Questionable Motives

Skillful or not, she still didn't stand a chance against him, but the training allowed her to spill her frustration and anger. Her blows didn't make much of a dent, and mostly what she managed to draw out of him were grunts and stifled chuckles. When she raised her blade to strike him with the hilt of the sword, he gripped her wrist and smirked. He'd forgone his sword and merely toyed with her.

Leaning in, with his eyes on her, smiling. He inhaled, taking in her fresh scent. She lightly tugged, to pull back, but it was met with a tightening grip around her wrist.

A light brush over her lips, followed by a low hum of approval, as the corner of his tugged, " Again," He whispered against her lips, and pulled away releasing her wrist.

A little confused, she took a step back but nodded, and raised her sword, keenly observing him.

" Pick up your sword," She said as she circled him, waiting for the right moment to strike.

Nodding, Corvin lowered himself to pick up his sword, taking his eyes off her for a fraction, and the thudding sound of footsteps approaching, was far too fast, before he felt the tip of her sword, graze his back as he stood up to parry the strike.

It was deeper than the one on his chest. She landed with a loud thud, with her back to him. She knew she landed the blow. Blood leeched down his back, and he wondered how many scars it would take before, she would open for him.

Panting she slowly turned around, raised her eyes to meet his, and smirked at him.

" Training is over," She dropped the blade, turned on her heels, and sauntered out of the training grounds before he had a chance to say anything.

The swordmaster, leaning against one of the pillars of the armoury, smirked, chewing on a toothpick. An old man, old enough to have seen many things in his lifetime.

" There are other ways, you know," He began, and stepped aside following him inside the armoury, " I find what you're doing unnecessary and suicidal. One wrong move, and she will put a blade in your gut," The swordmaster amusedly said, as he placed the blade back on the shelf.

Corvin closed his eyes. Perhaps, there were other ways, but he didn't know them. And most certainly he didn't want to go through romancing lessons.

" I will consider it," Was all he had to say to the man as he ambled his way out of the shack, to return to their chamber. The wound needed to be looked at along with the other two. The one on his chest began bleeding again. He grunted in frustration when he felt the blood-soaked bandage and his tunic cling to him.

She was already waiting to clean his wound when he stepped inside the chamber, clutching a wet cloth with trembling hands.

" Sit. I need to clean the wounds," He gladly obliged, sat on the bed with his back to her, and tugged on the ripped tunic to undress himself.

" It's deeper than the other one," She hummed, " If I didn't know any better," She paused, when he winced," I'm starting to think that you're letting me hurt you," He closed his eyes, and exhaled.

" No more training until your wounds are healed. Turn around," She firmly commanded, and he turned to face her as she peeled the blood-soaked bandage off his chest.

She raised her head to gather his reaction, at her words. Raising his hand to swipe a lock of hair stuck to her sweaty forehead, he leaned in, brushing his lips over hers. She didn't shrink at his touch, perhaps surprised at the gesture. Another brush, a little more daring this time around, his tongue licked her bottom lip, tasting the saltiness of her sweat. She remained still, frozen. He'd closed his eyes to spare himself from seeing the seething anger in her eyes, at his gesture. Her hands slipped off his chest, tracing his abdomen, all the way to his waist, and rested on his thigh.

He pressed on and cupped her face. It was all or nothing. She didn't reciprocate the kiss but didn't reject him either. So he had to a lot of warming up to do before she would return the kiss.

A whisper of his name escaped her lips when he pulled away and opened his eyes. Her lips set in a thin line, and she looked down at their joined hands on his thigh. He hadn't even realised that he'd done that. He hissed a breath, and lightly squeezed her hand covered with fading grazes, and small scabs.

When he looked up, her breath hitched. Afraid that he would try and bed her right then and there. He never had that intention. He didn't want to commit the same mistake again.

He cleared his throat, trying to find something to say, but once more he found himself with nothing to say.

He sucked on his teeth for a moment, " Sometimes it's easier when the burden is shared. Sometimes, it is good to let someone else carry the burden for you. To give yourself time, to realign yourself, so you can keep going. Sometimes you have to be cruel, to be kind. I hope I did that for you, " He nodded at his own words and turned to face the door, propping his elbows on his knees.

" You took the choice away from me," She whispered. An accusation or realisation, possibly.

" I did because that was what you needed. A moment to find it within you, to find the strength to keep on going. You said to me that when you were done putting the south together to come, find you and sever your head, " He took a deep breath, " One last thing before, you'd move on to the great beyond. Beyond this plane of existence. Before you'd see your deeds come to fruition. I'm not going to apologise for what I did, albeit a little aberrant," He raised his eyes to the ceiling. and sighed.

" A little? I know I've said this before but you're insane," She said, a little outraged. He'd expected far worse of a reaction, considering the circumstances.