
"Aren't you afraid?" A deep breath, " Afraid of me. Afraid that I might kill you. Or fall by the whimsical hands of the sisters?" His grin widened for some odd reason. She was afraid of herself after seeing the sisters at work. Their powers grew, each time she unleashed them upon those who she deemed worthy of their punishment.

" I'm carefully optimistic about my odds of surviving you. And in the end, if you do kill me. I'll think of it as poetic. Felled by his lover," He smirked, arrogance radiated from him with such overwhelming intensity, that she felt it herself.

He dramatically sighed, " I can already see all the women of the North weeping in the wake of my death. That they won't have a chance to lay their hands on this amazing body," He inwardly chuckled when the frown on her forehead deepened further.

" You are terrible," She amusedly said as she lowered her head back on his chest.

A drawn out deep breath, " I am. And we could be terrible together. What do you say?" He kissed the crown of her head and stilled his hand on her lower back.

" Yes," Came the unwavering answer, at his request. Which was met with a shaky sigh of relief.

" Sleep now," He planted another kiss on the crown of her head and reached for the wine glass on the floor.

" Are you not going to sleep?" She grumbled unable to fight off sleep that crept in rather suddenly. Perhaps, her soul had found a sliver of peace, now she had stopped battling herself.

" I will. I just...this deserves a little celebration after all. It has been hard work wearing you out. I had mules put up less of a fight. All I had to do was give them a carrot. I had to give you the entire fucking field to follow me," He chuckled to himself as she felt herself drift further and further to the sound of his light-hearted chuckles and the deep timbre of his voice.

Maybe the sisters had something to do with her falling asleep so peacefully and suddenly. Hard to tell.

Waking up next to his sleeping form, was a different experience than she'd remembered. A memory of the dread that she'd experienced each time she woke up and he was there. Always there. The amount of times she'd wished that he would just go, and never come back. And now, she closed her eyes as she unclasped her hand out of his tight grip.

He groaned and fluttered his eyes open, pinched the bridge of his nose and rubbed his eyes. The little sliver of light that trickled through the gap between the curtain fell right on his bulging groin made him smile.

" I told you," He rasped, in a croaky voice," Coveted in all the kingdoms, " He pointed at his crotch, " Not even the sun can stay away from me," He amusedly said as he dropped his head back on the pillow and pulled her back into his arms.

" How did you sleep?" He asked, nudging her head back with his nose, and pinched her chin. Those deep brown eyes searched her features, as his finger traced her jaw.

" Better than I have in a long while," It was the truth. Leaning in, he hummed against her lips and deeply locked lips with her as he rolled her on her back.

Placing himself between her legs, he pulled one knee up, as his hand trailed gently on her thigh riding her dress up.

He gently squeezed her love handles, as he pulled away from the kiss, " I love these," He murmured against her lips, and his hand began trailing further up, " And these," He nipped at her lips, and his hand stroked over her breast under the dress, rubbing her hard peak in gentle circular motions, " I adore these. So much, " He breathed out the words, and rubbed his erection against her thigh, " And I will worship this with my dying breath, " He nudged her aching core with his cock, deeply peering into her eyes.

The rising heat felt unbearable, overpowering, a heady, dizzying feeling as everything began spinning out of control. Nothing like she'd ever felt before. Not that she had ever dared.

The feel of his lips trailing here, there and everywhere, had her little heart drumming faster, ready to burst out of her chest. She lost herself in him and embraced all that he'd done. There was no telling what he would do.

" I wanted to rip this off you since the moment I saw you wearing it," He seductively whispered in her ear, as the sound of fabric tearing filled her ears, and a satisfied chuckle rumbled in his chest. On any other day, she would have been appalled for destroying a perfectly good dress, but at that moment she could not care less.

His needy hands, trailed along her curves as his lips followed. On her neck, on her heavy breasts, on her tightly wound nipples, on her stomach.

Inhaling, he stopped when he reached her belly, letting his hands slide from her breasts to her hips.

Humming, he bit on the edge of her underwear and tugged. The flimsy fabric ripped at the sheer force of his tug, biting into her skin.

On fire, she felt on fire. She could feel the heat radiating from her seep into the bed beneath her, threatening to consume her alive.

A loud moan, reverberated through her entire being at the feel of his tongue, going over the entire length of her centre. Violently, the pleasure surged, and she felt herself ignite. Opening her eyes, she saw the flames curling up around her arms and around him, cocooning them.