
Stupified, I stared at my laptop screen. How the fuck had someone traced me?

[Lucifer: nice work with Global Tech ;)]

Just what did it even mean? And who the hell was Lucifer? I've never heard of a hacker with that name in my world.

"I told you, this is a parallel world, don't trust your memories of your last life too much Host," System chided as I tried my utmost to try and find who this unknown sender was.

The chat pinged again.

[Lucifer: Up for some more chaos?]

Scrunching my face, I ignored it, continuing to figure out just who or at least where this person was.

It pinged again.

[Lucifer: Instead of chasing after me sweetheart, I have somebody for you to chase instead…]

Pensively, I stared at the screen, before making my decision.

[Eve: Depends on how much you're paying for me to chase?]

Leaning back in the bed, I reached for my coffee to take a long drink.

[Lucifer: You can break the bank, so long you don't break my heart]

I almost choked on the coffee as his words appeared.

"You alright?" Sam glanced over from her bed, where she lay playing a game with her phone.

"Yeah, just went down the wrong way," I mumbled setting the mug back onto the bedside table. She chuckled and nodded, returning to her game.

[Eve: Strictly business, no pleasure. Send me their details and a price. If I think it's worth my time, I'll be back in touch.]

"Isn't it time for your afternoon class?" Sam's head peeked up from the opposite side of the laptop. When had she gotten so close?

Glancing at the clock at the side, if I wasn't quick I'd be late for that professor's class again. I'd nipped in for a coffee break. Why pay for it at the cafe when I already have it in the dorm?

Groaning, I closed the laptop down and pushed Sam aside. "There'll be parcels coming later, accept them for me," I told her before leaving not bothering to wait for a response.

It was the least she could do since Fay had paid the room's entire rent for two months in a row now.

Sam was also having family problems, something along the lines of an arranged marriage. Only Sam liked girls. So they cut her off.

If she was useful, I suppose I could be her sugar mamma from now on...

"Fay?" Sophie, the little shy girl from yesterday, approached me as I entered the classroom with five minutes to spare. Thank the heavens Sam had reminded me.

"Hi," I put on my best fake smile and went to sit with her towards the front. Sophie was a bit of an overachiever, with top marks in the class. It was surprising to find the boys had made her be on the creative side with me, instead of programming.

Their loss, my gain. Sophie would be good to keep under my wing in the upcoming years I'd have to endure until I get this degree.

Though the idea of departing now was growing with each cold stare I gained from my new half-siblings.

Once the boring lecture ended, he let us have free time to work on the group project. The lecture hall bustled with activity as the students gathered in their assigned groups.

Sophie got up to move toward the boys but I pulled her back down. "It's not like they'll even talk to us," I muttered to her confused expression, then beckoned her to pass me her laptop to check what she had done overnight.

She put me to shame.

"They're seriously underestimating you," I grumbled, sneaking a peek into a folder where she'd already written the basic code for the layout she had envisioned.

Between us, we could have had this site up and ready for the contractor within a week or two...

Suddenly someone sat beside me, I turned, startled to see Ethan glaring at me.

"Yes?" I asked him.

He leaned real close, looking at Sophie's screen, his eyebrows raised, "this your work?"

"No, poor Soph been slaving away all night, you best look at it," I passed it to him, to which he took it eagerly. Once done he showed it to the two goons who had sat a row down.

Sophie gripped the hem of her knee-length dress, slightly red at the tip of her ears. I just wanted to pinch them, could she be any cuter?

Whilst the goons were reading and even taking notes from her work, Ethan leaned close again, "Soph?" He practically whispered into my ear, like an annoying fly buzzing.

I inched closer to Sophie, our hips connecting, "yes, Soph," I spat back then leaned against her, making her go even redder, "we're best buds now right?"

Sophie simply nodded her head, squeaking in confirmation.

Ethan scoffed, then pulled out his own laptop. Surprisingly, he was quite competent himself.

Remaining glued to Sophie, we completed the last of the class and I practically dragged Sophie away before Ethan could have a chance to talk to me.

Emily glared at me on my way out of the room, practically throwing daggers at my back.

"Are you okay Fay?" Sophie asked. Out of everyone in the class, she had only been the nice one to Fay in the past.

She likely felt a bit guarded by the sudden change in personality. The original Fay had been quiet and meek like her, giving up on the idea of making friends once the rumours had her down as the mistress' child.

The kids here were the best of the best or at least the richest. Fay had been such an idiot to believe that her half-siblings were going to attend the lesser university on the other side of the city.

"I'm better than ever," I smiled, this time genuinely, "I decided to just be myself now, no matter what I do they'll curse behind my back anyway."

Sophie nodded enthusiastically.

"Fay Lee," a stern, deep voice called out from behind us in the hallway. The students breaking free from the classroom couldn't help but stop and stare to get the gossip.

Ignoring the burly, middle-aged man, I looped arms with Sophie to drag her away from the drama. Noticing the little white lotus trying to pacify daddy dearest.

Unwilling to let me go, they followed me outside to the courtyard.

"Fay Lee you stop right now!" He shouted as he exited the doors. Both Emily and Ethan followed a few feet behind him.

"Are you talking to me?" I asked, quirking a brow.

"Who else?" He roared, inching closer until Emily grabbed at his arms with a pitiful pout.

"Daddy, be nice, Fay is not well right now, not after..." she trailed off, pursing her lips again.

This only angered him further until his entire face is red, "what do you think you're doing, sending me this," he shoved the paperwork my lawyer sent him yesterday into my face.

"You'll address me by my real name, Miss Blaine," I remained rooted to my spot, letting go of Sophie to rest my hands on my hips, "just sign the paperwork and be done with it, why make such a drama? Don't you care about your company's image, especially after..."

I couldn't help but tease him further, if I was lucky maybe I could enrage him into a heart attack. The stupid bastard did not deserve the air he breathed. I'd seen so many good people die, why did he deserve to live?

He, now conscious of the gathering crowd, lowered his voice, "I am your father, Fay, what wrong have I done to you? How could you do this to me? Think of your mother in heaven, how would she feel?"

I scoffed, angered at the thought of Fay's mother, who quit on life so early, leaving this poor thing to fend for herself against devils.

"What will it take for you to sign this?" I asked, cutting to the chase, also conscious that the crowd was only growing. Fuck all this drama. I just wanted a simple rich life, being served by beautiful men and women on my isolated tropical island.

"Come home for a family meal, we can discuss it then," satisfied I was finally listening, Mr. Lee Harumphed, his chest out like a strutting peacock.

"Fine," I grumbled, giving the worried Sophie a nod goodbye, to follow the strutting man back to his black limo.