Bad Blood

The loud ruckus outside finally subsided, and through the flap Eisza made her appearance covered in blood and by looks of it, none was hers.

" Dead?" Maya furrowed her brows, worried that Eisza's thirst for blood had gone a little too far. The volsa sniffed the laden air wafting with the heavy scent of blood and snarled. Eisza frowned but didn't say anything and slowly her gaze drifted to Haren, slumped on the floor, still very much out of it.

" None. Wounded" Eisza's brevity was a little troubling but she didn't speak much, anyway.

Eisza raised her sword pointing at Haren " Him." Her gesture dragged the old man out of his thoughts " You can keep him. We will take Dakran and be on our way" Eisza added, bitterness tinged her tone and expression. By the looks of it, there was a lot of animosity between her and Haren.

The old man scoffed " No, thank you. You can take the poor sod with you. Apart from drinking and fucking, he doesn't do much else. There is a reason why he is tied up and asleep" The old man stood up and knelt next to Nya when she moaned and opened her eyes. The poison hadn't had enough time to sink throughout her body.

It didn't take long for Haren to wake up as well and raised his head, angry as hell. But his mood soured further when his gaze fell on Eisza who stood, stoic with her gaze on him, grimacing in displeasure.

" You? Fuck!" Haren tugged on his ties, huffing.

Eisza scoffed " Welcome back" Eisza taunted, smirking " Pleased to see that somehow your sorry ass has survived" She carried on poking at Haren with her sword. The disdain that she held towards him was seeping through her tone.

" Oh, shut up, Eisza. I was just

hoping you would be dead by now. Gods, have no mercy by the looks of it." Haren smirked " Why are you even here? I thought I made it clear that I don't want you." Haren tugged some more at his binds, grunting " Untie me, old man." Haren barked when he couldn't free himself.

The old man chuckled " I don't think so" and turned his attention back onto Nya who seemed to come back to her senses.

Dakran kept repeating her name, it was getting louder and clearer. It was a sign, that slowly, he was returning to the waking world.

" You have made your choice." Eisza's eyes drifted towards Nya who hugged her belly " She is up the duff, isn't she? You chose her, and you will stay here with her and this lot. You aren't welcome on Whitsun land any longer. Not after what you did to Maya. Dakran will have your head on a spike for it. And you know it." Eisza waved her sword in the air, disgruntled.

Haren frowned, confused " What are you talking about? I did no such thing?" His tone was soft, trying to put order to his thoughts and events.

" You think Dakran is going to allow you to enter Ironstone after what you did" Eisza's gaze drifted towards Maya. She'd been quiet, her eyes on Dakran, patiently awaiting for him to wake from his slumber.

" What isn't he waking up?" Maya softly asked with her eyes on the old man.

" We had to give him some more, he wasn't caving. It will take longer for him to wake" The old man sounded truthful. He pulled Nya up and placed her on the bed in the hut, helping her to lie down.

Maya frowned, nodded and returned to keep watch over Dakran.

" What did I do?" Haren finally asked after a few moments of silence. It was obvious that he was oblivious to his past deeds.

Eisza scoffed, mocking " You, piece of shit" Eisza barked, disgruntled " What you always do. You're fucking disgusting. You can't keep that cock of yours in your pants. You " Eisza huffed, and stopped herself from saying more, irked to no end.

" I like to live my life. I might be dead tomorrow." He snorted, pleased with himself and the way he lived to live his life.

" By beating and trying to force women to sleep with you" Eisza mocked, her gaze fell on Maya.

" I never did anything of the sort. You're just angry that I've fucked every woman in sight, but not you" Haren mockingly chuckled.

" What makes you think that I want you to fuck me?" Eisza smirked, mocking Haren.

" Well, you showed up on our wedding day, for one. I didn't. I told you from the very beginning that I have no intention of being tied down. And yet you agreed with everything that our parents planned. That's how I know." Haren smirked, pridefully.

" I loved my parents and out of respect, I agreed. Because I didn't want to break their heart. But you wouldn't know anything about that since you only care about yourself." Eisza huffed, beyond miffed with Haren's words.

" We were young Eisza," Haren said a little wistful and raised his eyes to look at her.

" And you were ugly as hell." Haren smirked " And fat. But I see that you were a late bloomer by the looks of it. I would fuck you, now. Just untie me and I'll show you what a man like me can do to you" Haren changed tactics. It was all about freeing himself but the exchange was more than entertaining.

" Maya" Dakran moaned, slowly opening his eyes, blinking a few times to chase away the fogginess in his vision.

" Maya?" Dakran pushed himself off the floor, a little confused " Maya?" He sat there wide-eyed, in disbelief. She had no clue what he was dreaming about, but she knew he was in it.