A Ghost From The Past

After riding far and wide to spread the news of the rise of a new ruler. In most villages, the news was received without much fuss, except for a handful who were shocked but eventually, they acquiesced and accepted the new reality. Many things were left unsaid. It was for the best. Iris frowned when Redkite came into view. The stench of charred corpses still lingered in the air but surprisingly people were walking in and out of the citadel. Iris spurred the horse, to reach her new home faster. She had no clue what was happening but she was determined to find out.

Pulling on the reins to bring the horse to a canter, Iris looked upon the carts filled with goods, and the people that, ambled freely through the citadel. Despite the dreary state, it was full of life. Evin had been successful in his endeavour. Her gaze fell upon the scrawny man that she'd bickered with many days back.

" Your Grace," Nyx bowed before her, and so did the people around him.

Iris nodded and tugged on the horse's reins to halt " Nyx" Iris jumped off the horse, surprised to see so many people within the citadel walls.

" I'm pleased to see you" Iris took a step forward to shake his hand.

" Likewise, your Grace. I'm glad to see that your endeavour has been fruitful " Nyx added with a smile.

Iris took a deep breath and glanced around the citadel, at the people who cleared up the remains and slowly began putting it back together.

" Us, people of the South we stand together. No matter what comes at us. Many, may not know but I know that the witch is finally gone. I can feel it. It's in the air," Nyx took a deep breath, inhaling the air around. Iris frowned, unaware of what Nyx knew but she didn't want to feed it. The witch was history.

" It's best to keep our eyes on what's to come. I'm grateful for you and all the people that have come together to rebuild this place. I'm hopeful that we will rebuild better and stronger than before. " Iris added with a smile and tugged on the horse reins to follow her through the citadel.

" There was a boy here when I arrived. His name was Evin. Has he returned?" Iris asked as she scoured the citadel grounds with her eyes for the gangling boy.

Nyx frowned " No, not yet but a man is waiting for you in the throne hall. He'd arrived at the break of dawn. " Nyx added a little worried, as he followed her.

" A man? What man?" Iris quirked her brows, questioning Nyx not just with words but with her eyes as well.

" He says he comes from the North, your Grace. Nothing else was said. Burly, brownish hair, very rude," Nyx added with a scowl, as his gaze drifted towards the entrance of the castle.

The sound of hoofs hitting the ground at a frightening speed, made Iris halt her steps and turn around, only to see Evin galloping through holes in the walls while people ran out of his way.

Evin tugged on the reins, abruptly halting the horse, huffing as if he'd been the one running, not the horse.

" What is it?' Iris asked, meeting him halfway, seeing the boy flushed red, flustered, and all bothered.

Evin gulped and pulled a missive out of his tunic and placed it in her hand " I've reached the border with Oros. " Evin huffed out of breath " One of the guards stationed at the border gave me this. He was getting ready to come this way. They are asking for aid." Evin blew out a breath and pulled his flask from the bag.

Iris exhaled " We cannot do any of that, Evin. We are not strong enough to keep ourselves alive. The North is in shambles. We have fared a little better but not by much. We do not have enough able-bodied people to send to their aid. I will send a missive at first light. Go and rest. Thank you," Iris tucked the missive in her robe and turned to Nyx who seemed worried.

Evin nodded and turned on his heels to take his leave. They've been away for quite some time now. She needed proper sleep on a bed. She'd slept far too many nights on the cold, damp ground.

" You did well, Evin," Iris said her final words to the boy before he went out of earshot.

" Your Grace," Nyx licked his lips as he tied the horse to the post in front of the castle.

" Yes, Nyx" Iris halted her steps and turned to him. She was curious, about what Nyx had to say. Despite his crustiness, Nyx seemed like a wise old man, who had much to share and she needed all the help she could get.

" The king of Oros is a very dangerous man. With the missive, you should send a gift to appease him. He doesn't like to be told no. His missive wasn't a request " Nyx shared his thoughts on the matter, making her aware that The king of Oros wasn't someone to be toyed with.

" I see" Iris frowned " I will have to think of something to soothe his temper. If you have any thoughts, please do let me know. I'm not that well acquainted with the two ruthless Kings" Iris sighed when Nyx nodded and fell deep in thought wearing a deep frown. Iris turned to greet the man that had been waiting for her since dawn leaving Nyx with his thoughts. She was sure that whatever he will advise it would be for the best.

Taking a deep breath, Iris pushed the doors to the throne hall and halted when her eyes fell on none other than the man she loathed most.

" You " Iris hissed through gritted teeth, scowling, making Corvin turn on his heels wearing a matching expression.