Treading On The Edge

Dread crept up into his gut the moment he opened his eyes. His eyes went straight to her; to her sleeping figure. Dawn was creeping in, as it did every day. For once, he kept his hands to himself and abstained from touching her. It was becoming a dangerous habit. It was increasingly difficult. Constantly wavering between keeping a distance between them and the ever-growing desire to be near her. It was tearing him apart.

Iris squirming, dragged him back to the present and wanted to finish his thoughts from the night before, but still couldn't decide which of the words he should use.

He'd stopped asking her to undress herself before him, mostly because it was getting harder each day to reign in the urge to grab her and make love to her. He internally chuckled at his own thoughts. Make love, he'd never thought he'd use those words. He'd heard others use it. He'd heard Dakran speak of it when he spoke about Maya. But he'd never seen or thought about it that way.

Silence was all she had to offer, as she pushed herself up and leaned against the headboard, watching the sunrise.

" Does the dress fit," He heard himself asking and cleared his throat at the strangulation in his speech. Royally screwed.

" Yes," She quietly said," I'll send Maya a missive to thank her for the dresses," Nothing for him. He'd asked for the cursed dresses to be made.

" I'm sure she will appreciate it," He found himself saying, " Do you like them?" It was getting to him. The only time he'd cared about dresses was when he had to take them off.

" Yes," She hugged the covers to her chest, and the heaviness of his was cutting his air supply to his lungs.

Nodding, he took a much-needed breath," After breakfast will do some more sword training, " Her brows quirked up, surprised - worried possibly after what happened the day before.

" I hurt you," Her voice merely a whisper," You should wait until your shoulder is healed," She nibbled on her lips, and he remembered that his shoulder was aching. He was so preoccupied with her that he'd forgotten about it.

" It is just a graze. It will be alright," He ran his fingers over the wound, just to make sure that all things were in good order. She didn't argue and slipped out of the bed. He closed his eyes when she slipped out of the dressing gown, and all he could hear was the rustling sound of clothes. No peeking. No need. He'd memorised her, all of her. Every curve, her almost translucent skin, the way she pursed her lips when she was frustrated, the little wrinkle between her brows, whenever she was worried. The elegant flow of her pace, the way her eyes lit up when she was angry. The way she lit up when she was genuinely curious or happy. It was worse than he thought, initially. It all started because of that dream he had when Akema poisoned him.

Only when the maid knocked on the door, he opened his eyes, as Iris let her in, and greeted her in her usual manner, polite with restraint.

The maid went over how things were going in the citadel, and there were a few newcomers that had huddled up somewhere deep within the forest when the shikari attacked. A few families. A small tribe. Iris smiled, nodded and said that she would go a visit their abode in the afternoon. Evin had taken care of assisting them in finding homes within the citadel. Not a difficult task, since most homes were unoccupied.

" Care to join me," He nearly choked at her question. He wasn't sure where, but he had a feeling that it was to greet the newcomers.

" Of course," That was not what he wanted to say, but now it was done and dusted. She nodded with a contained smile and reprised eating her breakfast.

" Where?" Sod it.

Her surprised reaction was enough to gather that he'd asked an utterly useless, pointless question.

" To speak with the newly arrived, " She confirmed his suspicions. Although it wouldn't take an extremely witty person to reach that conclusion.

" Sure," He slovenly said, and leaned back in his chair. His mind was elsewhere.

" Breathtakingly beautiful," He cleared his throat, " The dress," No, that wasn't right, " You wearing," No that wasn't right either. She swivelled in her seat trying to understand what the stammering fool next to her was trying to say.

" You looked breathtakingly beautiful," Almost right. His voice wavered but at least he'd managed to say something without insulting her in the process.

" Thank you," She whispered, and swivelled back to continue her meal. It was a humble thank you. No trace of pride or smugness in her expression.

Silence. And more silence. He hated the silence between them. He hated that she could sit and say absolutely nothing to him.

A silent prayer to the gods above, perhaps they could untie her tongue. Even if it was just to spew venom at him.

Walking along each other they made their way towards the training grounds. It was an opportunity to speak with her, even if it was just to stir some annoyance within her.

Primed, she stood before him, tightly gripping the hilt of the sword, keenly watching him, while he rummaged through the depths of his mind trying to find something irksome, to rattle her spirit.

" You're doing well," He began, swivelling his sword. Her brows slightly quirked up," It has been two moons since I've arrived, " He took a deep breath," Two moons, and yet I haven't bedded you," A wicked grin spread on his lips," I believe the time has come to fulfil your duty as my slave," He finished as she straightened herself before him, and lowered her sword. That was the wrong thing to say. So wrong.

She glanced down and then up at him, and shrugged, " Alright. It doesn't matter. I already know, I won't remember it, anyway, " She smirked back, and that hit him straight in the groin. But he'd said worse things to her.

He chuckled, nodded, and swivelled his sword once more," Oh, I'll make sure, you'll remember this time around. Just try me," An invitation, not just thrown out words meant to grate her nerves.

" I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you, " She said as she charged towards him with measured steps, watching his moves this time around, vigilant.

The blow was parried, but was followed by a swift blow to his gut with the hilt of her sword. She didn't linger and continued close combat, and he quickly discovered, that she was very apt at, more than swinging a blade.