
Cheerful and unabiding the celebration carried on in the same tone, as it began. Evening approached at a steady pace and they finally returned to Ironstone. Everyone took to their chambers and began preparing for the ball. Karrise would be in attendance.

According to Maya, he liked to make an entrance so most likely, he would arrive late. He was the king, after all.

Corvin made himself scarce, attending to other matters in Ironstone. Or perhaps, Dakran had cautioned him once more about approaching her. Regardless, it didn't matter.

Standing in front of the mirror, Iris glanced at herself in the mirror. Doning the rather revealing dress, made her uneasy in her skin. The little chains with two snake heads biting at the hem of the cleave between her breasts were the most captivating. The little emeralds that replaced their eyes caught the light as she turned around making them look almost alive. The dress hugged her curves, quite snuggly and once again she pondered whether she should wear something less or better said more.

The knock on the door dragged her back to the present. No more time to ponder on the matter.

Corvin appeared before her wearing a silver tunic, matched with black trousers but kept his combat boots, and the hunting knife that he never parted ways with, stuck out of his boot.

He looked ravishingly handsome, no doubt. There was no point in denying the sisters. His eyes raked the length of her, with a rather dazed look in his eyes. She relished in the feeling, for once he was speechless. If that was all it took to render him mute then she would happily walk around half-naked.

A prolonged silence stretched between them, as Corvin continued taking in every aspect of the body, as if memorising it.

Clearing his throat, he smoothened his tunic with both his hands, in an attempt to collect himself. To bring back a sense of self that he had lost, momentarily.

She wasn't far behind him, as she found herself unable to peel her eyes off those beautiful full lips, their curvature was rather mesmerising, resembling the shape of a heart.

Glazed brown eyes, settled on her lips, with long lashes fluttering each time he blinked. Deep, dark well-defined arched brows, that quirked up so aggressively when something troubled him, or he found something to his liking framed perfectly those smouldering brown eyes.

A nose that shot straight down his face, nestling between prominent plump cheekbones. He smiled, and the crescent dimple that showed itself only on one side of his face made a grand appearance. All of that in merely a fraction of a moment, as they observed each other intently, everything faded. The sisters spoke but didn't register. Not even one single lewd remark on his account.

" I have no words," He finally broke the silence as he lowered himself to one knee before her, stretching his hand for her to take.

Trembling, she raised her hand for him to take. She hadn't realised that she was shaking until she had seen her hand in his. His effect on her was chaotic, just like he was. Something she had never experienced with Ian. Her body reacted so differently to him, all that she felt was magnified. Tenfold compared to what she had felt with Ian. Straightforward love as opposed to maddening passion, or better-said lust. Hard to choose.

The feel of his lips on her skin ignited an ember within her that had been latent for a very long time. It awakened, so violently, lashing within her, creating a chain reaction. A dangerous one. She didn't particularly have a taste for that feeling.

" So you are speechless," She finally composed herself just enough to gloat. Small victories do count.

" Yes," He abashedly admitted as he stood before her in all his towering height. Wolfishly grinning at her, eyeing her as if she was his next meal.

" Good," She smirked, " Then I have succeeded where many have failed," He laughed wholeheartedly, throwing his head back as he offered his arm for her to take.

" I thought you weren't allowed near me," How come he was her

companion? How come he wasn't worried about being seen near her?

" Only to the top of the stairs. From there you will be on your own," He sullenly said with a sigh, and tipped his chin upwards gazing at the high ceiling of the corridor. It wasn't ideal.

" I'm afraid, I need another favour," He began as he slowed his steps to a halt and turned to face her, with furrowed brows.

" I need you to ask Dakran to let me come with you when the celebration ends. If I ask, he will say no but if you do... then there is a good chance he might loosen the leash that he'd placed around my neck," His gaze flitted all over, as he spoke, a little sheepish.

That opened a whole new door. Not ready for that. Not in the least.

" Uhmm..," A moment to think through before answering, " Corvin. I will need to think about it a little while longer," There were too many things at risk and her brain was already swimming in a soup of unsolvable problems. Adding him into it would create an endless string of possibilities. Which she wasn't prepared to face. If something went wrong. She was well and truly fucked. Both of them were. He acted on impulse.

" No need to rush. We have time," He crooned smirking as he leaned in and pressed his lips on her cheek. Soft, gentle.

" In the meantime, let's enjoy the ball. And with a little luck the king might arrive before the strike of midnight, " He amusedly added as unfolded his arm, and took a step back when voices seeped through, as they approached from one of the corridors.

A nod, as he began stalking his way to the stairs leaving her behind, and soon he disappeared as two couples that she hadn't seen before turned around the corner and appeared in her view.

Lightly bowing in greeting as they moved along, their eyes lingered on her form, a little curious as to why she was standing there alone, awkwardly.