Life As We Know It

After many days, spent wrapped in the sheets, buried between Maya's legs like he'd always wanted. Dakran opened his eyes and gazed upon his beautiful wife who had made a habit of sleeping sprawled on top of him, naked.

Dakran lightly kissed her hair, and grinned, content, happy. The life he'd always dreamed to have was unfolding before his eyes. The seasons were finally changing and they began rebuilding. The skies weren't completely clear but each day more light seeped through. It was more than enough, more than he'd hoped for.

Maya softly moaned in her sleep and patted his chest with her hand until she reached his face.

" I know you are awake," Maya grumbled half asleep, and raised her head to kiss his lips.

" I can hear your heart beating faster," She added yawning, unwilling to move just yet.

Dakran chuckled " Is that why you've been using me as a bed?" Dakran amusedly asked, brushing the stray lock of her face.

" No" Maya grumbled " I need to make sure you're not leaving again," Maya placed her hand over his, intertwining her fingers with his. Her soulful spirit, always worrying that if he left. He might never return. After what happened with Akema and Nya, she had made clear that he was not leaving Irostone until they confirmed whether Akema was truthful.

" I won't. I have no reason to..." Dakran sighed and rolled onto his side with Maya in tow. He wanted to have a better look at her. To see her bright green eyes, gazing into his.

" I know you want to. You're restless." Maya added with a pout, reproachful.

" I won't for now. We have plenty on our hands here. I will deal with Karisse when everything is in place. So stop worrying and kiss me" Dakran chuckled, brushing his lips on hers.

Maya pursed her lips, distrustful " I can't lose. you. So please for my sake and Ellis's don't leave." Maya pleaded, pulling out the card that she knew would keep him grounded to Ironstone. The boy they've welcomed into their family.

Dakran sighed, resigned " Alright. I will be good. For your sake and Ellis's." Dakran grinned, gently caressing her appetising curves and pulled her in his arms.

" Ellis will wake soon. So, I think we should stop wasting precious time." Dakran rolled on top of her, placing himself between her legs.

Dakran leaned in locking lips with her, moaning, grinding his length on her folds. Under his touch, every burning desire came to life, coursing through her veins. Under his touch all reason faded, lost its meaning. All she wanted was to be one with him. For him to take her and make her his over and over again.

Maya bowed under him when he pushed himself to the hilt, calling his name, grasping at the pillows. She was a vision, and he couldn't get enough of her. They've rolled in the sheets countless times and each time he craved more of her.

Parted full lips, panting, lost in pleasure, Maya soared on the highs of pleasure with each of his thrusts. Locked between her legs, Dakran pushed himself on his knees, gripping at her hips, admiring the plump twins shaking, luscious curves tensing, with each wave of pleasure. Undeniably, he belonged to her, his cock wanted only her. Dakran didn't relent when off her lips a loud moan echoed through the chamber, and carried on moving his hips, faster, deeper. Driving her to new heights of pleasure. Dakran grunted, slowed his pace unwilling to let go, and lowered himself on his elbows to worship the twins. One with his mouth and the other with his hand. Maya whimpered under his touch, taking everything he had to give her.

"Dakran," Maya moaned, weaving her fingers through his hair, tugging on it pushing the twins into his face.

Dakran let go of her peak, and turned his attention onto her lips, capturing them in a fiery, unbridled kiss. Maya pushed her hips meeting his thrusts, demanding more.

The fiery little red wanted more, she always wanted more, greedy. Dakran picked his pace, and dove deeper and faster, making her writhe under him, her loud moans caught in the fervent kiss they shared.

Dakran grunted finding his release, and slowly dropped his pace, breaking the kiss, breathless. Maya was riding so high that she could bearly remember her name. Pleasurably spent, Dakran lowered his head to rest on her shoulder, grinning from ear to ear. It was early. There was still a full day ahead of them and much more of this. He found himself craving for her, more and more each day. He didn't know that it was even possible to want someone this much. And yet he did. And she did too. Dakran inwardly chuckled, his life had taken a surprising turn the day he'd met the fiery woman under him.

Maya licked her lips, gulping trying to soothe her dry throat. She was thirsty but she didn't want to move. Each time Dakran left her side, she found herself wanting to be close to him, to feel his touch. He'd become more than she'd thought any would be for her. He was more than just her husband. She trusted him, fully, even though she'd never told him that she did. One day, perhaps she will find the strength to share her deepest darkest desires and thoughts with him.