Birds Of A Feather

Without sparing another glance to his subjects, Karrise followed Dakran and Maya as they led the way out of the ballroom with their nose up in the air. As if the one they were breathing was beneath them. The rest of the court followed, roughly in the same manner. Being there was beneath them as if they dirtied themselves just because they were in the same room with his subjects.

" Oh, bother," Corvin sighed as he watched the entire travesty along with her, troubled. If his clouded expression was any indication, then this would end badly and bloody.

Slowly, but surely, everyone began dispersing, retreating for what was left of the night.

" Let's have some rest. Tomorrow would be trying," He sullenly said as he slipped his hand into hers. Dakran had left the room, so once again he was free of whatever bonds Dakran had leashed him on. A strange relationship. The power that Dakran held over him, was similar to the power she held over the sisters. Flimsy, fragile.

Corvin led the way as they, took a different route, one that didn't lead to the chamber she had been lodged in. To his chamber.

The corridor seemed endless, as they walked, the deeper they went, the darker the corridor got. Or perhaps, it was just her mind that seemed to focus on irrelevant details to keep herself from thinking of him, or how it would be to be with him. In a conscious state that is. Loudly thudding, her heart began beating in an erratic, out-of-sync song in her ears.

Heavily breathing, she felt every muscle in her body lock in place when he halted in front of a torrid wooden door, with heavy signs of wear. As it aged, the wood cracked, and warped in some places.

" These are my quarters. I lived here when Danika took me under her care. I was a little younger than Bivy when I met them," He pushed the door open, a little reluctant to let her in. As if, she would taint a sacred place. Tarnish was something that he held dear to his heart.

With heavy steps, she followed him into the room, as he finally let go of her hand.

" Make yourself comfortable," He said as he walked to a table next to the fire fireplace that lumbered, almost spent.

" Drink?" He asked over his shoulder as he poured himself a glass.

" Water. Thank you," She took a seat on the chaise that was bigger than usual. Designed to accommodate their lofty figures, no doubt.

The feel of the velvety smooth fabric, that shined in the dim light, allowed for the reality to sink in. She had agreed to follow him, she was there by her own will. She had decided to give him a chance.

The chaise dipping brought her back to him, as he took a seat and leaned half on, half off against the chaise, bending one knee between them. Sprawled very much like a cat soaking up the warmth of the sun, grinning, swirling the wine in his glass. He raked the entirety of her body from head to toe, with savage greed shining in his eyes, and tipped his glass to take a sip. His eyes stayed trained on her, watching the entire time, as if she would run. She would if she could. But she wouldn't make it very far, perhaps not even past the door. A hand stretched before her with the glass of water she'd asked for, and for a split moment, she considered whether to take it or not. As if taking the glass would complete the transaction and his claws would fully sink into her, with no escape. There was no escape, she doubted there ever was, a mere illusion that she had created to trick herself into believing that she had a choice. With Corvin, it rarely was a choice.

Taking the proffered glass from his hand, she abashedly smiled and took a sip trying to wash down the unease that crept over her.

" I'm not like him," He suddenly said as he gripped tightly on the stem of his wine glass, looking at the pale red glaze that the red liquid left behind, as sloshed in its glass confines. She didn't feel any different than the wine, lured and trapped. Cunning, he'd played his role well, a little too well.

" A brute," He carried on speaking. He was referring to Haren. There was truth in his words. He attached himself to her hips for three moons, watched her undress before him, and shared a bed but he'd never done more than kissing. Did she ever fight those lips? No recollection of doing such a thing.

" I've made mistakes. I'll admit that much. But there were no ill intentions. I would never hurt you....," He inhaled, deep, raking a hand through his tousled hair, " I...I wanted to help," The was a drop in his tone as he tried to justify himself. His actions.

" At least, I tried...," His eyes raised to meet hers. The deep brown, shined with too many things that she didn't recognise on him. He seemed troubled for some reason. Guilt, perhaps. No, that wasn't it.

" It's fine...," A deep breath, to steady her beating heart, " I can understand. Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind," She quoted his words, back to him. Tough love. That was all there was to it. He hadn't been mean with the purpose of hurting her, although it didn't justify all that he'd done. It did bring some relief, that his sanity was still intact. Somewhat, intact.

He nodded in agreement, smirking," You remembered. Even the trees, and all that lives under the skies need the elements to grow stronger," He amusedly said as he raised his glass to take a sip, before placing it on the floor.

" Come, lie with me. It has been a long day. Let's just be," He said as he lowered himself on the chaise stretching his legs until they reached her thighs. He seemed in his element, as he lazily, studied her with a prowling gaze.

Patiently he waited for her, to compose herself as he folded an arm behind his head, closed his eyes and hummed for whatever reason.

The invitation had been extended, several times in the past. But never in that endearing manner. Most times, it was forced and against her will.

A little out of sorts, she finally took his offer as she splayed herself on his lofty body. Warm, welcoming and his heart beat, soothing. The long day began taking his toll.

" I will be the shoulder to cry on," His deep voice rumbled in his chest, " I will be there to dust you off when you fall. I will bathe in the blood of those who dare to hurt you. Accept that we are birds of a feather and we belong to each other. Stop fighting it," He raised his arm and placed it on her back, slowly, gently.

Raising her head, her gaze trailed from his lips to his eyes. He was being serious. He meant every word he said. It was from the heart.

And hers squeezed so tightly that it fought against its nature and stopped beating at the searing passion that lingered in his eyes.

" Corvin," His brows pulled together, tightly. He was expecting a refusal.

" Before you say no, think about it. I know that....he is your husband and you love him. But he is not here, I am. And I want a life with you," He carried on his ardent speech, as placed his fingers under her chin tilting her head further back.

" Why? You don't need me, " Her being in his life would complicated matters further for him.

" No, I don't. Because needing someone, means that they can do something for you. They serve a purpose. And you are above that...above all else. I dot need you but I want you in my life. You are meant for me. I'm merely pissed that he got to you before I did," He grumbled, and pressed his forehead on hers, crookedly smiling. A tinge of regret flashed on his expression, before closing his eyes and lowering his head back down on the chaise.