched onto one breast, and gently kneading the other, Edýia soared again on the highs of pleasure that surged through her longing core. Rom grunted when her wet and warm folds brushed on the tip of his cock. He was more than ready to conquer the cave of wonders.

" Take me" Edýia moaned out of breath, grabbing his hips, and thrusting hers, grinding on him. Rom tore himself from her breast, and seamlessly glided inside her, revelling in the feel of her on his length. Rom grunted, dropping his head on her shoulder.

" You feel so good" Rom rasped, rolling his hips making Edýia grip his shoulders, sinking her teeth into him. Rom stilled when he felt the sting of her feral bite.

" No" she huffed, out of breath " Don't. stop" Edýia dropped her head to the floor, out of breath.

Rom moaned and moved his hips again, burying himself into her to the hilt.

Rom raised his head to look at the beautiful woman under him, as she squirmed under him meeting each of his tender thrusts. Loved her the way she deserved, and he'd always wanted. Rom pressed his lips on hers, nipping at them. One hand locked on her plump bottom, worshipping her with his cock. She was beautiful, through and through.

Edýia's returned his passionate kiss, bowing under him, humming with pleasure. Edýia's nails dug into his back and stilled under him, when she found her release, clenching around him and he finally let go, joining her and filling her to the brim with his seed, grunting in the kiss.

Rom slouched on top of her, pleasurably spent, sated, huffing. Closed eyes, laboured, Edyia huffed under him, riding the highs of her release.

Heavy laboured breathing was all that filled the silence in the room. Rom raised his head and lovingly kissed her forehead. The feel of his warm soft lips on her forehead brought her back to the present.

" I love you, Edýia " Rom whispered against her forehead. Edýia let out a pleasured hum and opened her eyes.

" I love you, Rom Mulhn" Edýia grinned, mischievous. With that, he knew, his girl was back.

Rom chuckled " Is that so? Who is Rom Mulhn?" Rom asked surprised and pushed himself up resting on his elbows, amused.

Edýia frowned, confused " Isn't that your name? Sala said, that when she asked Maya, that was the name she gave." she was bushed, deeply frowning and a little ruffled.

" Mulhn is, yes, " Rom chuckled " But Rom is my middle name. It's easier to say than my first name." Rom amusedly explained, pushing himself up to rest on his knees.

"What is your first name then?" Edýia asked a little disgruntled at the fact she didn't know his name.

Rom chuckled " If it's all the same to you just leave it, even I struggle to say it." Rom sighed and pulled her off the floor " Next we should try the bed" Rom picked her up and stood up with her in tow and walked to the bed.

" I can try," Edýia grinned when he placed her on the bed.

" On the bed?" Rom asked as he slipped under the covers with her.

" Both" Edýia giggled, when he pulled her against him, folding his arms around her.

Rom kissed her nose " Alright" Rom conceded, smiling " Show me what you can do. K.h.a.i.l.j.u.n." Rom spelt his name, grinning, certain that she wouldn't be able to say it. It didn't sound that difficult and frankly his name could be shortened easily.

Edýia cleared her throat, and pursed her lips trying to stifle a smile "Khailjun" Edýia didn't miss even a letter when she said his ridiculous name.

Rom chuckled " No, but you tried. You get a kiss for the effort" Rom pecked her pouted lips.

" How do you say it then?" Edýia grumbled, displeased with her failure.

" Kheilon" Rom answered, amused with Edýia's grouchiness.

Edýia quirked up her brows surprised " It sounds like a girl's name" Edýia giggled when Rom frowned and sighed.

" That's because it is. My mother wanted a girl and when I came along, she gave me the name that she had chosen and my father did the sensible thing, and gave me a second name when my mother wouldn't budge. Hence, Rom" Rom sighed and kissed her forehead.

" That's most you've said about yourself, since.." Edýia drawled and frowned, trying to remember what he'd said about himself.

Rom pulled her closer " Love the feel of your skin on mine. Please sleep naked." He chuckled, rubbing his nose on hers, playfully growling.

" You're changing the subject. Tell me more about your parents and Maya and the terrible things you did" Edýia playfully glared at him, and leaned in to rest her cheek on his chest.

Rom sighed " Some other time." Rom sucked a breath " This day has turned out better than I expected. And would like to keep it that way. What I have done is in the past and it should stay there. You" Rom squeezed his hand between them, placing his palm on her tummy " And this little bundle growing inside you" Rom grinned " Are my present and the future. One that I never dreamed to have" Rom lovingly said, leaning in to kiss her lips.

" Had I known that you were with child, that day " Rom closed his eyes, self-deprecating" I shouldn't have done that to you, regardless" Rom raked his hand through his hair, frustrated with himself.

Edýia pursed her lips, reaching to touch his face " As long as you never do it again. It is all forgiven but not forgotten. Not yet, anyway" Edýia emphatically said with furrowed eyebrows.

" I know" Rom sighed " I will try and wipe that ugly deed and maybe someday you will be able to forget what I have done." Rom sighed, trying to keep the self-loathing prick away. There was no more room for him, anymore. Three was doable, four was a crowd.

"We should eat something and then rest. You need a lot of rest. All day on your feet is not good for you." Rom lightly scolded, and pushed himself up leaving Edýia behind.

" Pelham said" Edýia stopped speaking when Rom looked over his shoulder, with a pointed look " That I can go about as usual " Edýia tipped her chin, not backing down.

Rom chuckled, sitting on the edge of the bed " That's my girl" He said with a tinge of disappointment in his tone.

Edýia giggled " You want me to challenge you?" Edýia asked the moment he returned with a tray of food.

" Eat" Rom placed the tray on the bed " Sometimes. I like it when you fight me. The fierceness in your eyes. You're feisty." Rom chuckled and sat on the bed next to her.

Edýia giggled " I can easily do that. Effortlessly." Edýia amusedly said, shuffling in the bed to make room for him.

Rom laughed, wholeheartedly " I know you can. And that's what I love most about you" Rom leaned in to kiss her lips " Now, eat" He added in a playful tone.

" Make me" Edýia mischievously challenged, making Rom's brows furrow.

Rom hummed and took the tray off the bed, with a very stoic expression. When he turned around, he looked at her with narrowed eyes and slowly crept onto the bed and stopped when she and he were nose to nose