
People enjoyed themselves, and at that small little fact, a different kind of relief washed over her at the knowledge that in spite of all the dread and the horror that they lived through, the people of Whitsun still found the strength to look past it. See life through a different lens. Life was far from returning to what it was, and most likely not many knew or remembered anymore how it was before everything began.

Dakran rose to his feet, raising his glass, " Welcome," His voice thundered in the hall, " This the first celebration in a very long time. Let this moment mark, a new beginning for our people, for the North, for Ironstone. At this moment, I never dreamed of living. I vow to you, along with my wife," Maya rose to her feet and bowed to the people around the table, " That we will do everything in our power to preserve and protect. A future that may seem so far away and unattainable. For a life worth, living. For those who had fallen, for those whose blood has been spilt, for our friends and the families that we have lost. Let's honour them with a life well lived. And be worthy of their sacrifice," The crowd cheered in agreement raising their glasses in unison. A heartfelt speech, that affected Dakran more than he liked to show as the light that danced in his eyes was pained, and sorrowful.

" To our Lord and Lady," One of the men cheered standing to his feet, and the others followed showing their loyalty to the Vamadar name, to the Ironstone seat.

Standing along with them, Iris raised her glass, and bowed to Dakran and Maya, " I'm at your service if you should ever need my help," The crowd silenced at her words, and nodded in her direction. Perhaps they knew more than she'd thought they did, but none of them let anything on.

" I appreciate your offer and candour, Iris," He didn't use any honorific, and it felt good to be regarded as one of his own. He never did, though he'd always been respectful towards them regardless of what situation they found themselves in.

More dancing ensued, after the meal along with a copious amount of drinking. Loud cheers, laughter and children's giggling filled the vast ballroom. A mixture of feelings bloomed, sadness, paired with loss, and a tinge of joy as she merely listened to them enjoying the celebration.

A hand appeared before her as she busied herself making a dove out of a napkin. His hand to be more exact.

" Would you grant me the honour and have this dance with me," There was a seductive note under that deep dark soft voice. She raised her eyes to meet his, and she was graced with a devastating coy smile. It seems that the after-effect of her little brawl with Haren had been washed away with plenty of wine.

" Of course. It would be my pleasure," She placed her hand into his and that was sufficient to send her senses spiralling. Ah, the agony, sweet delicious agony. Of realising, after a vicious battle with herself that indeed he had been right all along. She didn't know when it happened or how. Sweet denial had been a comfortable home, for so long that she had missed the moment she fell.

The feel of his hand splayed on her lower back dragged her back to the ballroom. To the soft notes of the music, to him, close enough to feel his muscles twitch under his tunic and burning warmth radiating from him. The feel of his warm breath gliding on her neck, the way his fingers wrapped around her hand, the calloused hand splayed on her lower back, lightly grazed her skin, and with each sharp turn, he tensed against her, just as she did. Each sharp breath he took, matched her own sending her senses spiralling, in absolute delicious disarray.

Cheek to cheek, she lost herself in the softness of his embrace. Each breath he took, and released rippled across her skin, gently stroking each hair that stood on its end. Guided by him, they swayed in the great hall as if they were the only two people in that room. She didn't dare to say anything further, not that she didn't want to but it was hard to pick and choose what to say. Where to even begin? Maybe an admission would be a decent thing to do.

In that moment, it seemed counterintuitive to do so. To admit that he had been right all along.

An image of him gloating, and rejoicing popped into her head. And that all alone sufficed to deter her from doing so. To give him the satisfaction.

" How are you feeling?" He broke the silence, and the intrusive thoughts retreated. Perhaps having the sisters cackle, and jest in her ears was better than her being alone with her thoughts.

" I'm alright. You?" She threw back the question, as the music slowly died down and the dance had come to an end.

" Better, now. Everyone will start retreating soon. The king hasn't arrived just yet..," The heavy sound of footsteps stomping the floor, caught their attention as everyone turned around waiting to see who or what caused the ruckus. Blades appeared out of nowhere, and battle positions were taken.

The sisters made their presence known, once more as they hummed in her ears, pleased. A shiver ran down her spine at the familiar sound. It couldn't be, perhaps they were being hopeful. And that was all there was to it.

Maras was the first one to appear through the large doors, with one hand over his chest and the other one folded behind his back, wearing a solemn expression.

Blades were dropped and everyone assumed their position on either side of the ballroom as a head full of curly brown hair appeared through the door, wearing a rather bored and yet somewhat disgruntled expression. The crown perched on his hand was indicative of his identity. King Karrise, strutted in the room as everyone assumed the same position as Maras. One hand folded over their chest and the other one behind their back, and bowed to the king as he stopped in the middle of the room, in front of Maya and Dakran.

" Welcome, Your Majesty," Dakran bowed, and Maya curtsied before him. For whatever reason, it was lost on her. He'd refused to send aid when they needed the most. A selfish king. Not that there was a different kind in the Seven Seas by the looks of it.

" Whatever," He dismissively waved his hand at Dakran," Take me to my chambers," He casually said with a tinge of mockery in his tone. The middle-aged woman, clinging to his arm sighed, and wiped her hand on one of her maidservants after she accidentally touched the backrest of one of the stray chairs.

" I hope they are clean," She piped in, rather squeamish, grimacing in disgust as her eyes flitted around the room.

Fantastic. This should be good.