Sweeten The Deal

They day flowed rather easily after that, as Maya, Edýia and Eisza roped her in to spend time with them, as they watched the children prance about the village, laughing and playing.

Leigh on the other hand, clung to May's like thistle on fur. Holding hands with her grinning ear to ear, angelic behaviour.

Dakran's eyes flitted to their joined hands, on occasions and glared at the little boy. Determined to win Maya's heart. Puppy love.

Edýia waddled with Rom not far away, as she neared her birth date. Her glow was undeniably blinding. A true vessel for the goddess herself.

Rom seemed at ease. Although it seemed that the brother and sister had made the harsh North their home.

Corvin leered from afar, and each time she noticed she couldn't help the shiver that ran along her spine.

Tonight, she dreaded and anxiously waited for the moment they would be alone in the same room.

" You seem lost," Maya noted with furrowed brows. She hadn't said a word in quite some time. For once, something else had captivated her attention.

" I'm alright," She took a deep breath when Corvin charmingly smiled and tipped his chin at her when Dakran's attention was captivated by something else.

" I'm just enjoying the festivities," She took a sip out of the proffered wine. A little distant, absent.

" Corvin," Maya gently nudged with her elbow, giving her a knowing smile.

" He is rough around the edges," Maya unclasped Leigh's hand who frowned at her, displeased at the loss of her touch, " Go play with the others," Maya urged, as Leigh reluctantly obeyed, and kept glancing over his shoulder as he walked away.

" He cares about you. More than he likes to show," Maya added as soon as she checked that no one was listening.

" He asked me, to teach him how to be gentle with a woman," Maya giggled, sipping on her wine, " I told him that it takes practice. And I'm not the right person to practice with," Yes, Corvin had mentioned speaking with her about it, and why he behaved so strangely. So out of character.

" He spent the night in my chamber," She found herself saying, and Maya's brows quirked up in surprise, wide-eyed, as her gaze flitted to Corvin briefly.

" No, no...Nothing happened," Sort of speaking. Not entirely true.

Maya giggled, " You have a right to be happy. I didn't know Ian that well, but he was kind at heart. So, I would like to believe that he would've wanted you to be happy..." She sighed and focused her sight on the children who danced to the music not far from where they were.

" If you can...allow yourself at least a chance at happiness," Maya added with a faraway look in her eyes.

" Sylus," She snapped out of her daze at the mention of her betrothed, " He died, defending you. How did you move past it?" She needed to know, how to distinguish between what she felt for Ian and what she felt for Corvin. They were different. Wildly different.

" Ian was your first love, just as Sylus was mine," Maya sighed, wistful, " I will never forget him, nor should you forget Ian. He was part of you at some point. He still is, but Dakran is different, so so alike and so unlike Sylus in some ways... He loves me, and I love him more than I thought that it was possible to love another," She sucked a breath through clenched teeth, " Corvin is nothing like Ian and maybe that is a good thing. You won't know until you try," She finished her thoughts with a crooked grin as she threw a glance in Corvin's direction.

" I don't know, " Iris sighed, sagging her shoulders while Corvin stalked his way to where they were.

" Afternoon ladies, " He reverently bowed, with a coy smile, " Mind if I join you for a little while," Well behaved, so we'll behave. Disturbingly so.

" Of course," Maya shuffled to the end of the bench as he took a seat between them, placing one hand between their hips on the bench. She felt his warmth seep through the fabric, a scorching heat seared that little patch of skin on her hip. The thrum of her heart got louder, it was slow but loud. As if her heart needed longer to find the strength to pump in her chest. A flurry of emotions bloomed and scattered very much like snowflakes falling atop of hot stove. She melted from the inside out.

" It's a lovely day," He hummed, soaking up the mild sunrays. His fingers, lightly brushed against her thigh, spurring the heat within to spread faster, as her heart picked up the pace, aggressively beating. All her senses were trained on those restless fingers of his. Stirring the bundle of heat in her belly.

" It is Corvin. I don't think you're here to speak about the weather," Maya teased as she sipped on wine, watching Corvin from the corner of her eye. Squaring her shoulders, she found enough strength to ease her internal qualms when he brought his hand to his lap. A silent breath of relief was needed, to settle her beating heart. Composure was regained when he turned his attention to Maya.

" You're right, I'm not. I was merely curious what you two were speaking of," Corvin crooned, casually as he raised his head and smirked at her. He already knew what they were speaking, him, sly bastard. His hearing could easily distinguish among the cacophony of sounds around them.

" Womanly matters. None that you have any interest in...Isn't that so," There was a tinge of amusement in Maya's tone, as she hid the grin behind her glass of wine.

Corvin hummed, bobbing his head, " I'm considering joining the healers. Tell me what aches you have," Corvin teased back, making Maya giggle and slap his shoulder. His little games were never-ending headaches.

" I've taken a certain interest in medicinal plants that the healers use. I'm a hard study," He added when Maya mockingly hummed and leaned in her seat watching him with a wicked eye. She saw through him, just like you see through a flimsy gauze.

" He has. He is earnestly my best student," Maya licked her lips, and giggled, when Corvin nodded, proudly wearing his arrogance with a mighty prideful grin.

" He is competing with children after all," Iris chimed in, making his smile slip, and clear his throat. That should knock him off his pedestal, even if it is just for a short moment.

" True," Maya raised her glass, at her retort while Corvin shuffled in his seat, miffed. He wasn't pleased with the little jab, and for once she felt comfortable being around him.

" I think, I should go back. Girls are mean," He sullenly grumbled as he pushed himself, and smirked at her over his shoulders.

" Then don't come and play with us," Maya giggled as she watched him saunter over back to the men's table.

" I find him endearing," Maya said in all seriousness, " He is trying to make the best out of a bad situation, " The amusement vanished, as she shuffled in her seat to face her, " Give him a chance. He might surprise you," She pushed the plate of food between them when Rom and Edýia began approaching.

" Enjoy while you can," It was rather cryptic, and she didn't get a chance to ask more as Edýia slipped between them while Rom took his leave and headed to the other table where all the men were gathered.