Do You Remember Me?

Tantalisingly decadent. Every stroke of his tongue, every bite he gave her sent her senses into a frenzy of sensations, all at once. The tightly wound-up bundle in her belly, unfurled unleashing a spine-tingling wave of pleasure.

The searing heat enveloping them was all that trickled through her blissful daze. A lung-constricting gasp was released when he plunged deep, stretching her in ways that wouldn't be possible. Mercy wasn't in his nature, that was for sure. Rocking his hips he pulled out and slammed, digging deep, savagely grinning, hues of faint green enveloped them, and his sheer size stretched and filled her beyond imagination.

" Shhhh," He whispered when she whimpered and gripped his arm, nails digging into his flesh.

Slowly he peeled her hand away from his arm and laced his fingers with hers.

The victorious smile on his lips did nothing to help with the heat that surrounded them, and the flames that flared violently, lashing out.

Leaning in, he pressed his lips on hers and began rolling his hips, as his tongue ravaged her mouth, catching the painful moans in a lip-bruising kiss.

Whether it was the sisters or it was just him, the intensity of every sensation overwhelmed her senses. Not much registered other than the heat of the flames, and the pleasure coursing like magma each time he rocked his hips. A fulfilled promise, at last. Delightfully numb, she swam in the ocean of pleasure he'd thrown her in.

She lost touch with the realm of the living when another pleasurable painful wave crashed through, dragging her into a space that she didn't even know existed up until that point.

When she finally came to, she was snuggled within the confines of his arms, as he peered out the window at the sinking sun. She had been out for most of the day. Delicious pain throbbed between her legs. He'd made sure she would remember him this time around.

" How are you feeling?" He asked as he turned his head to look at her, keenly observing her.

" Tired," She admitted with a half smile. It was the kind of tiredness she wouldn't mind feeling every day. Relief washed over her in that moment, when there was no trace of guilt.

" I'm glad to hear it," He lovingly kissed her forehead, " I hope you remember this one," He hummed in mirth, as he pulled back to gauge her reaction.

" Some of it....but the pain is not easy to ignore," She smirked as let out a short chuckle.

" Oh, you'll know once you are going to stand up, " He warned, amused as he folded an arm behind his back.

" It's going to take a few tries before you'll be able to walk," He let out a satisfied sigh, " I made sure that you won't be able to walk straight for a few days," At the wicked grin that spread on his lips, she was inclined to believe him.

" It will take some getting used to," He pinched her chin and pressed his lips on hers.

" I don't remember feeling anything like it after," She took a steadying breath, " That night," His lips curled up in a deceptively sweet smile.

" I was drunk, it wasn't even half up when I shoved my cock in you the first time," He admitted with a sly grin.

Unfolding his arm, he gently slipped his hand from under her and pushed himself off the bed while the sisters hooted and whistled in her ears. They had been awfully silent. Perhaps quietly enjoying him, his company.

He returned to bed with a tray of food and water and placed it on the bed next to her.

" You should eat. I wouldn't want those love handles to fade away, " He said as tugged on a silken robe and draped it over his shoulders.

" Thank you, " She mumbled as she picked up the bread along with seasoned grilled meats. Pushing past the barking pain in between her legs, which slowly was making its presence known in her leg muscles as well.

" We will attend dinner shortly, " He sat on the edge of the bed as he watched her stuff her cheeks trying to settle her growing hunger.

" The king and his courtiers have been hauled up in their chambers all they long, but they will attend dinner," He took a deep breath when she raised her eyes to meet his gaze, at the concern in his tone.

" You don't sound ecstatic, " He shook his head no, and sighed.

" I don't know Karrise that well, but if his behaviour is any indication. He is here with a purpose. Because he wants something. Sala said that he brought the cavalry along with him. All seventy-five of them," His expressions clouded further, " Not necessary," He stated in a clipped tone.

" Perhaps he is worried about the monsters. A precaution, possibly," She tried to ease his worries.

" Maybe," He hummed, not convinced. Not entirely.

" Dakran is my friend and my lord. My loyalty to him stems from both. He'd always fought for his people as best as he could," His eyes fell on her hand that had paused long before he noticed.

He pushed himself off the bed and sauntered towards the dressing table. The sound of wood rubbing on wood and then a thud. Iron clashing against iron, as he fiddled with whatever he pulled out of the drawers. He paused there staring at them for a good while, before turning around and facing her, holding two Sai daggers in his hands.

" I need you to have these on you at all times. Even in bed," He said in a rather ominous tone as he sauntered towards the bed, wearing a grim expression.

" Why?" She felt the need to ask. Even in bed. That was a bit excessive.

" I need to know that when all fails, you'll still be able to defend yourself," He pulled out a box from under the bed, and placed it next to her tray of food.

" These go around your thighs," He pulled out two leather straps with heavy bronze buckles and placed them next to the daggers.

" At all times, Iris, " He emphatically said, with a deep frown and a heavy gaze on her. She felt inclined to believe that he knew more than he was telling her. She had secrets, everyone did. But that weighed heavily when things would get out of hand.

" What are you not telling me?" He only closed his eyes at her question, showing that she was right and indeed he was hiding something.